RD Le Mans Series Season 2 (rFactor)

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I would have to agree with you on that Ryan. I love Suzuka Its one of the best in the world, but no good for LMS racing. But here is one in my head that would be cool a really nice mix all sorts of turns all size's of straits its TwinRing Motge Its a super track is there a good for rFactor? I will have a look tonight and see how the cars go round it.
You misunderstand. You would still have your own skin, it would just be an "extra" skin for the car rather than a stand-alone car without extra skins. This was the way S1 was done but it has it's drawbacks as well (i.e. pitbox assignments).

I see!:)

And now that you mention Suzuka being narrow I guess you're right Ryan, it would be a bit harder to pass slower cars. But I can't help the feeling that the challenge gets lost the wider the tracks are...
i'm sorry, Mr. Dahlgren, but claiming this mod is perfect in every way is just nonsense.... nothing is perfect, least of all a mod like this, wich has no notice at all by the dev team that it is optimised (i.e. built) with online play in mind. Take a look at the results of the last four races and tell me the mod/game is perfect. Do you honestly think all those teams did something wrong during their driverswaps? Please... and what about the amount of CTDs/ games minimizing, people had during Le Mans?

A way to run the race in practice, if done properly (i wouldn't know, that sort of coding is beyond me) would probably be a good direction to go aswell.

I'm surprised nobody has responded about my suggestion to make the RDLMS cars signed up for S3 cmpletely standalone? To me this the first and most obvious issue in this whole thing, no mod i use for any event we host, gets put on the server without it beeing taken apart and build up again with online play in mind, so we know whats what.
With the amount of people we have on the server at any giving time, the smallest of issues gets multipled due to the amount of stress caused by the number of people, so to me it makes no sense at all to have an enormous amount of files wich can cause all sorts of issues that don't get used anyway... in GT2 for example there are 5 cars to choose from, yet only 2 cars where used, leaving the files needed to make 3 other cars work free to cause all sort of issues when they aren't even needed...

plus it seizes the confussion that the enduracers update path creates in one blow... all you need is a clean rfactor install + RDLMS mod and boom you are setup to race.
I'm surprised nobody has responded about my suggestion to make the RDLMS cars signed up for S3 cmpletely standalone?

I think it's a good idea *if* Simsync becomes a viable option. If Simsync is not available, I would still go with the skins being "true" skins which will eliminate mismatches at least from a vehicle standpoint. The stand-alone cars didn't seem to be able to address pitbox issues as hoped so I'm not sure it's worth the effort.
i'm sorry, Mr. Dahlgren, but claiming this mod is perfect in every way is just nonsense.... nothing is perfect, least of all a mod like this, wich has no notice at all by the dev team that it is optimised (i.e. built) with online play in mind. Take a look at the results of the last four races and tell me the mod/game is perfect. Do you honestly think all those teams did something wrong during their driverswaps? Please... and what about the amount of CTDs/ games minimizing, people had during Le Mans?

A way to run the race in practice, if done properly (i wouldn't know, that sort of coding is beyond me) would probably be a good direction to go aswell.

I'm surprised nobody has responded about my suggestion to make the RDLMS cars signed up for S3 cmpletely standalone? To me this the first and most obvious issue in this whole thing, no mod i use for any event we host, gets put on the server without it beeing taken apart and build up again with online play in mind, so we know whats what.
With the amount of people we have on the server at any giving time, the smallest of issues gets multipled due to the amount of stress caused by the number of people, so to me it makes no sense at all to have an enormous amount of files wich can cause all sorts of issues that don't get used anyway... in GT2 for example there are 5 cars to choose from, yet only 2 cars where used, leaving the files needed to make 3 other cars work free to cause all sort of issues when they aren't even needed...

plus it seizes the confussion that the enduracers update path creates in one blow... all you need is a clean rfactor install + RDLMS mod and boom you are setup to race.

Davy Every league or event you do you seem to find some thing to moan about You did the same thing in my GTR2 events after 1 race you wanted it to be this and that. Stop going on about how you do things on your site know one on RD really cares what you do. Rd has done an awesome job with this league yes theer are things that need sortting and thats the point of members having there say and as for discos its down to rFactor not the mod The mod team have worked with Rd for a long time before you was even a member here to make the mod as good as it is.

Mr. Dahlgren has said what he feels about the league, like we all have its not a debate its here so Rd staff can look at what is said and go away and look at what can and cant be done.

If you don't like it then tuff we all don't like the same thing its not for you to say he is wrong
erm, excuse me Wayne, but

1. I recall events in the GTR2 section a little different, i offered you some help maybe creating events for GTR2, and was put on the spot to become staff, wich i had no interest in, and then every suggestion i made to liven things up was shot down by you, after wich you threw in the towel... but anyways, thats neither here or there, and off topic here

2. I don't have a "site" where i do thing my way, wich is again irrelevant, feedback was asked in this here topic, so there, i'm discussion a possible direction to go in to try and get more teams beeing able to finish a race. Why do you feel attacked by that?

