VWSR S4: Virtual World Series by Renault (F3.5)

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I had a great qually but that was about my highlight tonight, I want to say well done to Jason , his consistency got him a well deserved top ten, I kept trying to chip away at his lead but I made too many silly mistakes and ruined my front left in the process of trying to hunt him down, good consistent driving mate :thumbsup: Thanks to Gijs and David for running a great Championship as well.
Had a mostly horrible last race in an otherwise nice intense season with some great battles throughout.
To seemingly make a point about how I hate the hotlap-qualifying, I had a horrendous q-lap which pretty much ended it there already. Coudn't see the racing line in s1 as it was white instead of black, so good bye braking-point and thank you HDR ;) + made a big error in the last turn to round it off :D

I tried my best throughout the time to let the gap not be too big, the balance of the car wasn't good enough over the distance and I coudn't quite close it enough to p3 before the pitstop.
I was still hoping to do something in the second stint, but the collision in the pits resulting in having to replace my frontwing ended it once and for all there for me.
I'm blaming this on my q-lap too, since Xavier was obviously not doing that intentionaly :)

With the time lost in the pits, there was suddenly also Ville there too.
He unfortunatly made it past me at some point, which wasn't really neccesary seeing that I could stay on his car until the end.
But atleast this battle was quite nice. Also the fact that I can stay with him on a track like this is quite encouraging for me, since I was usually a lap behind him in FSR :D

All in all a good season for me. I'm looking forward to another types of seasons like this in the future, but if it contains hotlap-qualy's I'll protest that :whistling:

Congratz and thanks to @Aleksi Kivelä and the other drivers and especially to the organizers to finally have a great season with full attendance and commitement to the very end. That was really long overdue here at RD :thumbsup:
Formula Renault 3.5 2014 League Managers Report

The season has been run and won. Time to make a report to try to trap any good things and define any possible improvements going forward.

Situation and background.
Rfactor 2 was growing steadily if not phenomenally within Race Department.

We had run a Virtual World Series by Renault in both Clios and the The Formula Renault 3.5 2010 car. The FR 3.5 season was a “problem season”.
Very high drop out. Started with appr 22 cars. Final 2 rounds had 7.The car was not popular and hard to manage for some.

The Formula Renault 3.5 2014 car was in the writers view much improved and both worthy of a league and importantly likely to spawn leagues in various communities. We wanted RD to be the place to race this new improved car.
So the league was proposed.


To have strong numbers each week (16-24).
To lower significantly the drop out rate from the previous leagues appalling 75% to a target of 25%.
To have a high standard at the front but also have a welcoming climate for all standards of clean racers.
To have a culture of “friendly on the track and off it”. Incl lobby and forum threads.
To have a league where becoming champion was something very special. Where a podium was prized. Where a top 10 result for an “average driver” was special.
To crown a worthy drivers champion.

Gijs van Eldren stepped forward and offered to run the “Back End” ie server, mods and technical resources etc. Gijs also became the joint manager in key decisions.
Once calendar created and dates cheked Daiman Patel offered to stand in for Gijs at Bahrain.

Tools and Processes.
Initially a poll was conducted seeking expressions of interest. It was envisioned that to run 24 cars we would need appr 30 initial signups.

Further polls were conducted on track selection from the list Gijs van Eldren produced and also race weekend format. These polls both helped decide the various choices and further stimulated interest and discussion in a possible league.

Race Format
It was decided amongst staff to run a short and sharp 6 rounds and to avoid FSR and VWEC clashes.
Also only best 5 of 6 to count thus allowing for bad luck, disconnections, real world clashes and thus prevent such issues ruling drivers out of a season result and potentially causing a departure.

The vote decided on a two race “weekend” of 45 and 30 mins. Reverse grid for race 2 for top 10 in race 1. Top 10 was decided on to reward getting into top 10 and avoid “developing drivers” getting swamped at the start.
As a fitting finale we ran a longer (90 min) final race for a full weekend points.

Points. Initially F1 style points format was proposed but when the grid grew to 24 we reverted to normal RD points system. Race 2 was 50% points.

