2009 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE On)

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Group 1

I don´t know, could not run my best lap in qualy and only P22 but top 10 was impossible anyway.

So i started relaxed the race what will happen, unfortunately not much :rolleyes:, so i pitted on P21. After pits i go up to P18 behind the group with Wesley Hartog. Suddently he lagged massive, i pass his staying car but 2 seconds later i hit something (it was Wesley´s car) and got a suspension damage. The car was anyway almost undriveable but now i was also horrable slow. :tongue:
Ola close up because of that and i try to defend my position, first lap hit from behind before finish entry corner. Ok, i was thinking - "Next time i take this corner full inside". I make this but in the fast lefthander after Start/Finish line, short: i kicked off into the Nirvana. Fall down to P23, i mean it was so much time till the end but first situation will took for all or nothing. And waiting is today also equal, "It´s only Andreas, no problem - he is familiar with this".
Last three laps fight with Fernando and althought my car was all over the place he showed passion and we finished close each other on P22 and P23.

Summary a season with some ups and downs, funny and angry moments, success, msitakes and unfortunately some incidents.

Thanks RD for orgenicing this massive league and big congrats to Roland, our champion and all who made a for his own a successful result.
What a blast. I had a really nice race in which I could come from ninth to fourth position, barely missing out on the podium.

Congratulations to Roland, Rami and Frederick for their overall podium finish.

I had a really nice season. Thanks to Bram for setting it up and thanks to everyone who races and made the nice league it was.
G2...Well what a cracking last race of the season....::D Had a good Qualiy and ended up in 3rd, which was nice:eek: as the first 5 or so was very close on times. Had a good start and stayed in 3rd right behind Ivo with Dan off at the front. It stayed that way for the first 10 laps or so, i was close behind Ivo with Dan slowly Creeping out an 7-8 sec lead. Than Ivo ran a bit wide and i managed to sneak through. A few laps later Dan pitted and as my tryes were cooked i pitted the next lap. I already had enough fuel for the race so only changed me tyres :tongue:, as i was on me way out of the pits i noticed Dan or Ivo had not gone passed and rejoined in about 5th and looked behind and saw Dan and Ivo together about 4-5 sec behind which was nice...:D. After a few more laps everybody was pitting which put me in 1st :woot: with Dan and Ivo fighting it out behind. I managed to keep the gap to about 3-4 sec and It stayed like that for most of the race, but with a few laps left Ivo had got passed Dan and started to close the gap, me tyres were melting and i was sweating knowing i only had 2 laps left for me first league win :pray: But managed to just hold him off to take the win.... :party: Cracking racing lads...:cool:

would Like to thank RD and Bram for all their hard work on running another excellent season cheers guys...:)
group 3

started 9 . That was before a klever guy puntet me before be even got started ( red honda). i went off track , which then state i shall rejoin at the back. Which i did.
The person that did this . Its your second time you do this. Please all other car around you are human not AI drivers.:rolleyes:

Ok i started last and with rear damage , we have to make the best out off it.

Thanks to konrad for a great battel.
Small thank to Xose for taking your position at the end. not fair driving you did against me.

After started last i made it to 8 pos in group 3. A good climb for me.
Firstly, I would like to say thank you to Bram for all the hard work & long hours you put in to bring the championship to RD for S4 & I hope it hasn't caused you to much stress & hair loss & I am now looking towards S5 with much anticipation. Thanks once again for giving me something to do on a sunday night and all the enjoyment it has given me.

Now to the race: first time a Mid Ohio and what a track. Quali didn't go to plan as I had been in the 1:27.xx in testing but tonight could only manage a very, very low 1:28.xx. So starting from the backend of the field for me then.

As we got under way it was nice to see no inccidents as we crossed the line to start the race. Got into the groove and the laps started to go down but on lap 5, I think, a car got out of shape riding the T1 curb and the car in front of me got by but as we approched T2 I was able to get along side and with late braking squeezed by. Unfortunately as he turned in this led to us making contact which inadvertently cause me to touch the car infront, sorry for this. As we went down to T3 the car I overtook into T2 got along side but I was not looking in my mirrors, consentrating on getting the cornner right, & as I turn in we touched which put me off track. A lap later I noticed an Audi going off at T3 and managed to get by just as he was getting back on track. I was now in a train of 3 cars with Michael V in front me in the middle and Simon behind. The next 10 laps or so we had a titanic battle which made the race just disapear. A few times I had to haul up so not to bump Michael V as I seemed to be a bit better on braking and carry better speed into and out of some corners but it was never enough to make a clean pass. While this was going on Simon was lurking to pick up the pieces if it did. As I applied more a more pressure on Michael it was getting very near my pitstop and with my tyres very worn I thought that Michael's must be the same and on the lap I was going to pit I managed to pass Michael and make it stick.

