VWSR S1: Virtual World Series by Renault

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Marco Bijl

Axe Travels

League: RACEDEPARTMENT World Series by Renault
Season: 0 (2011 BETA Release)
Game(s) Required: rFactor 2
Number of Divisions: 1

Welcome to the first World Series by Racedepartment, run in the brand new rFactor2. This series primairy goal is for both drivers and administrators to get comfortable with the new features this promissing game has to offer. Feedback is highly appreciated.
We have decided to use one of the default car's from the BETA version, the Renault Megane Trophy. To get some variation for those that have been driving for some time now, we added 3 of the custom tracks available and shall go all over the globe to have 4 rounds of fantastic racing. The lovely Meganes will have to be pushed to the maximum to perform at their best, and deliver our winner the first official RACEDEPARTMENT rFactor2 Championship title!

Sign up
Interested drivers, with a licensed membership can apply for a place in the league. Every licensed member and owner of ISI's rFactor2 is welcome to join the championship. We do remind all that this is formerly a test league for the official RDWSR series, and that we sincerely appreciate your feedback after each race. All findings are important to us. We need to know how servers will perform, how mod's work, and if the installation and running of the league will go with or without problems. Remember this when signing up.
We do however want to keep the quality of racing up by the Racedepartment.com standards. All regular league rules apply. Make sure to have read them before signing up.
Details about how to sign up format will be in sign up threat.

Sign up open: March 8th 2012

Sign up closed: April 7th 2012
Publication of final drivers list: April 10th 2012

There will be 1 division for this league.

Available cars
This series shall be drivin with the Renault Megane Trophy cars from the default ISI content. There will be an option for custom skins, and all setup options will remain available during the sessions.

The available tracks for rFactor2 which are actually confirmed or available is low. We have choosen 3 custom, and 1 default track for this league. First of all, we will visit the US. Searspoint and Mid Ohio will be the first 2 of our tracks. We leave for the UK after that, to have a taste of Snetterton. Since we are in the UK, there is a big chance that the weather will let us down there :(. Next up we go all the way to Japan, to have a go at Fuji Speedway. The final round will be special, as it will be a long race, which starts in the daylight and takes us all the way to midnight. We will finish in the dark there.

Round 1: April 14th - Searspoint
Round 2: April 28th - Mid Ohio
Round 3: May 12th - Snetterton
Round 4: May 26th - Fuji

Session Info
Every race will have 4 sessions, practice, qualification, warmup and race.

Practice: 30 minutes starts at 19:00 GMT
Qualification: 20 minutes starts at 19:30 GMT
Warmup: 10 minutes starts at 19:50 GMT
Race: 45 minutes starts at 20:00 GMT

The final round of the season will feature a day/night race, and will be 70 minutes long!

Points table

Having you own livery is mandatory. There will be some default Racedepartment skins available for those who want to. All liveries need to be at the race staff before the deadline. The skins will be included in the actual rFactor mod that will be created.
Details will be provided in the skinning topic. A mandatory logo pack will be distributed to the signups.

Livery deadline: Aril 8th 2012. Late entrants can contact Marco Bijl to discuss the latest time for submission.

There will be no broadcast for this event.

This is the most important part of the league briefing you need to understand! If you are allowed to drive the in league we expect you to be present during all races of the season. If you happen to miss out on an event and go missing in action afterwards without giving any notice the race staff reserve the rights to terminate your licensed member status on RaceDeparment.

It may happen that rules get violated. In such cases it is up to the drivers to report the violation. The staff encourages this and will only investigate incidents that are reported by drivers.

No report = no investigation = no penalty

A report can be sent to the staff by private message to Joakim Skalstad or Marco Bijl. It must always contain:

o Name of the league: RDWSR S0
o The name of the reported driver (the violator)
o A link to a youtube or vimeo movie that shows the incident in various angles.
o A short description of the incident, without rant, along with the timestamp

You must always send the report with your own forum account. You can only send a report if you were actually in the race. Report from outsider will be not be considered.
After sending the staff will then investigate the incident. Incomplete reports will not be considered.

Reports must be sent within 24 hours of the finish of the race. Reports that come in too late might not be considered.

General League Rules
All the general league rules are written down in a document for the 2011/2012 league season. Click here to read it!

This is the Racedepartment World Series by Renault Media thread. In here, everyone can post there media info.
  • Car presentations
  • Video race reports
  • Picture race reports.
Download instructions for the RDWSR series.

We will be using the offline versions of the several tracks.You can find them all on the forum except for 1, Fuji. This track is in its last testing phase, and will be announced soon. Download will be posted here, and all will be notified via the news thread.

