RD GT Championship 2011

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qualified in 15'th spot.

Race start went well and all behaved nicely on the first corner and lap.

Some happening in front sent me up in P12 by lap 4, then on the right hander just before the pit entrance my wheel suddenly disconnected sending me straight on in 3'd gear and with full throttle into the barriers.
Damage not reparable.... race over already :mad:

What is happening.... i have now had 2 similar wheel disconnections when driving this cars, tracks or server .... i don't know what :confused:
What i know is that i haven't seen in any other class or series (yet)..... just a coincidence... maybe, but irritating and boring way to end a fine league with great cars and drivers.

Thanks Bram for organizing :thanks:, and all fellow racers for behaving nice out there. :good:
See you all in the next league or season somewhere out there in cyber space.
woot, finished 2nd on podium for the last race of the season :)

qualied 4th, was 2nd most of sesh.

Had good race start and thanks to Wayne Reed had a fantastic 40minute battle for 2nd and 3rd places, Great stuff! shame he pitstopped 2 laps earlier than me then he must have had a problem as retired :-(
My stop was clean other than putting about 20L too much fuel in ! Spent rest of the race a lonely 2nd place until i caught the bored Z.B up front ! We diced for a while as he played cat and mouse but i could see he had more pace than me and was very satisfied to finish a strong 2nd. :)

Why did so many drivers quit so early? Half the field had retired by lap 18 ??!! Quitters ! ;-)
thank Bram for organize this league.
My first league, i'm very happy for this.
Finished in worst way possible, in front of wall :-(

Same here, had a good pit stop. But ended up losing a wheel after going on the grass and clipping wall. Disappointed as it's my first dnf. :(

But overall happy with overall performance in the league. Although think I should have stayed in group 2. As apart from valencia, I struggled to stick with the majority of people.
Saved my worst performance until last, with 10th tonight. Didn't enjoy practice for this but lined up a surprising 7th on the grid, which i promptly blew when i out-braked myself into turn 1 and was down to 11th. Ended up behind Ramon for many laps after he went past on the last turn, but when he pitted i pushed on my pit-in lap to try and get ahead, only to go off and lose 5s. Went to the pits and overshot my box, only to switch the ignition off too! Fumbled about for ages trying to fire it back up, and eventually exited in 12th. Had to push like crazy to get a better result but this led to another 3 or 4 off-track excursions before i just calmed down, realising that all i needed to do was finish where i was to secure 3rd in the championship. Overall, a poor race for me, but of my own making.

Big congrats to Peter & Marcin for being the class of the field, and thanks to Bram for organising this. 99% of the racing was close, fair & extremely competitive, and that's testament to the guys i raced closely with in all 5 races. (Especially Dino, Morten, Ramon & Yves)

Cheers guys!
Hardest and loneliest race of the season. Smallest grid at the beginning and at the end and out of 18 only 8 finished the race. At least I had some good fight at the beginning with Marco and a battle of nerves at he end with I believe Nuno. Finished P5 I don't know how to evaluate this result. Probably it's good because most of the people falling out were behind me.
Thank you guys for organizing this league!
Hoep to meet the drivers in the upcoming championships...:D
Group 1 (never thought i would be saying that!)

OK! The game hates me!!!

Quali popped in what i thought was a good lap - wouldn't set the world on fire but not at the back.

Anyway things went off well lap 3 karoly had an incident and rejoined. looking at the replay i get a faint touch on the rear right as i move to the apex corner but it's enough (for some reason) to give me the message "suspension damage". well... didn't feel to bad so on we went. T1 of the next lap took my normal line in which apparently is enough to fit another BMW in and karoly and i rubbed thru t1. the sus light went red. ho hum i thought this will be interesting. chicane came and the car skipped to the right - suspension and tyres said no way and barrier bound i went. not straight thru the gravel to get a bit of a slow down but just clipping in the edge of it into the barrier and whumpf!!! (good sound that) front removed. too early to take a stop me thinks but now also 45deg on the wheel - i had to stop.

so... coming to the pits hit the button as i get near the line - but must have been just over and the auto set must have kicked in an i had just switched it off. foot back on the gas and 50+mph - speeding in put lane. sooo... next lap around stop and go. 1 lap - nearly 2 laps down on leaders at this point 1 lap down on guys ahead.

catch up with guys ahead of me and set about trying to unlap myself knowing i had another stop to make. flipping blue flag warnings driving me nuts!!!! but eventually got a couple of moves to stick. made the final stop about 37mins for fuel to get me to the end of the race and managed to, after quite a few laps get time to theo down from 1:08 to 45sec but time was against me. had a few cars come to lap me so lost ground again - made a few wee errors too.

yeah - i had a bit of red mist at the game cos of the bad luck but once calmed down got to enjoy the cars again. was able to keep a semi decent pace with some people that lapped me so knew if the game hadn't been so mean i could of been a bit higher... hopefully.

hey ho there we go.

thanks for race and league... need to do this again sometime! :)

EDIT: btw... in case you hadn't worked it out i was last of the runners :)
Congrats to Peter for the overall win in the RDGTC S4. Very well done.
And although the bad luck, also congrats to Marcin. He should have won the league, but the disco spoiled the fun for him.