After my pitstop I pushed hard and increased the gap I had over Micheal & Simon and in the process picked up another few spots form those who pitted late. I thought things were going well and if I kept it on the island untill the finish it would have been a good result. This wasn't to be as on lap 21/22 I went off at T8, the uphill turn, hit the tyre barrier and the engine stopped. I had a bit of a problem starting it plus I now had supension damage. After again stalling it in the kitty litter I got back on track and brought it home for, at least, a finish.

Grts to Jay, Ivo & Dan for filling up the podium slots. Thanks to all I raced against tonight and in all the races during the league for what was a very memorable time for me especially being my first league here at the world famous RaceDepartment forum. Before I go I would also like to thank all the staff at RD for all their hard work and free time they give to make it what it is, THE BEST.
group 3:

quali: p5
Did my PB which was a low 27 and got 5th place. Lap was not perfect but was quite happy with the position.

race: p4
After some training laps with full tank I was little bit curios about some corners with my setup.
So I started slow and Martin was just behind me. Zafiu in front of me had a lag and went back two places behind Martin.
Martin was faster then me and after he got a better exit at t1 he got me on the inside of t2 (sorry for the little love tab).
Some corners later I got a little bit wide and Zafiu got me also. So was back to p6. Then I had Westerlund behind me and gave me a hard time.
But my pace got better and better. And I was able to catch Martin & Zafiu again. But Zafiu had another lag and was back in the field then.
Had I nice battle with Martin until we both pitted on lap15. I got out in front of him(thanks pit crew :p) in p4 and drove it home afterwards.
Had one scary moment when Eckhard was spinning in front of me but luckily I didn't hit him :D

was really clean racing and had a great night.

Thanks RD and all the racers.
Firstly, I would like to say thank you to Bram for all the hard work & long hours you put in to bring the championship to RD for S4 & I hope it hasn't caused you to much stress & hair loss & I am now looking towards S5 with much anticipation. Thanks once again for giving me something to do on a sunday night and all the enjoyment it has given me

Could not of put it better n1 Bob.....:)
A fine event, a nice season finish at a race that had 25 racers connected until almost the very end (a single disco 3 or 4 laps from the end).
Obviously one normally prefers to be last among the "fast" than 1st among the "slow" and as I qualified 96th in the pres-season, obviously this race was the "coronation" of my RDTCC season.
Due to a multitude of circumstances (among them a complete OS and STEAM re-install), I didn't had time to practice for the event, and not without some irony, this went to be my "slowest paced" event of the season.

Practice & Qualification (3rd from last :wink:)
It was with some eagerness that I joined the server 1hr earlier to learn the track.

The objective was very simple, manage a pace from my TDI where I wasn't a liability to anyone in the immediate coming event. I was clearly helped by how this relatively short track was easy to know but I would go until the end with a clear notion I didn't master one or two corners on the track as I would lose much time in them for almost everyone if not all in our GR.

As implied above, on top of a trouble-less event, my race classification objective was the psychological barrier of the top 20th (the 5 last would move to GR2 if it wasn't the last event).

It was my first time starting so deep in a rolling start and I was impressed by how the front group were already fighting for the first turn and we in the back of the platoon were yet 3 turn away from entering the start finishing line.
The things went calm & slow initially, for quite a few laps it could be seen how the all 25 virtual racers group had a decent race pace as the field circulated more or less compact. On those about first 10 laps, as I battled with people near me (Bram, Fernando), I even circulated last (25th) for some time.
As the race progressed, I went to know I was fighting for 20th place at best as the platoon fractionated a bit more, opening gaps where heavy position fighting was happening.
As usual with the TDI, the pit-stops were good for my overall race position and I climbed a few positions finding myself running 22nd. Nearing the end of the race with one disco and 2 end of the race "grass routes" from racers immediately in front, went to finish 19th.

Congratulations to our race podium (specially to the top placed Marcin), obviously a very fine overall achievement by Rolland and all the top championship placed and special congratulations to those who climbed all the way from the 4th GR to the 1st (yet about 5 or 6 people).

Much tanks to everyone who took this championship compromise to its very end, thanks all who took part and special thanks to championship organizer/s and RD.

Group 3

Quali - my PB and P12

On race I had stable pace without bigger mistakes. On the beginning kept the distance to two drivers behind me Tony Franklin and Xose. Before me was Caramidaru but before pit I moved him. On the pit won few positions and was on P6, behind me was Tony Franklin again but I was able to innrease my advantege to him. Unexpected I chase for Martin Kraaijenbrink. On the beginning of the stint it was more less the same distance but before end Martin slowed down and I got him. Very nice fight for few laps and finally on the next to last lap I moved him and finished on P5. On the last lap Eckhart spun in front of me and was very close to hit him, must have gone to the grass but kept position, uff. Surprised a lot, did not expect such high position :)

Very nice season!
Group 1

Back in group 1, was a long way to get there again after an other league race etc. Could only manage a 14th position in qualy. Weather has been great here with 27 C so I didn't do any testing until Sunday afternoon (after F1 race). Missed out on the setup, was too focused on getting the speed up and missed the race setup (which I eventually had to pay for).

