VSCC S2 | Round 3: Londrina | 15 December 2013

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Ive had to pull out of this one guys. Im ill and dont have the strength to push my brake.
I was really looking forward to this round, its one of, if not, the, favourite track of GSC.
Sorry guys. Have a good race!
Hey Guys, last night I couldn't go on the server because the password wasn't working. Now I read it has been fixed, but I can't see any servers at all. Is there a way to force the servers from displaying? What could be causing it? I haven't changed a thing from last night and my firewall is setup properly.

EDIT: It says that "Internet Matchmaking for GSC is temporarily unavailable."

I guess I have to wait.

I know that issue. From time to time the Master server seems to have connection issues. Try later.
Does anyone know if it's possible to connect to a server without clicking on it in the server list?
Oh Man. Was a bit late tonight in front of PC and joined the session right before the qual.
Was tip-toeing to get to know the track but it defo wasn't enough to get up to speed. Londrina is very technical track, so i was screwed not having practice. Was 17th in qual and decided to drive safe through the race, but unfortunately that didn't last long, spun get hit and gave up.
Everybody was overtaking me on straights and i had a feeling that either my throttle wasn't 100% or my brakes were dragging...
is there a way to check that in replay mode?
A lot of problems with my pc.:mad:

After 32 laps my pc stuttering and was always too late with steering.
Sorry that i have not finished my race, but what happens i don't know.

Congratz to al finishers.
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Had some nice fights with Lewis Travis, thank you, I really enjoyed that.

Unfortunately the game fooled me in the pits. Someone stand on my spot, not entirely but it was enough so I could not get my service and had to wait until he had finished.

Is this a bug?
Had some nice fights with Lewis Travis, thank you, I really enjoyed that.

Unfortunately the game fooled me in the pits. Someone stand on my spot, not entirely but it was enough so I could not get my service and had to wait until he had finished.

Is this a bug?
Yes had some nice racing with you. I pitted a lap later and was looking to see where I would come out but I never saw you again :(
I made it just in time today to get in a few laps practice and quali. There was a moment when I was doubting I'd make it home in time.

Somehow, today I wasn't able to break the 1:11. I am not sure why. A couple of days ago, with the same setup I was unable to even break the 13's. Yet yesterday I was in the low 10's my times. This track is truly a mystery to me.

Since I didn't have the speed I decided to go for consistency and double stinting. Indeed, I run most of the race on 100 liters and put 22liters in a 6 second pit stop (the delay was still an eternity).

By then my tires were reduced to ribbons and it felt like I was drive a swamp boat.

Especially the T2,T3 and T4 complex became really hard to negotiate. More than once I exited the downhill sideways. Fortunately, my setup allowed very good control in a slide. I had soft shocks and ARB in the front and the back was somewhat rigid. The ideal wing for that setup was 5, but before quali I chickened out and put it at 6 after stiffening the rear ARB one click to try to make the car point to the inside of the turns a bit better.
I have to say that the 2013 model is much more drivable and responsive to setup adjustment than the 2011 and even the 2012. During practice I found a setup that turn the car into a drift machine. Just let it settle and go around the turn swinging your ass like a rally car..

In the race I wasn't exactly setting the word on fire, and toward the end I was being passed by lapped cars, but all things considered P13 is worse than I hoped but not as bad as I feared, considering I qualified in P17 or 19 (I don't recall, I refuse to count that high).

I think it was a simple case of race jitters. In practice I was able to move the car around much better with the lower wing, but when I switched to a slower, but more consistent strategy, it was just too risky. I think if I had raced with the lower wing at the end I would have been a liability.

I am still not very convinced if it's better to go for speed and do a full pit stop or save time in the pits and drive for the long haul. I am sure I'll figure it out as soon as the next race is over.
Great experience from my first race in the main server. Quali'ed 14th with a 11.7 iirc, which was better than my pb, so I was quite happy.