(@SimBIN: Why don't you finally fix this bloody game for good in stead of milking it with an endless stream of useless add-ons!)
----> Ok, the GT Power (M3) is excellent!

Very big thanks for Bram, organizing this league and taking care of the administration behind the scenes. A lot needs to be done to make such leagues possible! Thumbs up. Also thanks for Yoeri, I know he discuss many things with Bram about the league and always update GPcos in a nice way.

Okay, time for my report :)

Group 1, hurray... 5x group 1 driver......

Since Brno I had again some time to practice, and did well in practice before this event. 1.59.4x in practice was so far my best time. Today i was 0.5 slower overall, and a bit disappointed to qualify only 12th. I know I could at least drive 0.8/0.9 faster during qualify.

The race started safe and very soon I was catching up the guys in front, but this track is hard to pass in a clean way. Some slipped off track and finally I made one good move in the first stint.
Since I was driving a bit too rough for my tires I did an early pitstop, just half-way the timing. But I overshoot my garage and since I am manually powering off the car, I lost about 20 important seconds.

When I came back on track I settled in for another stint and was saving tires. Only when I was lapped by Peter, I started to push more and was closing in the gap very fast. But passing was another thing. Karoly was losing lots of time but it was impossible to pass. I tried forcing him into an error and it seems sometimes that he did a small error, but still the M3 is a wide car and passing was not possible.
Then 2 laps before the end I was so close just before the double left-handers (T4/5 or so) . I could not judge my braking zone and tried to move to the left to see, but was already a tiny bit too late. I nudged him a bit and i got wide also. Luckily nothing bad happened and we continued again. He was away 1-2 seconds again and within the same lap I was on his tail again.

I hoped for a wonder in the last turns were I was much faster all the time and the only real chance to pass him. And the luck (for me) was there, he missed his apex and went very wide in the second to last turn, I could sneak inside and hold for the last turn.

Finished 7th. Could be 5th at least if my pitstip was ok, but that is part of the deal :)

Overall very pleased with the end result. My initial goal for this league was driving in Group 1 and hopefully in Top 10, which I did fine :)

Last but not leaste; it was a long time since I saw such wonderful, close and fair racing. But all drivers did a fantastic job. This is top-class racing as I like to see at RaceDepartment!

Well done everyone!

PS. Since I am done with the old Race07, don't count on me in another Race07 league. I will be around in iRacing, nkPro (if the netcode is ever fixed) and possibly rFactor2 (when it is done). So iRacing only for the moment :)

Forgot to mention: Thanks to Rami for his setup. It worked for me. Some small adjustment for me personally (brakes/gears). Thanks.
What is happening.... i have now had 2 similar wheel disconnections when driving this cars, tracks or server .... i don't know what :confused:
What i know is that i haven't seen in any other class or series (yet)..... just a coincidence... maybe, but irritating and boring way to end a fine league with great cars and drivers.

I had wheel disconnects mid race a month or so ago - actually thinking about it - when i got this add on. i've moved to using a different usb port and things have been stable since.
Thank you all for tonight for the great racing.

In Quali I got P5 with a new personal best, just over 1:29.

The race went well from start, I started chasing Andreas who started in P4, I realized quickly that I was quicker than him, and 5-10 laps into the race I overtook after he went off the track a bit. He then was 1-2sec behind me until he pitted for the first time. After that I had Szabo behind me, and he had conserved his tyres than I had conserved mine, as he was 0.4-0.7 faster than me per lap towards the end of the first stint. In the pits I filled up at least ten litres too much, my only mistake this race.

I got out about 5-6secs behind Andreas, caught him quickly, and he was the honest gentlemen and let me past without any effort. I then just cruised to the finish line, keeping my distance to Szabo to about 10secs. On the last laps I was promoted to P3 as Marcin lost connection, unfortunately for him.

At last I would like to thank my team, nice to have some people around you, especially as this was my first league.

I would also like to thank Bram and the other staff at racedepartment for the great organizing of these events, and all the great racers for helping them to be so good.

Rami gets a thank you for posting his setup, it helped me today.
group 1

Qually: 10th.

Race: had a good start and gained a couple of spots after the first lap, and after a couple of laps I was 6th with Ramon right behind me, he passed me in the first corner, but got a bit to wide and I could regain 6th again, the next couple of laps I fended of Ramon until I took my pitstop, after my stop I was behind Dino and Karoly who was batteling so I stayed behind them, and let them youse their tires ;), and sure enugh they started to make mistakes first Karoly went off, and I got passed him then towards the end Dino also was strugling with his car and I got passed him as well, and was in 6th, and got promoted to 5th when Marcin unfortunatly disconectet.

was quite happy with the race, I stayed in front of Ramon witch I neded to secure 4th in the Championship and I closed the gap to Ross but there is no more races left so a 4th for me it is, quite pleased with that :)
And WD to Peter for the Championship and RD for organicing :)
Cya all next time :)
Group 1 :tongue:

Had a very bad qualifying lap and I was put in p.19 of the 20 people running.

