RD GT Championship 2012

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GZ LEX for victory in group 2...nice end :)
Thanks RD for nice sesson ...my mistake i didnt show up in 2 race..so i need to drive to time from group 2...but ..evrything rest was great....for me second place is to much i mean i so this track today...for first time drive ) i think that i will be last in group 2 :))...very nice fast track......gz for podium in group one and for all session..

Theo next time...when u have blue flag please move...not to try something than like this time u turn around and i almost avoid u but u hit me and i lose very import sec....
Div 1.

Qualy: 12th. Race: 13th. In between: Frustrating, weird, boring...

Got off to a good start and after a while I was up to 10th. I wasn't as fast as the guys behind me but I defended really well as I fended off Dinca, then Karoly and then Stepan. Stepan didn't think it was fun though so he turn on 'bumper car mode' and sent me off track. Karoly and Dinca passed and half a lap later he hit me again so he could pass. Later on hit hit me again... I also had two connection problems. I got a huge freeze lag after my first stop and I was about to quit when I came back. Sauli must have changed his underpants after the race cause I came back right infront of him. I really hope we didn't touch. Then I had another weird thing. Everybody around me dissapeared, and then came back after a few seconds. But I stood as 1 lap down. Let Rob pass me as I got a blue flag. Then at the line I was back in my position again - 13th. Then it was boring as I was all alone at the end, finishing 13th.

Grats Benjamin for both the race win and the championship :D
Div 1

A very difficult track for me, was happy at the back until lap 16 my screen went black for 10 seconds going into T1 and when it came back I was in the wall with aero and susp damage. Limped around got repairs and fresh tires. Then on lap 22 I was all alone when all the cars disappeared, and no blue dots on the mini map. When the other cars re-appeared I suprised to find myself in the middle of a pack and decided to pull off and retire. (I apologize if any harm was done when other cars were invisible)

All in all I had great fun and a real learning experience for my first league at RD. Thanks to the organizers, great job!
hehe...... :p
Now I got a new personal enemy, Jan wikström :D:D

Div 1
Once again a great race….. :)
Qualified in 5’th, and couldn’t really have hoped for anything higher.
The start was all nice and everyone I saw behaved good in T1
Pretty fast I got the hang on Remco and it felt like I was a little fraction faster, but not enough to challenge safely.
Somewhere halfway into the first stint Remco slide a bit wide and I could sneak by.
We pitted at the same time some laps later and sadly (for me) my pit crew was a bit slower than Remcos and he came out ahead again and the chase continued….. ( in ned to sack those pit guys.....;) )
During this stint I wasn’t able to close the gap in the same way as during the first, and a bit unlucky with some lapping of back markers made the gap increase some more.
When I started to make mistakes some 15min from the end I gave up the chase and concentrated on keeping my 5’th spot instead.
Finished in 5’th

Grats podium and our champ Benjamin
Great figh again Remco, is seems like we end up in each race chasing each other.... really fun racing M8. :D
Huge thanks to Marco and Remco, and who ever more helping out behind the scenes, for a great season and for all of your hard work :)
Account of race:
Quali ': 2nd place when I was probably the potential to get the pole but the qualifications are clearly far from my forte ... ;) One point I'll try to improve my future championship ;)
Race ': I stay within reach of Helder in the early laps and then I manage to bring to its height by aspiration before the chicane which allowed me to be in perfect position to take the baffle :) Then absolutely no complaints, I was very comfortable at progressively towers with an eye on Ludo who successfully pass Helder after a few laps after me :) A pit stop at 43min (may be that I had to stop for a bit before I lost 2sec on the last lap before my pit stop ...) but hey no drama I was 7sec before spring Helder ( which probably go with the full => 160L:p ) ...Unfortunately my teammate Ludo no resist with a pit stop that cost him dear as his car is performing well but with a much higher consumption ...For fun I could have slowed in the final seconds and finish a 90min (I was 12sec ahead and I crossed the line with 6 seconds of the end LoL) but I told myself I had plenty gasoline and see who has thought about doing the right so the race lasted 92min because of me:p
I am obviously very happy to win this championship, which was far from a foregone conclusion :D:cool: I thank all the drivers for their quality control and fair play :) Also I thank particularly all the leading group (Helder, David and Ludo and Remco for the first race ;) ) for offering an exceptional driving quality that allowed to have a good show during the championship :) Helder Congratulations for qualifying, you are a champion in this field :D:p
Conclusion: This is a very nice way for me to finish the championship with a victory well deserved because I think I made a perfect run without error and my times are here to express my regularity despite the tire that j ' 'm perfectly able to manage especially in the first run while Ludo was unleashed to double Helder :p
Q: P2
R: P1
Probably my most challenging race ever great experience.
At the start I had to find out that my engine was at 45 % and my setup was for 100% so for almost the whole race I had to do short shifting and shift down later when I was breaking to make sure the engine lasted untill the end
Still enjoyed every second of it.
So after many misfortunes Im very happy to end my first racing league ever like that :)
Also GR Dubravko:) and grats to Benjamin for the championship
One Thing left to say... thank you Marco and Remco for making this season possible, great work guys
Completely idiotic algorithm of Starter/Ingnition aspect in this game. The engine several times started and then stall at pit-stop till I was DQ. In any sim game there is no such nonsense. Whole race and championship standigs went into the trash. What here to say more...