Started 14th (almost 18 people within 1 second:good:), tried as always to keep up with the guys in front and save tyres. Managed the first, but had to skip the second:). I did a last minute change in the setup (I never learn, don't do it!), which made the car a bit worse, but not that much of a difference tbh. Had to fight hard to keep the car straight in the first stint, other than that it was a quite boring race up to that point.

After the pit stop I was chased hard by Javanainen, but I managed to keep the gap and close in on the guys ahead. With just a few laps I caught the SEAT and he was struggling, stayed behind to see his weak spots as my tyres had done their best too. I found a gap in turn 4 (I think) where he ran very wide, dived on the inside but was sliding too much and we were side by side. I gave him plenty of room on the inside in the right hand corner and was hoping he would do the same in the left hander. Still side by side but I was forced up on the curb and curbs with a BMW on worn tyres is not the best combo. I spun and had to let Javanainen by too. Finished 13th in the end, but could have been 11th. A bit disappointed as I think it was unnecessary, but that's the way it goes in racing. Nothing to file a complaint for. With so little time left, no one wants to give away anything for free. But I was mostly disappointed by the fact I couldn't match the pace from the other E90's, as the car seemed to like this track.

Thank you Bram for organizing this, I enjoyed it very much and is happy with my first league here at RD. Finished 22nd overall, tied on points with Hannu, my old team mate that drove for Perätielle Racing when we started a few years ago:). Congratulations to Roland for being a well deserved champion and thanks for all the racing through out the season, guys:good:! See you next time!
Group 1

After the pit stop I was chased hard by Javanainen, but I managed to keep the gap and close in on the guys ahead. With just a few laps I caught the SEAT and he was struggling, stayed behind to see his weak spots as my tyres had done their best too. I found a gap in turn 4 (I think) where he ran very wide, dived on the inside but was sliding too much and we were side by side. I gave him plenty of room on the inside in the right hand corner and was hoping he would do the same in the left hander. Still side by side but I was forced up on the curb and curbs with a BMW on worn tyres is not the best combo. I spun and had to let Javanainen by too. Finished 13th in the end, but could have been 11th. A bit disappointed as I think it was unnecessary, but that's the way it goes in racing. Nothing to file a complaint for. With so little time left, no one wants to give away anything for free. But I was mostly disappointed by the fact I couldn't match the pace from the other E90's, as the car seemed to like this track.

I'm pretty sure that was me in the seat. I have not checked the replay yet but at the time of racing I was in such a hard struggling that I needed the whole track as my car was sliding to much and getting to close to the edge and the rear suspension damage did not help at all...

sorry for that, i did want to squeeze a bit on defending and make my car a bit wide, but not that much squeezing. I miscalculated that
I'm pretty sure that was me in the seat. I have not checked the replay yet but at the time of racing I was in such a hard struggling that I needed the whole track as my car was sliding to much and getting to close to the edge and the rear suspension damage did not help at all...

sorry for that, i did want to squeeze a bit on defending and make my car a bit wide, but not that much squeezing. I miscalculated that

I checked the replay afterwards and I didn't find it necessary to file a complaint for it, or at least it's not worth the trouble. It got a bit too tight and it's all part of the racing, the fact that we both were struggling with our cars surely didn't help either:).
Group 4

After my first pole I was just focused on finishing my first race, so I began the race slower than I expected...When arriving on the second corner I was already third, and there I was until the end. I lost a lot of time in pits because I forgot to check the gas with 0, so i refilled my tank...lost maybe 15 seconds there.
At the 47th minute I ran wide and crashed the wall, had suspension and aerodynamic damage, but manage to stay in third.
Thanks everyone, specially guys from RD. I will be back next season...
It was my first league in touring car and i was able to finish in 7 th...and i have so much fun....

Congratulations to Roland and all the other drivers...

Thanks and congratulations for all the guys of RD....

I hope than come with a new season....

Miguel Neto
  • Fredrik Tackman

Wanna say BIG thanks to racedepartment for bringing us this intense racing,also gratulations to my teamie Roland for winning it all (always :) ) also grats to Rami and Marcin who are really good racers,(also the other very good racers)

Yesterday I was soaked in sweat after the race tryed to hold off YURI in a very fast SEAT and after he passed me,another SEAT wich was faster but managed to stay in front into the pit.

Came out of the pit in 5:th just in front of Roland and managed to stay there to the finnish.

Best Regards
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