The start was chaotic to many drivers yet I managed to finish the first lap unhurt :D. Race went smoothly with 2-3 overtakes, profiting from other's mistakes. Right around mid race, I felt I was loosing quite a lot of grip, and after a lap or two battling with the car, I inevitably spun. First in the last corner just before the main straight, then one lap later in the downhill section right after the second straight. I went from 11th to 17th at that time and decided to go slowly for a few more laps to regain some confidence before pitting the car.
I pitted on lap 23, changed tyres and put 50 more liters in the fuel tank. At that time it felt like a new start, completely different car :D
I could brake much later and be on the gas much earlier than two laps before, there was definitely something wrong with my tyres.
I managed to do a 11.4 which clearly display how comfortable I was after pitting.
From 17th I managed to climb back to 12th, @Corrado Conti was the last one I overtook, it wasn't too difficult seeing how much he was sliding in every corner :p

Overall it was GREAT, I'm a bit sad for my little mistakes, without them I think I could have finished in the top 8. Congrats to all and thanks to the organizers. I can't wait for the next round!!
A very frustrating race for me :(

I qualified 3rd, had a nice start and got into 2nd. I passed Adrian for 1st but a few laps after that he took it again. Then Adrian lost it in the quick left hander after the back straight. I couldnt avoid him, hit him and spun. It put me into 4th. The rest of the race I had several tangles with backmarkers and overall just a very horrible race. I cant be unhappy with 3rd but I feel it could have been better :(
When I pit, somebody pulled in behind me and started pushing me out of my pit box. I didn't know what to do. It was funny. I guess it helps to have a teammate and communicate with each other on voice coms and take turns pitting. I pit early just to get it out of the way, but I really didn't need to. I started the race with a full tank and didn't bother getting new tires when I pit. I just pulled in and got a tiny bit of gas and kept going.

Somebody came in Teamspeak after the race and started telling me that I caused a bad accident at the start of the race just after the red zone. I was told a few times that I was too aggressive :( but if you watch the replay from the chopper camera and keep it trained on the guy in front of me, you can clearly see that somebody hit me and pushed me out of control, then that car hit somebody else. I didn't not do anything wrong. I did not hit anybody there. It was not my fault. I just wanted to clear that up.

Funny thing.... 1/3 the way through the race, I slide sideways on the low straightaway and came to a full stop in the middle of the track (sideways), then BAMM!!! somebody nailed my driver side door at a very high speed. It should have killed me. My car didn't perform very well after that. Actually, I didn't think my car was going to drive at all after that hit, but I managed to finish the race. There was plenty of room to go around me, but I guess my car looked like a nice target, heh.

I drove a clean race as far as I could tell. A car next to me cut in too close on the very slow turn and he rubbed me and spun around, so I pulled over and waited for him, even thought it was not my fault. Later somebody did it to me, and they waited for me, which was nice to see. But then later somebody hit me hard from behind and caused me to wipe out badly, but they just kept on going, but it's all good. When ever I saw a blue flag, I would let the car behind me go by, but I would do it very carefully. I think I let 4 or 5 cars pass me towards the end of the race. To be honest, I wasn't sure I had to let them go by or not, so I just let them go by to be on the safe side.

I had a great time. I can now check Londrina League Championship Race off my bucket list and die happy :) I remember a long time ago watching a 2011 Londrina RD Championship Race on youtube and thinking to myself, I wish I could do that one day. I remember watching Emaneul Gaczella tearing up the track in his red,white and black UN car and he instantly became my hero. I stuck around on the server after the race to keep driving and Emaneul stuck around too and we spoke a bit. So for me, that was the highlight of the race. Congrats to Storm Racing.
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the pit box was explained in the rules i posted.

Going back to pit entrance its a tight run into the pits. Caution is needed near the final part, as there is a nasty kink to really slow you down. please be careful here.
on entering pit lane in testing we discovered that you maybe be sharing a pit box so double parking may be in effect so you might have to wait your turn to use the pit box for fuel or tyres. Do not just ram into the car please if you see a car in your spot..
you have to wait for the car to leave the box before you can enter.
A so-so race for me. Before the race I had installed new nVidia drivers in the hope of getting rid of my intermittent flickering textures problems; the drivers didn't relieve this problem in the slightest and to boot, they introduced a new one - I had some bad stuttering on the first lap, with 100+ fps :o. Because of that I got half-sideways on the downhill section and must have got in someone's way as they hit me pretty hard - apologies for that. Still, the car wasn't too bad, although my pace, already miserable, slackened even more :). I was then going to play it safe and avoid any more misfortunes, which I mostly did, getting out of everyone's way promptly :). Since I was "planning" to be lapped about two to three times, I'd figured it was no use pitting at all, as I still should have some fuel left and the tyres were holding quite reasonably. Thanks to that I may have jumped someone, and finished 17th or so.

