RD GT Championship 2010 II

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glad its over and i can get the mod removed never to be driven again :D.

Heheh, I can relate. I don't think I've had more teething issues with a mod than with this one... I'm keeping it installed, but I'm not sure I'll be racing it again in a hurry. :tongue:

It was a comparatively good final round for me. I qualified 13th and had a pacey race, with some good scraps with Jan, Harald and Gary among others. It was also a very topsy-turvy race concerning my tyre temperatures: as Ryan very rightly pointed out in the broadcast, in a massive shift from the stratospheric tyre temperatures of the other five rounds, I was actually having trouble getting my tyres up to operating temperature at Sebring! I misjudged the timing of my pit stop - if I had pitted just a lap or two earlier, I would have had enough fuel to complete the race without pitting again. Thankfully I only lost one position to Gary when I pitted. I finished 9th, which is much better than anything I would have expected at the start of the season.

Grats to Greg for his victory, and thanks to the organisers and fellow competitors for making this a very good way to spend my summer holidays. :D
That was a challenging and fun race. :D

I qualified in a 11’th position.

Race start went well and everyone (that I saw) stayed away from trouble during the first lap.

I spent the most of the race chasing, or being chased by Harald, Rhys and/or Gary.
At many times we stayed just fractions of a second apart, and that carried on for lap after lap.
You could really see the difference between the cars and driving style.
My massive Viper torque, and for being a US muscle car strangely good brakes, makes me and my Viper really hard to pass. On the other hand the Viper's crappy cornering performance behaving like a supertanker invites the car behind into a close battle. :tongue:

That was really fun racing my friends, close, hard, challenging…. but clean… all the respect to you all. :good:

All of the race went well… had a small 180 incident somewhere midrace when I braked to late into some corner, and after that lost site of Harald for a while.

After the smoke had settled i ended the race in a 6’th position.

This was a great experience, both with these cars, as well with some (to me) new drivers.
Thanks to all you organizers behind this, grats to our top finishers, and thanks to all my racing mates for making this a interesting and fun series.
After my DNF last week, together with the first race in mind where I was one of the victims of the start incident, my motivation was gone. I did nearly no practice, starting the first laps around 6pm yesterday or so. As I am none of that "instant fast aliens", the result were laptimes 2secs of the pace of the guys I usually stick with. Also, I had trouble with braking again. This time, I found something to handle it. But it was still extremely difficult and I had three offs due to braking issues (one major spin being glad that there was enough room to stop^^). The strange thing is, that I did the 1,5h Le Mans Series club race with an Acura LMP2 on Sebring on saturday completely without such problems. Also other races work good. In the end, the change to the CSP pedals cost me the championship podium... P5 is nice, but not what hoped/expected. :frown:

Nevertheless, the mod is fun (with the right pedals :wink: ). If there will be a next season with it, I will try to join again.

The race itself was quite funny, besides the problems and the offs. Had some nice fights with Jan, Rhys and Gary. Thanks guys for keeping the fun in my race! :cool: But as I had not enough trouble to handle, I miscalculated the consumption somehow and needed to pit again two laps prior to the end... Finished around P10.

Thx to RD, Ivo and Remco for the race and the championship! And Gratz to Greg for the championship win and Matthias and Kjell for podium!
Had a great race. Mod grew on my during the season. And is for sure in my favorite mod section now.

Q: 9th i believe. Think it was the first laps i did my pb and the next 15 min i tried to improve it but made some stupid mistakes.

Race: very clean start altough there was not really a acceleration out of the last corner. Followed Hugo in the beginning with Gary on my tail after some laps i ran abit wide at the anti cuts but could avoid them. But Gary was so close behind me that he automatically follows the car in front abit. He was not lucky to avoid the anti cut. After that i had luck on my side. First Hugo spun and Harald. Managed to stay in front of Harald, Gary and Jan during the first stint again with abit luck. At one point they where 2 sec behind me but had a incident. After the pitstops Harald was close behind me, when you finally was in striking distance he spun. Then Gary catched me. Didn't really put up a fight because he was just quicker. Then he needed to pit again because his miscalculation. At the end i finished 6th (5th after the DQ's). But it was a hard race and like i said luck was on my side. Only had one major incident but thats it and everytime someone got close to me they spun or something else happened. Awell i dont complain. Thanks for racing guys this season and thanks to Ryan for the broadcast. :)
glad its over and i can get the mod removed never to be driven again :D.
Grats Greg and well done all who stayed the course.