3. Why do you eqaute saying that the mod isn't perfect to RD staff is not doing a good job? I surely didn't say that, i think RD Staff did a great job considering the undertaking. Agains, why do you feel attacked by that?

4. Mr Dalhgren voiced his opinion, i voiced mine, there is no right or wrong in this matter, so..??? again why do you feel attacked over this?

If you have issues with me or my team, i suggest taking it up over PM, so this topic can continue to be a constructive debate on what could be done to get things abit more stable for season 3
I think it's a good idea *if* Simsync becomes a viable option. If Simsync is not available, I would still go with the skins being "true" skins which will eliminate mismatches at least from a vehicle standpoint. The stand-alone cars didn't seem to be able to address pitbox issues as hoped so I'm not sure it's worth the effort.

I haven't used simsync, but it sure sounds like a usefull tool, in combination with a "light" mod could maybe be a good step forward. Though probably an out of championschip 6 or 8 hour race would be an ultimate test/barometer for it
Fuji is one of the best Endurance tracks in my opinion, too bad Sebring pops up everywhere, don't like that bumpy track at all.
The track I did love the most in the first season was Rattlesnake, ok it is a fake track but damn I was so down when we disco'ed after just one stint.
Absolutely would love to get that one on the calender in S3!

Ow and hearing this... what's happened to Simon doing the broadcasts?
erm, excuse me Wayne, but

1. I recall events in the GTR2 section a little different, i offered you some help maybe creating events for GTR2, and was put on the spot to become staff, wich i had no interest in, and then every suggestion i made to liven things up was shot down by you, after wich you threw in the towel... but anyways, thats neither here or there, and off topic here

2. I don't have a "site" where i do thing my way, wich is again irrelevant, feedback was asked in this here topic, so there, i'm discussion a possible direction to go in to try and get more teams beeing able to finish a race. Why do you feel attacked by that?

3. Why do you eqaute saying that the mod isn't perfect to RD staff is not doing a good job? I surely didn't say that, i think RD Staff did a great job considering the undertaking. Agains, why do you feel attacked by that?

4. Mr Dalhgren voiced his opinion, i voiced mine, there is no right or wrong in this matter, so..??? again why do you feel attacked over this?

If you have issues with me or my team, i suggest taking it up over PM, so this topic can continue to be a constructive debate on what could be done to get things abit more stable for season 3

You really do talk utter rubbish Davy. You offered you some help maybe creating events for GTR2 yeah ok then if that's what you call when you post polls to get set to x2 or x1 or you will not race if you don't get what you want. I don't know where you get that I asked you to be staff from at all. That is Bram's job not mine.

Back to the point you did not like what Mr Dalhgren put that's why you said he was wrong in saying the mod was good I think you must be about the only one I know that thinks its not. And why would I feel attacked by what you put I am just doing what you do and tell you, you are in the wrong.

funny that you don't you don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot.

As you said before

"I'm surprised nobody has responded about my suggestion to make the RDLMS cars signed up for S3 cmpletely standalone? To me this the first and most obvious issue in this whole thing, no mod i use for any event we host, gets put on the server without it beeing taken apart and build up again with online play in mind, so we know whats what."

Why should we respond to it. Yes you think it is a good plan and that is fine just like I do with things I have put But I don't need any one to say yeah sounds good. It is for the staff to run the league from what we put here as a plan of things that sound good. It seems you want us all to join with you and your boys so we could force the staff to do it a way that you think is good.

Its not the point This thread is more of a focus group so the staff can see if they need to change things.
Can we take personal vendettas to pm or something?

On topic: this season there was a lack of publicity IMO. Would be nice if we could see teams making nice news posts, car presentations, interviews etc. Same for the organizers; a round up on the mainpage with a brief race report and standings would be schweeet

Leaguewise the format was good. Again a nice balance between six hour sprintraces, lol, and proper 8 to 12 hour endurance races.

Only thing that's still let's me down are the awful physics of the mod. Lack of grip etc etc.. same as last year basically.

For next season I hope that more good teams can commit and the last minute signouts are reduced to a minimum. A few faces that again let the staff and fellow drivers down should not be allowed to enter again.

Tons of kudos to 90% of the teams, commentators and cameramen! Loved every round of the championship with you all
The track I did love the most in the first season was Rattlesnake

I've raced the GTR2 version of that track a few times and we've always had freaky problems with it. It's not a track I would recommend for an endurance race as IMO it has some issues which were never worked out. The Old Ring track we did in S1 I thought was a great endurance track (for a fantasy track).
:) Wayne, im just gonna ignore you from here on in, as clearly you are bitter about something that happened ages ago and i have little care for, so im not gonna get dragged in any further discussion with you. Thanks.