In view of the desired standards and status of the league it was no assists other than auto clutch. And Parc Ferme to create the occasional challenges.

Super-pole was used to create excitement,and unpredictability creating the occasional charge from the back and to save time.

To help create a compelling “Constructors” as well as Drivers Championship we decided on a system of auto-paired team formation based on pace.
This required a couple of practice and rankings races thereafter teams were created by pairing
#1 with #24, #2 with #23 and so on.
It created an interesting dynamic within teams. Some with a clear #1 driver. Others down the list with closer pairings.
A drivers market was then opened up to allow mates to swap teams and drive with their planned team mate by paying a team fee* of the estimated points value difference between incoming and outgoing drivers.
*No impact on WDC just WCC points.
Below see a comparison of the estimated value and actual performance##.
This worked to keep a pairing of lesser ranked drivers in the WCC hunt and made it tougher for a pairing of #1 drivers to “walk away” with the WCC.

Practice and rankings races.
As well as facilitating the above these races served to;
Share our expectations of track and off track behaviour.
Let any early departures happen before the league proper.
A couple of such matters were dealt with and resulted in early departures.

League Manager
was implemented by Gijs. Once proven accurate the XL spreadsheet was retired.
This system of race results and points tabulation was excellent.

Management of poor driving.
Several penalties were applied. Most commonly used was a “no qualifying” and start at the back at the next round. One driver received this after several contacts in Bahrain. Following a further transgression at Suzuka he was given a 1 race ban. Several “no qualifying” penalties were applied after exceeding track limits at Suzuka qualifying.

Drivers were required to initially contact the transgressor and attempt to deal with it. Then come to stewards. One warning was issued after poor lobby behaviour. That driver left the league.

Marketing and Promotion
The option of advertising in the ISI forums was considered but once we had achieved a full grid was not implemented. It was preferred to grow organically within RD and from word of mouth than risk “flaky” signups.
Several drivers posted videos on Youtube.
We wrote and posted a “Newspaper” The Blown Diffuser” within RD. Once or twice it was presented as a featured article. Later editions were deemed not up to the standard for this honour.
A Club race was run on the Thursday before the league race to get new drivers involved.
This race featured 12-17 drivers each week and of itself was a success.
Through word of mouth we continued to get new drivers of a very high standard that met and exceeded any drop out.
We created home made physical trophies for WDC and WCC to increase the feeling of tangible success around the league.

The cars are all but undriveable in full wet conditions. However Gijs managed to push the envelope with Dusk qualifying at Bahrain and high race temps and a short rain spell at Sepang. These added a lot to the oddysey of the league journey. A similar wet spell was tested at the club race prior to the final but as it was a 60 mins race vs 45 it was a slightly longer wet spell and right on the limit. In a 90min race may have been a drama so was deleted for the finale.

Outcomes Quantitative
Race attendance was 22-24 drivers at every round.
Final round was 19 drivers but 2 more wanted to race so 21 is fair.
Drop out rate target was achieved at circa 25% (8 of 24).

Outcomes Qualitative
The return of the defending champion Dino Paolini was a big boost.
Several accomplished drivers arrived on the scene initially and later newly arrived drivers due to word of mouth. The standard of new arrivals met or exceeded that of departed drivers. Where possible we slotted them into WCC teams. We enjoyed the performances of several other very fast guys and the standard of the top 5-6 drivers was very high giving the rest a learning curve, target, and sense of purpose.
Overall standards were also high. A top 10 finish did mean something to capable mid pack drivers.
Even getting in the points was not assured.

The WDC was open till the final round with 3 drivers in a realistic place to win. If you won this league you did something special by beating some credentialled drivers.

Some teams embraced the WCC scenario with good teamwork. Such a dynamic created a mentoring and knowledge sharing on issues such as setups, strategy, skinning, driving. It also created new bonds amongst drivers.

Drop outs are enumerated above. Of the 8 or so droputs, 2-3 dropped out due to significant unpredictable and pressing real world events. 3-4 for more frivolous reasons.