Thank You Remco/Ivo/Adz & RD

My feelings exactly, mod now deleted and i pray it's evil presence never darkens my hard disk ever again, sad really as it has some real potential but it is totally wrecked by bloody awful tyres, it is the one time in all my years of simracing that i dreaded every race. Usually i like to do at least a couple of practice sessions for each race but i was getting no joy from this one as i found myself looking for ways to keep the tyres cool rather than find ways to make it go faster so i gave up on practice and most times i just left it until race night.

This last race was the one track that the tyres did not heat up to bad, yes they could reach 120-130 degree no problem but not the 140+ i was finding at other tracks. I had a crap qual and was 3 or 4th last on the grid then in the warm up i found i had done my qual and practice with autoclutch on so i switched it off for the race which made a big difference to the slkyline. Had a couple of steady laps then started to close down the group of cars in front only to see them go what looked like three abreast into the last corner, Lee was the first to spin and i swerved to miss him, then swerve again to dodge Bob as he and Adam came together and i thought i had found the path but Bob rebounded off the wall and spun out of control into my path and i hit him hard enough to kill the engine so it was a very short race for me.

But thnx for the effort you guys have put in but if this is the best that rfactor has to offer the GT racing community then no thnx as it does not come close to the default cars of GTR-Evo or GTR2.
Still upset about my Internet and then server issues, not how I wanted to end the season, oh well.........

Glad the race went well and gratz to Grego and the podiums, well done all :) and thanks to Remco, Ivo and our commentator Ryo :) Will deffo be looking to sign up for the next one, great mod (not sure why its disliked tbh) great series, great fun Thx guys :)
...but if this is the best that rfactor has to offer the GT racing community then no thnx as it does not come close to the default cars of GTR-Evo or GTR2.

You can be sure that this 4WD car must be an exception... Maybe something wrong with the car in the mod, I don't know (I drove him for a few laps prior to the seasen, and it IS crap!). But to say rF does not come close to GTR-Evo or GTR2 is a bit strong to say...it's better to say it the other way round. :wink: I know a league where some real GT drivers from the FIA GT1 WM and the German GT Masters participate. They use rFactor... :wink:
You can be sure that this 4WD car must be an exception... Maybe something wrong with the car in the mod, I don't know (I drove him for a few laps prior to the seasen, and it IS crap!). But to say rF does not come close to GTR-Evo or GTR2 is a bit strong to say...it's better to say it the other way round. :wink: I know a league where some real GT drivers from the FIA GT1 WM and the German GT Masters participate. They use rFactor... :wink:

You misread me, i am not bad mouthing factor, just trying to compare THIS mod to the GT cars that are available within GTR-Evo and GTR2 and nothing else.
Don't get me wrong, I like the mod... it's just that something doesn't feel right. I'm not sure what it is, but I mostly struggle to get into the top 10 using this mod when in almost any other car (both rFactor and Evo) I am near the front. The setup changes work very differently to what I'm used to, and hence I had loads of trouble getting the car to do what I wanted it to do - to the point of not deviating too far from the default setup for fear of completely screwing up the car's behaviour. It was a mystery to me where Florian, Harald, Matthias, Greg et al were able to get their pace... but it doesn't bother me too much now, seeing as the season is over. I had fun nonetheless.
You can be sure that this 4WD car must be an exception... Maybe something wrong with the car in the mod, I don't know (I drove him for a few laps prior to the seasen, and it IS crap!). But to say rF does not come close to GTR-Evo or GTR2 is a bit strong to say...it's better to say it the other way round. :wink: I know a league where some real GT drivers from the FIA GT1 WM and the German GT Masters participate. They use rFactor... :wink:
I would have to disagree, the Nissan isn't crap, but in dire need of some updates to it's tire model. The tire wear in the Nissan is just rediculous and I found myself unable to complete any of the races on a single set without fear of putting it into the wall due to yet another puncture (like I did at Paul Ricard). This really has been the story of my season. But generally speaking the car itself isn't bad at all and I kept getting faster and faster with it throughout the season. I qualed well inside the top 10 twice in the last three races and was able to battle for top 10 finishes as well - until I had to pit for tires that is. :( Heck even with pitting, I crashed out of 9th at Vancover with 1 lap to go (got kicked to the desktop). Overall, I think with some minor tweaks this mod has the potential of being very good, however, as it is I did feel very much at a disadvantage. Also, I must agree with Rhys, setting these cars up was rather funky at times.
I liked the Skyline also. Was close to taking it because i raced it in a other league with the same race lenght. I agree its not a proper GT car because you need to drive it like a FWD instead of a RWD.
The tyre wear is for me oke if you compare how good it is under braking and how stable it is as a 4wd. So it needs a disadvantage.
I had no problems with tyre wear in the other league i drove. It was more then the RWD offcourse but the key is not to slide like you do with a RWD car. (kuch Adam, yeah i saw the broadcast) :D
But Skyline is maybe a question mark for the future.
Aside from the season opener, me Viper has just felt bad all season. Up untill last night however. Last night it was brilliant. Wasn't perfect, and hence made a few mistakes but was alot of fun to drive. Really enjoyed the race. Thanks to all who raced.