Just like I thought I was a bit out of my league in group 1 and so I was running last pretty quickly. But because of some other people having accidents I found myself in p.15 soon. Dropped back again and had some nice fights with Robert Keith and Danny (well... fights... me defending like crazy lol). BTW Keith, I only noticed watching the replay that I wasn't actually fighting you for position... if I had known that I would have let you pass a little more easy. Still I had great fun during that fight! :redface:

After the pitstop not much happened to me. Had a big gap to the car in front and a big gap to Keith behind me. Ended up in p.15 in the end!

So a big congrats to the champion Peter and a big thanks to the people behind the scenes!!! And of course a big thanks to all the drivers. I had a great league!!! :D
Thanks for the racing tonight & throughout the season ;)

Group 1:

This time I have really practiced alot, mainly because this track was really fun to practice on.
My biggest problem today was that the online-griplvl was really low so my old setup did not realy work like it did and I couldn't fix it right this time around. So I was almost a second slower on every lap today that I used to be, which made it hard to compete for a top position today.

Qualifying went ok. I saw a the timetable that i have missed out a couple of tenths on the middle sector, but it was still enough for p8

The race started normaly until I made a big mistake on the fast chicane in which I bounced away on the hard red curb the wrong way to send me into the gravel and almost into the tire barriers. I got away without touching the tires but lost 3 or 4 positions.
Later on I tried to regain some places, but I couldn't manage to pass Ross allthough he was not driving as perfect as he normaly does.

I wanted to pit a bit later today, but my tires were really gone so I had to pit just before halftime.
Unfortunatly I came out directly behind Rami who was driving on very old tires. I tried to overtake him because I could really drive through him on every turn, but he slammed the door on every occasion and made the whole situation a bit more dangerous than it should have been. Of course that thing did not help anyone of us and I lost more than 5 seconds on that occasion.

Later on Morten established some pressure and got past me after a mishap at the triple-left.

Overall it could have been better because I enjoy this track very much, but a 6th place (or 7th, depends on if Marcin is counted in as 4th) is still nice ;)

Overall my first completed league-season has been really good for me, with no dnf's and top 10 finishes on all races ;)

Congratulations are going to Peter, Marcin & Rami for their super pace and to the organizers of the league.
Special thanks to the guys I ended up fighting with close alot on all 5 occasions, namely Ross, Ramon, Morten and Michal to name a few :wink:
BTW Keith, I only noticed watching the replay that I wasn't actually fighting you for position... if I had known that I would have let you pass a little more easy. Still I had great fun during that fight! :redface:

yes - that was real fun. shame we were a lap apart and i had thought at one point - maybe you'd be better letting me go - but that would have been an even duller race for me! :)
First of all thanks to RD (Bram, Yoeri and anyone else who helped organising this) for this short but great league.
I was a bit hesitant, if I could handle long distance racing (anything longer than 1 hr is long distance to me:wink:), but managed to stay in grp 1 for the whole league ..lol, so that went well.

For the race, some highlights and lowlights.

Messed up my qualy, so started at the very back of the field.
Had a big fight immediately with Theo de Bruin and Erling Bohmer and also Robert Walker, after he initially hit the wall just before S/F.
Next lowlight was I had a fight with Erling, and after he made a small mistake at the chicane I came up next to him at Shell Esses, but had to brake earlier, cause I was on the inside. Unfortunately my fellow BVM-er Bob Hutchins who came up behind us had much more speed and I didn't think he expected us to brake so early, and he crashed into me, causing me to spin and to recover at the back of the field. Luckily Bob also recovered from the gravel.
My car felt a bit weird a few laps later, but I learned to handle it, and continued.
I pitted quite early (yes silly me doing a 2-pitter), and then next lowlight hit me.
I was lapped by then after pitstop, and came up behind another fellow BVM-er, Yves Larose.
Now here was a dillema, my tyres were a bit better than his, so I only hope Yves would let me unlap myself cause I didn't want to fight him. It woudn't help him either cause he was fighting others, and he would only suffer his tyres even more. Besides if I managed to pass him, I would have to make such a big lap forward to avoid blue flag warnings, and that eventually happened. Yves defended himself (sure, who can blame him), and I eventually passed him. Immediately I got 3 blue flag warnings and I had to let him pass again. Was a bit frustrated about that, cause with my pace at that time I was sure to gain on the guys in front of me, but I couldn't do anything else than stay behind Yves. That's racing :wink:. After a few more laps he eventually went in for pits, and I continued to make efforts. All in all I had fun chasing my fellow BVM teammate !!

Highlights : at the last stint, after making 2nd pitstop, but allready lapped 2 or 3 times :rolleyes:, I was able to come up behind Rami Kaukola, and till the end I was able to keep up with him, and even make small steps of gaining up on him. " yeah sure" I can hear you all say, "Rami probably had bad tyres". In fact he did struggle, but come on it's Rami Kaukola we're talking about, the motorsport alien !! :)

Had fun this season, and special thanks to my BVM teammates for providing support.
Also very special thanks to Linus Petterson, my teammate for providing a great carskin. and Ramon for persuading me to join in this tournament.
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