This in my view is as good as it gets in such a league. People get upset, change their mind, get distracted, fail to plan. Its voluntary and its for fun and we will never please everyone.

Build 880 was a bit buggy and caused several drivers issues and much frustration at Monza. With 15 finishers we decided it would stand.
Some guidance was issued.
Further issues but not as many occurred at Sepang.
Strangely by Suzuka it was ok.

There was some complaints by a loud minority over track (version) selection at Spa. They were by no means well supported by the majority. It was considered not a broken track and in the view of many was better than the suggested version and stood. One driver left the league over the failure to get his favourite version used.

In the main the grid settled down to the job of racing as the season progressed and matured.

Conclusions and possible improvements
It is felt by the writer that we had a very successful season.

Qualitatively and quantitatively the set objectives were met.
The Club scene was strengthened synergistic-ally rather than weakened by the league.

New drivers arrived and raced.

The format seemed to work with race 2 spicing it up for the drivers outside the top 5-6.

Hopefully the foundations are laid for this league to be “a keeper” and form a key plank in RD RF2 schedule going forward.


We had several FSR drivers on the grid. We should investigate furthering possible synergies with FSR with such possibilities as...

Using more FSR tracks to facilitate practice and preparation.
FSR Feeder status? eg a guaranteed test with a top FSR team for the championship winner.
That is not to say its our core aim. They stay the same and maybe we rule these out as incompatible. But we should look into it.

Maybe a second or even 3rd “90 minute special” on popular and iconic tracks.

Further key decisions can be found here


## Did we get the driver valuations right for the team pairings?
Comparison of driver pre season points valuations used for driver market and the actual points scored.
A selection of drivers who completed 5 rounds.

Driver Points Value/actual final score.

Aleksi Kivela 115 /113
Dino Paolini 110/107
James Sadler 90/98
Nicolas Delamare 75/64
Tapio Rinneaho 70/41
James Bolton 35/27.5
Jason Skyring 35/13.5
Xavier Poirel 15/36
Martin Bulgin 15/17.5
David OReilly 15/28.5
It was my first season in this league and it was a great season. Thanks to @David O'Reilly and @Gijs van Elderen for organization, thanks to all participants there was a good level and finally congratulations to the champion @Aleksi Kivelä. :)

Mixed with my race tonight, I was consistent and competitive but i take a stop and go penalty 2 times because of this damn pit lane. :(

I apologize again to @Dino Paolini for the incident in the pits (My mother arrived at this moment and begins to talk to me :rolleyes: ) I didn't look before leaving my pitbox. :thumbsdown:

But Great Race !! Great Winner !! Great Champion !! Merry Christmas to everyone and a happy new year. See you next time :)
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David the drivers race report.
Looking at the WCC results I see that P11 today would have sealed the title:(

I made a slight change to the front dampers which put the car a bit more on the nose and gave me a better lap time but required that I be a bit more precise.
Before I went to pick up the family I did a couple of quick laps in practice and had mid 1:42 with race fuel.
Then my wheel did something strange. I was having to turn it round and round like a bus driver to get the car to turn. I madesome radical adjustments to in-game steering figures and the cars steering lock but it was awfull.
During warmup I exited and checked wheel properties. The wheel was not recognised . Restarted the PC and all was working. With 30 sec to race I put all the controller settings and setup I had changed back. I'm sure it was how I had it but I think my brain had totally reclibrated to a bus steering wheel.
It felt so sensitive that holding my tongue differently was impacting the turn radius.
I was sawing away at the wheel and lacking the very precision I needed (see above).

From P18 on the grid I was P11 on lap 4 but far from comfortable and started to make mistakes.
My cunning plan was to 2 stop and use the extra pace to stay with the leaders.

But I had fun. Had a bit o a derby with David Cook who is possibly going to avoid stategy advice from me for a while. I was the last runner but only 1 lap down in this 54 lap race so it was fun enough.

When do we start again???

David the organiser.
I wrote up a fairly business like report for the senior staff at RD sothey could understand what we all did here in a cracker season.
I want you all to be able to see it too so put a copy in notice board.