Big thanks to Ivo and Remco for this season.
Ivo, it's actually not sliding the Nissan that is the problem in terms of tire wear, it's pushing the front. AWD vehicles have a natural tendancy to understeer and as such pushing the front tires. This causes the front tires to heat up quickly. The problem with this mod is that the front tires over heat within about 3 or 4 laps. It does this regardless of how I setup the car. I have seen front tire temps this season of well over 140° Celcius. I bow to anyone that can make this car with those tires go the race distance and still be competitive, but I am clearly not the only one that was unable to make it work. So in my humble opinion, the tire model needs adjusting to level the playing field a bit. It really is a shame as I was really starting to enjoy the car.
I had it oke when i changed the torque split to the rear. :)
Hmmm... I honestly must have overlooked that option in the garage. Certainly sounds like it would have solved the problem. That is the one big thing I really don't like in rFactor. The setup menus feel very cluttered compared to Race07. Hope they improve on that for rF2. :)
For me the mod never felt better than it did lastnight at Sebring,i can only put this down to the setup Kjell gave me in practice,and also the more or less normal behaviour and longevity of the tyres,again maybe setup related?,but reading others enjoying good tyres at Sebring so maybe just a kind track?,but over the season i was always very badly off the pace to start with,then it degraded in to farce status as tyre "issues" kicked in,just a simple case of me personally not every really "connecting" with the car,which is something that often happens to me,doesnt make a mod good or bad because im rubbish with it though :).

One thing i must clear up with Jan and Harald about my insane light flashing when we went over the finish line around about the 1:00hour to go mark,i remember it was around that time because i saw that 1:00 to go message come up,and add to that me totally in the dark about how long the race was,i assumed it was a normal 55mins race and therefor my little brain told me that 1:00 to go meant 1 minute,so i thought that was us finishing the race so i done some celebration flashing (hilarious eh??...),then when the checker flag didnt come out i thought "great 1 more lap to attack and pass both"!!!...so then i went on a final lap mission attacking you both and passing,messed it up though shifting down to 2nd at the chicane,Harald had nowhere to go but helped straighten me out and going again behind both again,it wasnt long after that i thought of toggling through my menu info to see how much time was left to go,would have been funny to see my little confused frowning face trying to do various mathematics on the hoof,always destined to fail with that kind of thing me :p,anyhoo...i digress,sorry Jan and Harald for my race finish celebrations with you just a mere 1 hour too early,thats all :).
Then a moment with Hugo as a 5 car group became close and tight,Hugo went wide at T1 resulting in a compromised exit,i get my Aston in sweet and tight giving a peach exit and good run on Hugo for the little spurt down to T2,just at the small "kink" curb bit halfway to T2 Hugo comes over to the left a little i think just to just to make a little tighter and not so straight forward for me,which is perfectly acceptable and normal,sadly there was about 10cm of overlap and Hugo's back wing brushed my front right wing giving us both a small bobble,Hugo looked just a little unsettled after it and i thought we were just surving this one,saddened to see Hugo go off :(,he recovered quick but retired at the exit of T3,sorry we ended up together there m8 and more sorry you had an off because of it :(.

Footnote: I might not remove the mod just yet as lastnight showed me the mod can really produce racing for me no problems with certain elements all in place,maybe with all the data/info/feedbacks from this maiden season with the mod then various little format tweaks and maybe even some tyres maths fizziks gubbins doctoring(permissions pending ofcourse)??...then maybe another season with them could end up being very good,so as Sean Connery would say.......Never Say Never :p.

Thank You once again Remco/Ivo/Adz & RD
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