I was trying to excavate some excitement out of the race and have a bit of a fight with Fergus O'Daly, who was approaching quite fast having done his pitstop, but I screwed things up by getting too fast on the accelerator and spinning round in that terrible first turn. I used this opportunity to alt-tab the sim and get rid of the flickering textures, though :). They were becoming a sort of a nuisance, and minimizing the sim while doing 230 km/h on the straight was not something I'd have liked to do.

Do the setups help much? I am using the default one, and attribute any speed deficiencies to my lack of skill - hence the snail on my boot lid :) - but some of you did mention the change in the car's behaviour. I am asking because I've done some test runs on Cascavel and it's one hell of a bumpy track. I tried setting those Bump things in the garage to various settings, from very soft to very hard but it doesn't seem to make any difference to me :). And the AI so damn quick, like you are here :). I have it set to 89% and still get my arse kicked by about half a sceond. Life is tough :)
Rupe, I think in the heat of the moment the car behind me in the pit was trying to share the same pit spot. I'm not mad at all. I can understand how it could be more than a little frustrating for him. I would have pulled up a little if I could and let him share the spot, but I wasn't able to. I can't help but feel like I was in his way. I will try to find find a way to communicate with my garage-mate and let him know when I am pitting in the future.
Do the setups help much? I am using the default one, and attribute any speed deficiencies to my lack of skill - hence the snail on my boot lid :) - but some of you did mention the change in the car's behaviour. I am asking because I've done some test runs on Cascavel and it's one hell of a bumpy track. I tried setting those Bump things in the garage to various settings, from very soft to very hard but it doesn't seem to make any difference to me :). And the AI so damn quick, like you are here :). I have it set to 89% and still get my arse kicked by about half a second. Life is tough :)

I am no alien, but I do try to study things like these and I am also opinionated. So, like it or not, here I go :)

Default Setup: It is excellent. Even after a full week of practice and setup tuning, I often go back to the default setup, just add the same amount of fuel as my setup and usually I can clock the very same lap times.
With these cars I feel that any advantage in speed is not coming from a better setup because the default one is already very good.

However, the default setup, depending on the driver, can create some pretty hairy moments. For instance, with the regular setup it becomes difficult to turn the car once the tires start going. It basically tends to oversteer a bit with good tires and a lot with older tires.
Another things it does is a bit of snap oversteer in some situations. Not enough to spin you, but enough to raise your heartbeat for a moment and definitely enough to have to lift on turn exit.
Getting rid of that snap, at least for me, it's key to driving properly. There are already a number of things that can screw up your concentration, this one at least is manageable (for the record, one of the ways I correct that, depending on the track, is to adjust the front Toe to a positive +5 or +10. For me that's strange because I usually like bigger negative numbers for my front toe).

Another thing I did for the Londrina race was to soften the front of the car and stiffen the back a little. That worked miracles for the T1 chicane bumps, making the car much less likely to get upset and bounce all over the place. Just to make sure I wasn't dreaming that, I stiffened the front and sure enough at the chicane I literally took off into the grass 2 times out of 3.

Lastly, I play alot with the rear stiffness and brake balance to make sure that the rear is a bit loose but not so much that I lose the back at every turn.

At Londrina I went as low as 60F (it around 68F normally) for certain area. I only had to remember to set it back to 62 or 63 for the rest of the turns or I would have been winning the drifting challenge. I mapped the brake bias to my only 2 buttons on my G5 just for this race. Normally the bias is in a less handy place on my button box but I new that about halfway on my stint I needed to change the bias frequently, sometimes 2 or 3 times per lap.

All of that to finish P13 seem preposterous but it's one of the things I enjoy for racing.

My regular league races GTR2 and the strategy in that game is just great with the weather, night, different tire compounds and all. I really hope GSC one day will add full weather and I'll be a happy man.

Anyway, sorry for the treatise. I hope some of it may come handy for somebody here.
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