You all made it great.
The champions slugging it out for the title.
The guys like me who were thrilled with a top 10.
The teams that formed and helped each other.

It was everything I hoped it would be.
@Gijs van Elderen was brilliant too.

Thanks all and Merry Xmas.
A disappointing result but quite an eventful race. Over 90 minutes you might think people would be spread out and not much happening but it certainly wasn't the case for me.
I qualified with an okish time of 1:40.8 which was good for P8 since so many couldn't set quali times. It mostly went downhill from there though, but in a very eventful way. Knocked off track unceremoniously a few times and later suffering my own mistakes in dirty air. The dirty air was a real nightmare for me, especially exiting Becketts. Even when being cautious I could spin.
That inability to follow and pass cars in the turbulent air ruined my 2 stop strategy. It was faster for me in simulations but in a race situation I needed to pass people quickly to make it work and I just couldn't. And I stupidly gave myself a drivethru penalty when I accidentally released the pit speed limiter early. Meant to go for clutch but my feeble brain crossed wires. Finished P15 after an awful lot of racing.
Well done to Aleksi and @Wojciech Lukaszek and thanks to our organizers. I'd love to do more racing in this car.

More details about my race in the highlights video.
@David Cook
Nice video David.
I wondered why you entered pit lane again and guessed it was a drive thru. I thought at the time that the 2 stop plan did carry with it that litle extra risk factor of such an incident.
However I guess looking at Dino's pit lane contact and damage with a 1 stop the pit lane was probably busier.
Look like it was poss a 10 sec delay (a drive thru).

Personally I think it was my driving (yes small excuse with wheel issue) that stopped a 2 stop working for me.
At lap 4 I was P11 and just a few seconds from lead group (yes ok it was only lap 4) but I was rather than dropping off the pace, with the lower fuel load I was held up by the cars in front.
Italics now for fantasy scene.
In a perfect world one or two might have had little issues and if I had managed to do a clean run when I pitted it would have been from say P9 or 10 and just a sector down on leaders.
On rejoin I just needed to keep it clean and run my pace. Any other cars tyres would have been a bit ropey and some passes possible.
When the entire grid pitted at 1/2 dist I'm back in P9-10 and running at a good pace.
The 90 litre stop costs 52 sec (10 sec more than a 57 litre stop) so a small gain there. Maybe 1 place.

But I needed to deliver mid 1:42 sec and didnt do that either.
Its all lovely in theory and as it happened I was down the back after a few spins.
But doesnt stop me finding the strategy side interesting.
Maybe we need pit stops next season?
Are we using the same mod next season ?
I supose it will depend on what people want to do.
What do you think?

My thoughts so far are...
We need an open wheeler. This one created good racing. I would like to do something with the Formula ISI car sometime. We should also use IMO the ASR 1991 or 1992 cars which are epic.

So a plan needs to be hatched.
One option just thinking out loud would be to schedule an ASR 1991 or 1992 race the week before as a club race same track. Then the Formula Renault 3.5 as the league race.
So we would have had last week a 60 or 90 minute Club race in the ASR car. (which actually we did as it so happenend)
Then on Thurs this week the 60 min Club Race in this car.

Other things that might be nice would be
Pit stops in race 1.
a FISI (F1 car) race or two.

In short an open wheeler program to complement a tin top program.
If we had a nice and popular program for open wheelers we could say have 2-3 events at the one track over a fortnight then move to the next one.

We also have many more tracks now than when we began. Monaco etc etc.

I think the 6 race season is about right.
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Oh man ASR 92 would be great, A club race in the ISI Formula car would be good as I've never driven it, line the open wheelers up and I will be there and lets not forget Indycars.

PS lets not forget Davids favourite open wheeler "cough cough" Mak Corp's F3 mod :D
Mid week the race duration is an issue.
If we run quali and warmup we cant do a 90 min race.
Personally I would be as happy to drop Q and warmup and race with random grid at the usual quali time. This way we can run longer in the ASR 91-92 cars. IMO they just deserve it.
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