Direct links:

Mid Ohio

Snetterton 300


In case of Searspoint, which consists of 1 base mod, and 3 updates, you need to download and install all updates as well.

Last thing you need is the Racedepartment RDWSR Mod. This is nothing more then a link between all 4 tracks, the Meganes and the skins. As we do not have the skins yet, we made a pre-version for it. This version will be used to setup a test server within the coming days, so if you want to do some test driving, or start working on those setups, this is the last download to do.

Racedepartment RDWSR Mod -> 3 posts down

When you have download all the files above, place them in the packaging folder of your rFactor2 install. Mostly, this will be:
C:\Documents and Settings\Player name\rfactor2\packages

Next open the Mod Manager to start installing them. Start the rFactor2 launcher, and click on MANAGE MODS, in the right bottom corner.
The mod manager will open. First you need to make sure all tracks are installed, before you can install the mod itself. To do this, you have to click the OPTIONS menu on the top bar, and UNtick the Show Mods Only option.
Look in the list, and find the 3 tracks you have downloaded. Right click on them, and select install.
For Searspoint, there are 3 updates to install as well. This is not done automaticly, you have to do that manually. When you have installed Searspoint, rightclick on it again, and the UPDATE option will be available. Repeat this until you have version 1.3 installed.

When all the tracks are there, you need to have the following installed:

Snetterton - Version 0.71
Searspoint - Version 1.3
Mid Ohio - Version 1.9

Now go to the OPTIONS again, and re-tick the Show Mods Only. The RDWSR mod should now be in the list, and when right clicking it, you should be able to select install.

When all is done succesfully, you can go into the Multiplayer option for rFactor2. In the server list, there is a server called RACEDEPARTMENT.COM RDWSR. The password can be found in the regular password section.

If you have any problems, please report them in the Problems section.

To sign up to this league, post a reply down below. Please follow the format specified:

Driver: Driver name
Team: Team name, Can be fictional
Car Number: Free choice of car number
Will use RD Skin: Yes / No
I have read and understood the general info thread, and the overall league rules: Yes.
You can use this thread to report an upcoming absence.

Notifications of absence need to be posted at least 24 hours prior to the start of the qualification. Not showing up without an absence report will be noted by the staff, and a penalty can be applied.

This topic will open a few days before the raceday.
This topic is to be used in case of problems downloading, installing, or running the content from this league. Please keep general questions in the appropriate topic, and keep this one specified for problems only!
Staff can decide to move posts out of this topic, into the general topic if we find the content fits there better.

When reporting an issue, please provide as much information as possible. If you have posted an issue, and found the sollution yourself, please have the decency to post it here as well, so others can benefit from it as well :)
A little more information on this new exciting series.

As we did not want to wait until the final game is released, we have decided to do a pre-season league in the rFactor2 game. Like said in the info thread, we will be using the Renault Megane Trophy from the initial release of rFactor2. The Megane is reasonable to drive, and since it is present since day one, most of us have tasted a bit of this great car already.

We choose 4 nice tracks to run the series on. These tracks will feature at least 1 day/night race, and at least 1 race with variable weather.
There is one thing to mention in terms of the tracks. Basicly, we have choosen the tracks we have listed now as there is little other choice in the matter. However, there are some projects which probably will be released before the championship actually starts. Therefore, it MIGHT be so that we decide to change one of the tracks. If we do so, we shall do that before the first race. If the season is started, no more changes will be applied, except for released updates on the choosen content.

Then there is the Problem and bug report topic. As this is the first series ever hosted in rFactor2, it might be so that we encounter some problems or bugs. Please report them so we can look into it, and try to find a sollution for them. Don't send PM's to Joakim or myself for those issues, but report them in the topic. Reason for that is that when others encounter the same issue, the sollution might be in that topic already.
This is also the reason why this championship will not count for any standings. However, we will keep standings of this championship itself in GPCOS, which will be set up in the coming time as well.

To enter the servers, you need to have all the content installed from the download topic. This will contain links to the individual tracks, and the Racedepartment RDWSR mod. There are still some things we need to find out, so the final mod will not be posted in the coming time. We did make a testing mod, for which a server will be up and running within the coming days. All information for that will be in the Download topic.

Last thing I want to mention is the feedback. We really appreciate every form of feedback we can get. Performance, installing, driving fun, all is welcome. Take into account that the more feedback is supplied during this pre-season championship, the better the championships will be when the rFactor2 game is officially released.


Weather: Dry, normal ingame weather.
Start: Standing Start, No formation lap.

Practice: 19:00 GMT - 30 Minutes
Qualification: 19:30 GMT - 20 Minutes
Warmup: 19:50 GMT - 10 Minutes
Race: 20:00 GMT - 45 minutes.

