Historic Nürburgring Released for Automobilista 2

Reiza Studios has officially released the 1971 version of the Nürburgring today in a new public update. Good news for the owners of the Nürburgring DLC is they'll be able to enjoy this historic version without having to spend a single dime extra, as all the new layouts are integrating that existing DLC.

The Nordschleife will be there, of course, but you will also be able to drive the Südschleife - replaced by the GP circuit in the early 80s - and the combined version. Reiza mentions in the patch notes that more trackside objects will be added before the official stable release. The South loop is 7.7km long, narrow and fast paced compared to the modern circuit, with 27 mostly high speed corners. It brings the combined course over 28km for a single lap.

On a sidenote, the 2023 versions of the Brazilian Stock Car Pro Series cars have also made their way in the game, and a whole bunch of small tweaks and fixes have also been made. For the full details, read the patch notes below.


  • Fixed occasional CTD when viewing cars from trackside camera
  • Helmet liveries from specific drivers are now excluded from the random pool of helmets for other drivers that don't have one assigned
  • Fixed an issue where the player driver would use a random helmet livery instead of the assigned one
  • Fixed an issue where the AI drivers would be loaded with the wrong helmet liveries in saved replays, multiplayer and championship mode
  • Championship Editor: Fixed a potential crash when exiting class selection screen and add proper guidance that at least one class must be selected
  • Altered some default values (for G-Wheel) and improved / lowered on center knock that is felt with some cars (g-wheel)
  • Fixed FR next compound button on Edit Strategy page
  • Copa Truck: Fixed instant engine failure for some AI drivers during standing starts
  • Increased volume for ignition sound effect
  • Wastegate sound is now prevented from playing when RPM's are too low
  • Shortened engine shutdown sound timer; Prevented artificial engine sound volume bump for a more natural sounding startup
  • Mini Cooper: adjusted external sound for player and AI cars, adjusted starter timing and starter sound.
  • Stock Car Pro Series: Fixed incosistent tire sounds for Stock Corolla '21, '22, 23
  • Nürburgring 1971: Completed artwork for release and fixed reported issues
  • Cascais 1988: Fixed LOD on animated 3D crowds
  • F-Vintage Gen2: Corrected tachometer orientation
  • McLaren MP4/5B: Corrected steering wheel position for better cockpit display visibility; Fixed rear wing disappearing at a distance
  • Copa Montana: Fixed windscreen wiper texture issue

And the previous full logs for the release candidate beta updates which preceded this public release can be found here.

Let us know in the comments below how you are experiencing the Historic Nürburgring!
About author
Global motorsports enjoyer, long time simracer, Gran Turismo veteran, I've been driving alongside top drivers since the dawn of online pro leagues on Gran Turismo, and qualified for the only cancelled FIA GTC World Tour. I've left aside competitive driving in 2020 to dedicate myself to IGTL, a simracing organisation hosting high quality events for pro racers and customers, to create with friends the kind of events we wished we could have had. We strive to provide the best events for drivers and the best content for viewers, and want to help the simracing scene grow and shine further in the global esports scene.


I gave the track a spin. It's great and obviously there has been put alot of effort into the project. Eventhough AMS2 isn't my go-to sim I appreciate the team expanding on historic front. This is something that has been whiped away by basicly all devs as not profitable enough and treated very halfhearted. If you only release a MiniCooper but put no effort into a historic racing eco system it ain't gonna work. In other titles there luckily are mods to fill that gap. That said, it's refreshing to see a studio really fleshing out that content, atleast on the track side. But this brings me a bit to the negative aspects of AMS2 and the reasons why it doesn't click for me.

I have the feeling that Reiza is dancing on too many weddings. I used the Brabham BT26 with the other Vintage GEN 2 cars wich might seem like a good fit and it ended in me quitting the game. First of all the driving itself feels very boring and get's bland after two laps. Granted my personal benchmarks in that area of 60s Formula cars are the historic openwheelers in rF2 - especialy the Brabham BT20 or the EVE for a better comparison or the fantastic Lotus 25 in AC. It's asthonishing how there is so much going on with those cars, the suspension movement, weight shifting under accelerating and braking and how you can balance the cars with four wheel drifts to be fast. In AMS2 there sadly is none of this. And what made me quit the game at the end is that the AI is a complete desaster on that track with the vintage formula cars. Half of the time they are on the grass and I couldn't manage to get a race started without the AI piling up.