Thanks to all participants for racing and Remco, Marco with Rob for their work and this championship!

I had some bugs aswell with the pits,not this race,but one time i got in pits and the car braked and stop....Engine working,gears working but it didnt budge...

And i want to ask if someone had that glitch when all the cars disapeared for more that 10 seconds...for 2 times if i remmember right?

Now on to the matter.
I wish to start by saying that was great to be a part of RDGTC, great community of SIM racers, the best (as i sow so far in Race 07)
Thanks for all the work,effort and time you guys put in for this Championship.
Congratulations to Benjamin.


And to make a little fun of 2nd and 3rd.....


Now this was a nice ending of a season!

Last race I made it to 5th position in the second division, so I was expected to be in the first one for todays race. What a difference... Where I was able to be some kind of competition in the second, I was just SO much behind speedwise here. Really unbelievable how some of you get those car's around the tracks. Respect!

Anyway, the race. I have been VERY busy lately so I had little to no time for practice. Only made my first laps on the track friday, so started a bit early with the practice. Made it to a 2.11.5xx as a personal best with qualy setup, so went to qualy with the knowledge I would be in the back of the grid.
Made a 2.11.008 in qualy, so improved my PB with almost half a second, and therefore was pleased with the result.

The race.
Started as 20th out of 22. Had a good formation lap, nothing strange happend, but was a bit late at the start. First couple of laps (first 18 orso) we had a real Division 2 fight :) 4 of us who came from div2 where having a blast at the back, changing postions every so many corners. Thanks for that guys, it was a fair and good fight! Had 1 little contact, with no big consequences.
Was planning to do a double stop, but when the time came to do the stop, my tires where good enough to continue a bit more, and changed the strategy to a single stop. Had made 2 presets, 1 with and 1 without fuel, so there was no reason not to do so. When I finaly decided to go in for the stop, I forgot to call out the pitcrew :(. Had to wait for those slow suckers, and when they finaly where done refueling me, and changing the tires, I noticed Jadran had pulled of so far, I could never reach him anymore (Jadran wanted to do a single stop as well). Started to do the second stint, knowing that it would be one big feast with those aliens moving in on me from behind :) Had some decent practice in letting people pass in a decent way, which I think I managed in a decent way.
Then suddenly, I noticed Wayne Hammond had dropped out, which made me step up a place. In the end, Jadran made an extra stop as well, so I was able to pass him also when he was in the pit. Passed Kimmo as well when he had a pit stop, with around 17 seconds to go. I had 17 seconds between me and Kimmo, so I figured that should be doable till the end. 2 laps later, the gap was down to 9 seconds, so I soon realized I could never hold him off, and let him go by.

In the end, I made it to the 16th place, so if there would have been another round, I would have stayed in Division1, which gave me a very proud feeling.

All in all, I want to thank everyone for their attendance. This was my first official RD League I organized with Remco, and I will NEVER forget it. It was SO great to be able to do this, and to race it myself. I have learned SO much from you guys in terms of the racing. so a real big thank you all for that!!!