There are no exceptions in the rules of cutting in this event. Normal RD rules applies, with 2 wheels inside the white lines at all times. The green areas do not count as race surface!

Chatting of any kind during Qualifying and the Race is strictly prohibited. There is no need to say sorry/thanks/pitting/leaving pits/etc. Anything that needs to be said can wait until after the session.

If you come in a situation that you tap another driver of the track, you may continue your race without waiting and give back the position. You will receive a penalty when the incident is reported by the driver that was the victim of the incident.
First lap of the race will be reviewed completly by the league admins, when first lap incidents occure the penalty given will be harder.

Reports can be filed to the league admin together with a short description from your side and a clear video showing the incident from different angles. Submit your file here

League Rules
All the general league rules are written down in a document for the 2011/2012 league season. Click here to read it!


Weather: Dry, normal ingame weather.
Start: Standing Start, No formation lap.

Practice: 19:00 GMT - 30 Minutes
Qualification: 19:30 GMT - 20 Minutes
Warmup: 19:50 GMT - 10 Minutes
Race: 20:00 GMT - 45 minutes.

There are no exceptions in the rules of cutting in this event. Normal RD rules applies, with 2 wheels inside the white lines at all times. The green areas do not count as race surface!

Chatting of any kind during Qualifying and the Race is strictly prohibited. There is no need to say sorry/thanks/pitting/leaving pits/etc. Anything that needs to be said can wait until after the session.

If you come in a situation that you tap another driver of the track, you may continue your race without waiting and give back the position. You will receive a penalty when the incident is reported by the driver that was the victim of the incident.
First lap of the race will be reviewed completly by the league admins, when first lap incidents occure the penalty given will be harder.

Reports can be filed to the league admin together with a short description from your side and a clear video showing the incident from different angles.

League Rules
All the general league rules are written down in a document for the 2011/2012 league season. Click here to read it!


Weather: Dry, Sunny
Start: Standing Start, No formation lap.

Download here

Practice: 19:00 GMT - 30 Minutes
Qualification: 19:30 GMT - 20 Minutes
Warmup: 19:50 GMT - 10 Minutes
Race: 20:00 GMT - 45 minutes.

There are no exceptions in the rules of cutting in this event. Normal RD rules applies, with 2 wheels inside the white lines at all times. The green areas do not count as race surface!

I really want to point you all to this rule once more. There is ABSOLUTELY no excuse for chatting during race or qualify. Please note that chatting of any kind during Qualifying and the Race is strictly prohibited. There is no need to say sorry/thanks/pitting/leaving pits/etc. Anything that needs to be said can wait until after the session.

If you come in a situation that you tap another driver of the track, you may continue your race without waiting and give back the position. You will receive a penalty when the incident is reported by the driver that was the victim of the incident.
First lap of the race will be reviewed completly by the league admins, when first lap incidents occure the penalty given will be harder.

Reports can be filed to the league admin together with a short description from your side and a clear video showing the incident from different angles.

League Rules
All the general league rules are written down in a document for the 2011/2012 league season. Click here to read it!


Weather: Dry
Start: Standing Start, No formation lap.

Practice: 19:00 GMT - 30 Minutes
Qualification: 19:30 GMT - 20 Minutes
Warmup: 19:50 GMT - 10 Minutes
Race: 20:00 GMT - 90 minutes.

Server Settings:
Race start time: 2:30 pm
Race length: 90 min
Time: X4

Day/night transition.
This race will start during day time. After approximately 30 minutes, the sky will go darker, and night will slowly fall. We will finish the race in complete darkness. The server settings are added in this post. The test server will have a practice session with the same settings. So, its possible that if you join, it will be night time. I suggest you use that time to do some practice, so you have no issues driving around Fuji in the dark.

There are no exceptions in the rules of cutting in this event. Normal RD rules applies, with 2 wheels inside the white lines at all times. The green areas do not count as race surface!

I really want to point you all to this rule once more. There is ABSOLUTELY no excuse for chatting during race or qualify. Please note that chatting of any kind during Qualifying and the Race is strictly prohibited. There is no need to say sorry/thanks/pitting/leaving pits/etc. Anything that needs to be said can wait until after the session.

If you come in a situation that you tap another driver of the track, you may continue your race without waiting and give back the position. You will receive a penalty when the incident is reported by the driver that was the victim of the incident.
First lap of the race will be reviewed completly by the league admins, when first lap incidents occure the penalty given will be harder.

Reports can be filed to the league admin together with a short description from your side and a clear video showing the incident from different angles.

League Rules
All the general league rules are written down in a document for the 2011/2012 league season. Click here to read it!
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