For me AMS2 would be alot more interesting if they really focused on their niches and not try to fight on all fronts. With the complexity of these modern sim racing titles it's impossible to master modern Formula 1 cars, historic Formula 1 cars, modern GT cars and historic GT cars all with the same amount of care and attention for detail. The amount of work that still needs to be done to really flesh out what is allready there is huge and in that regard a big part of the allready existing content feels half done. The amount of content that's allready there is huge - and I mean really huge - so that it might be better to focus on the allready existing stuff instead of adding WIP piece of content after WIP piece of content and making the pile of unfinished stuff even bigger. They kind of fell in the same trap like S397 while S397 kind of understood that they need to focus on their niche - that's FE, Indycar, BTCC and modern Endurance racing. Now there are talks of Le Mans in AMS2 and I know beforehand that I will be dissapointed because it will never be on the same level as in rF2, where I get grids with over 50s cars, engaging believable AI, fantastic sound and a very organic driving experience that touches all senses.

In my eyes they have so much potential with the historic racing and the odd Brazilian motorsport content that I wonder why we need a fantasy Formula NA in the sim with a good mod being available or why there is so much time spent on modern snooze tracks like Barcelona.
I gave the track a spin. It's great and obviously there has been put alot of effort into the project. Eventhough AMS2 isn't my go-to sim I appreciate the team expanding on historic front. This is something that has been whiped away by basicly all devs as not profitable enough and treated very halfhearted. If you only release a MiniCooper but put no effort into a historic racing eco system it ain't gonna work. In other titles there luckily are mods to fill that gap. That said, it's refreshing to see a studio really fleshing out that content, atleast on the track side. But this brings me a bit to the negative aspects of AMS2 and the reasons why it doesn't click for me.

I have the feeling that Reiza is dancing on too many weddings. I used the Brabham BT26 with the other Vintage GEN 2 cars wich might seem like a good fit and it ended in me quitting the game. First of all the driving itself feels very boring and get's bland after two laps. Granted my personal benchmarks in that area of 60s Formula cars are the historic openwheelers in rF2 - especialy the Brabham BT20 or the EVE for a better comparison or the fantastic Lotus 25 in AC. It's asthonishing how there is so much going on with those cars, the suspension movement, weight shifting under accelerating and braking and how you can balance the cars with four wheel drifts to be fast. In AMS2 there sadly is none of this. And what made me quit the game at the end is that the AI is a complete desaster on that track with the vintage formula cars. Half of the time they are on the grass and I couldn't manage to get a race started without the AI piling up.

For me AMS2 would be alot more interesting if they really focused on their niches and not try to fight on all fronts. With the complexity of these modern sim racing titles it's impossible to master modern Formula 1 cars, historic Formula 1 cars, modern GT cars and historic GT cars all with the same amount of care and attention for detail. The amount of work that still needs to be done to really flesh out what is allready there is huge and in that regard a big part of the allready existing content feels half done. The amount of content that's allready there is huge - and I mean really huge - so that it might be better to focus on the allready existing stuff instead of adding WIP piece of content after WIP piece of content and making the pile of unfinished stuff even bigger. They kind of fell in the same trap like S397 while S397 kind of understood that they need to focus on their niche - that's FE, Indycar, BTCC and modern Endurance racing. Now there are talks of Le Mans in AMS2 and I know beforehand that I will be dissapointed because it will never be on the same level as in rF2, where I get grids with over 50s cars, engaging believable AI, fantastic sound and a very organic driving experience that touches all senses.