Did a version of spa that rd can use pop up then? If so that would be great news and would surely be a great sight to see on next seasons calender.
ALternativly, if version that rd can use exsists, paul ricard or silverstone could be an idea?
i'm sorry, Mr. Dahlgren, but claiming this mod is perfect in every way is just nonsense.... nothing is perfect, least of all a mod like this, wich has no notice at all by the dev team that it is optimised (i.e. built) with online play in mind. Take a look at the results of the last four races and tell me the mod/game is perfect. Do you honestly think all those teams did something wrong during their driverswaps? Please... and what about the amount of CTDs/ games minimizing, people had during Le Mans?

Well for me it is perfect, the bigger problems started when RD made their own specific RDLMS.rfm-file(for me at least). Seems it wasnt all bulletproof and I was starting to get errors and CTD's with my rFactor, something I've never experienced before and I've owned the game since 2005. Seems to me that you have bigger knowledge on how all the different files work and whats doing what etc. thats nice, mostly what I meant with perfect was that I feel the physics are great, the models are great, the sounds are great. Comparing this mod with other sportcars/prototype-mods is like comparing an fresh apple with a pile of dung. So I take your word for it when it may come to online 'unfriendly-ness' of the mod but as I said at the beginning the problems only occured for me when they made the RDLMS.rfm-file.

On tracks suggestions there is also Portland International, its pretty wide. Or Autopolis long twisty and wide, Hockenheim(old) with loooong straights with a good chance of passing. Hermanos Rodriguez is also a good place to races these types of cars with two long straights and a twisty section. And for the love of racing could we please start using some of V_LM's tracks, their version of Sebring is mighty nice!!
Thanks for your comments. Please keep them coming.

I'd prefer though that discussions are saved for PM's and such. Please write down your thoughts and if needed elaborate on them later, but don't go arguing, especially when it comes down to taste.

I'd love to see Spa in myself. It can however not be implemented into RDLMS until a modern, scratch-build, legal version of the track that supports large fields is released. That version does not exist as far as I now. We left Old Ring out because the complaints were that it was too hard to pass. The track is wide, but there is hardly more than one line to drive well on. Rattlesnake lacks pit spots. I'm not sure if we can fix that. If so, it is definitely worth consideration as it is one of the most well-suited track layouts for endurance racing known to rFactor. The only track I'd really consider to go out is Fuji. The track is great, but the lack of grip there is just unreal. Le Mans needs an more up to date version, but I understand that one is in production.

I still don't understand the hassle about driver swaps. The game files state the an rFactor swap takes anywhere between 5-8 second on top of your tyres and fuel. The manual swap takes at least 10 seconds (not to mention the stop and go slow down to redeem the 10 seconds). The only real advantage is that the manual swappers only have to meet the minimum required swaps while they might possibly swap more often behind the scene. Then again, they don't get the extra damage fixes that come with rFactor swaps and at least one of the pc-sharing guys is on a PC he usually doesn't drive on. There are advantages on both sides. It's hard to say who has the edge. I think we're fine though.

From an organisational point of view this season was much better prepared than the pervious. The rule sets dealt with more issues and much information was available before the season started, contrary to last year. Also, throughout the year a more capable team came to run RDLMS. The only person that really needs replacing is me. I'd like to limit myself to rules and procedures. That's where I feel comfortable. My limited knowlegde makes it hard for me to decide about PC/rFactor-technical aspects of the competition. It would be better if that responsibility lays with someone that does have the knowlegde and experience.
The tracks Could we make a list of tracks that could work well in the league as the only track there that we should keep is Sebring and le mans but it has to be the new ones the vlm Sebring is mega and the new Le Mans track is coming on a at a super pace there not far from it coming out.

But the other tracks are just boring Monza is no fun when you have 1000. laps round it :)

So if we put a list would you look into a change of them?
This season has been alot of fun. We've had poor reliability from a team view but the whole league has been a pleasure to be a part of. I wish to thank Yoeri for his hard work this season, along with the Skinning team and Ryan Callan for their work behind the scenes.

As for specific feedback I agree with some of what has already been said. I would love to see more Media output from this league, as One of if not RD's premier league shouldn't it receive good media coverage in terms of news posts etc? I would also like to see organisation done sooner. Tracks to be made available to the public sooner etc. Some deadlines this season were just too late imo. SymSync would be a great tool for this.

As previously mentioned the selection of tracks. Imo Silverstone should be on the calendar, along with Spa. Sebring and Le Mans are natural selections which leaves one more option. I wouldn't mind seeing Daytona return personally.

Overall though a great season. Thanks once again :).
couldn't we just use LMp2 and GT1 cars? (20 LMP2 and 20 GT1) would make the field closer and there wouldn't be as much lapping.

I personally feel the LMP2 cars and the GT1 cars, are the best cars in the mod.

The Track suggestions above seem like good ideas.

I feel that Symn Sync needs to be used, so there is no way for anybody to have any mismatches.
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