I hope all had as much fun driving here, as I had organizing and driving in it! It was REALLY great! Can't wait till the next season!
THX to Marco, Remco and RD for this GT season, well run and organised, really enjoyed my 2nd championship on RD, and look forward to RDTCC S8.

Last race ended with a DNF, ran out of fuel 13 minutes from the end, strange as i put enough fuel for 43 laps, need to work on my fuel strategy some more, its a pity because i was catching Kieron in 14th and was looking forward to another battle with him, until i heard those dreaded words, "your'e running out of fuel":(, all good fun. Congrats to Benjamin.
Division 1 :

Quali : 3rd, far of my PB but not too bad.

Race : First lap, first turn and as usual I brake too late, lost one position. I tried to overtake Remco as fast as I can because I know I have to managed a good gap due to my huge fuel consumption (more than 170L...).
I tried to catch Helder with the same aim and passed him on a mistake.
Benjamin seems to be too fast here, I just can to try to follow him but I can't...
I pit out in 3rd position, really surprised to see Marco when I pit out (I didn't see you in my mirroir and only see you in the turn).
The second part of the race was a race alone, I just can't catch Helder and Benjamin and so managed to distanced Remco.
Finish in a nice 3rd position.

No problem Jadran, I've had the same huge lag and you have a good reaction (stay in your line as nothing happen).

Congratulation to Benjamin for the race win and the champ win.
Congratulation to Remco and Marco for the nice work on this champ.
Congratulation to all the drivers in these league, specially to Benjamin, Helder, David and Remco for a good fight in the top of the division 1.

And congratulation to all the drivers of the team Corvette, we did it!
Firstly: Marco and all the admin, thanks for staging this series....was absolutely super..:)

To the respective winners....Well done and congratulations!!

All i can say about the race is, i drove like a star and got into 4th position and started pulling away from the predators.
Being such a dismally low turnout, 10 or 11 drivers, i eventually had a big enough gap on the 5th pos driver, and pitted on lap 25, to manage to get out in front of him again. Again here i started pulling away untill to my dismay i noticed i had miscalculated my fuel strategy and was going to fall short by 2-3 laps. I short shifted for some laps but knew that would not solve the problem and dashed into the pits. However, no fuel could be added as i never mapped the keys to add fuel. End of race.:( ( Some Mothers have useless kids)
A 7th position by default is about the best i could hope for.

A great thanks to all the participants in this series....looking forward to the next one..:)
Div 2
Nice race for the finale, although few participants. Started the event without any practice before ( as usual :))
Qualified 9th out of 10. That didn't worry me, because the car felt stable, even with low fuel, I knew I can complete the race with steady pace.
Right after T1 I was able to move up 2 places. Then chased Marco Sbordoni for a few laps until I was able to overtake him. Not much happened till the pit stop. After pitting I found myself behind Mike Bishop who probably wasn't out for tire change yet. Chased him until he made a mistake due to the worn tires. At the end crossed the finish line 4th. Best result in the season.

Thanks for organizing this league. It was superb!
Started sixth and stayed sixth for half an hour. Things started to look quite good at that point, but then my tyres went just a couple of inches of tarmac in a wrong place, which send the car towards the wall. Lost my front splitter and had to do my pitstop 15 min early. After long full service stop, finish line was an hour away, so I started driving as softly on tyres as I could.
Went twice a little wide and got two cut warnings, then I got bumped of track a little, which counted as third cut and had to do a S & G.
Finished 12th, could and should have done better, but no luck...
Still, my longest race ever by far, and I had a good time driving it.
Thanks for the league everyone!
Big thanks for the league also from my side!
It was a good decision to cancel the last event, wasnt realy ready for this.
Had great fun during all of the events and im sure that i will try my best for the next series!

This was my initial/maiden series at RD, and it was totally awesome. Will forever remember this series :)

I feel happy that I managed to be as competititve as I were at the 3rd and 4th round, unfortunatly my computer "i'll take this part away as there might be someone that will be offended but I think you know quite well if you have had the same problems" not wanting me to participate in the first and the final round.

Thanks a lot Marco, Remco and RD for putting up this great season and thanks to all the racers for the good, close and for me, almost comletely clean racing over theese 5 rounds :)
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