In my eyes they have so much potential with the historic racing and the odd Brazilian motorsport content that I wonder why we need a fantasy Formula NA in the sim with a good mod being available or why there is so much time spent on modern snooze tracks like Barcelona.
IMHO they have a very good reason to pursue several different types of racecars: it suddenly makes more sense when you think that Reiza and AMS2 are not here for the 1-2-3 years cycle of the typical racing titles, but rather for the long haul (probably more like 5-7-10 years like some of the sims currently in the market).
When you look at it from this perspective, it makes more sense to diversify so that you learn as much as you can and then flesh out things with time.
It is very typical of modern times to be longing for everything and now, but the reality is that to reach accomplishment of the potential of Madness Engine, if a developer is serious about it, there is no way around the fact you will need multiple years and Reiza seems to be resilient enough to tackle that.
Looking forward to v1.5 to iron out some of the quirks still remaining within its physics and boost the strong points compared to other sims that are already visible.
IMHO they have a very good reason to pursue several different types of racecars: it suddenly makes more sense when you think that Reiza and AMS2 are not here for the 1-2-3 years cycle of the typical racing titles, but rather for the long haul (probably more like 5-7-10 years like some of the sims currently in the market).
When you look at it from this perspective, it makes more sense to diversify so that you learn as much as you can and then flesh out things with time.
It is very typical of modern times to be longing for everything and now, but the reality is that to reach accomplishment of the potential of Madness Engine, if a developer is serious about it, there is no way around the fact you will need multiple years and Reiza seems to be resilient enough to tackle that.
Looking forward to v1.5 to iron out some of the quirks still remaining within its physics and boost the strong points compared to other sims that are already visible.
And wich strong points compared to sims are visible? For me the sim feels all over the place, especialy in the driving departement. And let's face it, that's where it matters the most. Project Cars 1 and 2 are perfect examples for this.
I gave the track a spin. It's great and obviously there has been put alot of effort into the project. Eventhough AMS2 isn't my go-to sim I appreciate the team expanding on historic front. This is something that has been whiped away by basicly all devs as not profitable enough and treated very halfhearted. If you only release a MiniCooper but put no effort into a historic racing eco system it ain't gonna work. In other titles there luckily are mods to fill that gap. That said, it's refreshing to see a studio really fleshing out that content, atleast on the track side. But this brings me a bit to the negative aspects of AMS2 and the reasons why it doesn't click for me.

I have the feeling that Reiza is dancing on too many weddings. I used the Brabham BT26 with the other Vintage GEN 2 cars wich might seem like a good fit and it ended in me quitting the game. First of all the driving itself feels very boring and get's bland after two laps. Granted my personal benchmarks in that area of 60s Formula cars are the historic openwheelers in rF2 - especialy the Brabham BT20 or the EVE for a better comparison or the fantastic Lotus 25 in AC. It's asthonishing how there is so much going on with those cars, the suspension movement, weight shifting under accelerating and braking and how you can balance the cars with four wheel drifts to be fast. In AMS2 there sadly is none of this. And what made me quit the game at the end is that the AI is a complete desaster on that track with the vintage formula cars. Half of the time they are on the grass and I couldn't manage to get a race started without the AI piling up.

For me AMS2 would be alot more interesting if they really focused on their niches and not try to fight on all fronts. With the complexity of these modern sim racing titles it's impossible to master modern Formula 1 cars, historic Formula 1 cars, modern GT cars and historic GT cars all with the same amount of care and attention for detail. The amount of work that still needs to be done to really flesh out what is allready there is huge and in that regard a big part of the allready existing content feels half done. The amount of content that's allready there is huge - and I mean really huge - so that it might be better to focus on the allready existing stuff instead of adding WIP piece of content after WIP piece of content and making the pile of unfinished stuff even bigger. They kind of fell in the same trap like S397 while S397 kind of understood that they need to focus on their niche - that's FE, Indycar, BTCC and modern Endurance racing. Now there are talks of Le Mans in AMS2 and I know beforehand that I will be dissapointed because it will never be on the same level as in rF2, where I get grids with over 50s cars, engaging believable AI, fantastic sound and a very organic driving experience that touches all senses.

In my eyes they have so much potential with the historic racing and the odd Brazilian motorsport content that I wonder why we need a fantasy Formula NA in the sim with a good mod being available or why there is so much time spent on modern snooze tracks like Barcelona.
I enjoy how RF2 feels, but engaging AI it has not! I like the F-Vintages in AMS2, it's FFB is as good as RF2.
The races are very dynamic thanks to the mechanical failures for both the AI and player, the way the AI can make mistakes, the weather system and wet-dry-wet transistions are the best in the business, all those features creates a level of immersion that most modern sims dont have.
I enjoy how RF2 feels, but engaging AI it has not! I like the F-Vintages in AMS2, it's FFB is as good as RF2.
The races are very dynamic thanks to the mechanical failures for both the AI and player, the way the AI can make mistakes, the weather system and wet-dry-wet transistions are the best in the business, all those features creates a level of immersion that most modern sims dont have.
Well if you can make it through T1 or T2 without a pileup then good for you. ;)

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Alexandre Tonini
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