F1 2018 F1 2018: Share Your Career!

F1 2018 The Game (Codemasters)


With the launch of the Official Formula One game for 2018 shaping up to have the most immersive and comprehensive Career mode to date, we want YOU to share your Career Mode experiences with the rest of the community!

3wide.jpg Alonso.jpg Ferrari.jpg Hockenheim.jpg Interview.jpg Overview.jpg Paul Ricard.jpg Sauber.jpg Sauber2.jpg Williams.jpg

Include videos, screenshots and anything else you think will best showcase the on-track (and off-track) action that you've gotten up to so far!

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First Race - Career Mode (Williams 50% race + 95AI)
Strange first race, qualify p18 but start p16 as Vandoorne and Hartley have penalties somehow xD. Get to p13 by the end of the first lap and then just lap round like this until my first stop on lap 12/29. It starts to rain.... everyone else pitted for their 2 stop strategies and im yet to stop, pit straight for inters and come out in 1st. Eventually get overtaken by Hamilton Vettel Bottas and Perez a few laps later. Grinded out those laps till the final lap where i see Bottas and Perez in the pits. Speed down the pit straight and get by Perez and hold that position to the end.

Very interesting first race has to be said and can't wait for the rest of the season :)

p.s. sadly forgot screenshots :(
Would be even more interesting when they had a multiplayer career mode found this but it does'nt have a save www.f1career.mode
Rightio, onto Bahrain for the second race of my Sauber career, in what was a much more satisfying weekend without exactly being perfect.

Practice once again started with a fault, this time an oil pressure leak delayed the start of my practice by 10 or so minutes. After that all the sessions went quite smoothly, no crashes into walls or other cars, and was able to extract most of the resource points available.

Qualifying saw me qualify in exactly the same position as Australia, P16, once again missing out on Q2 having held P15 until moments before the end of the session, this time pipped by Vandoorne by a whisker. It was my second run that was the good one, having botched up T1 in my first attempt. I was once again ahead of Leclerc by a few tenths, though this time he was able to outqualify Hartley and both Williams drivers. Our starting positions would also once again see a bump up one place, with another Renault powered car, Hulkenberg, receiving a grid penalty. Nothing too far out of the ordinary for early in the season then!

However, the race was to be made especially difficult after encountering the dreaded fuel bug, where the team want to underfuel your car to a ridiculous level (in my case they wanted me to complete all 57 laps with 87kgs of fuel...yeah not happening!) Luckily I was able to push my fuel load back up to 102 kgs of fuel, just short of the 105kg limit, but it essentially meant that I had to manage my fuel for the entire race, only able to use standard and lean fuel mixes to get the car home at a track not known for being fuel friendly. (word of warning to everyone: avoid restarting in career mode practice sessions using the "restart session" option. Once your session has restarted your fuel will not deplete at all for that session, and if you don't realise it and complete the race strategy program like I did, they will assume you can complete a race on virtually no fuel at all. You'll know this has happened if you try the fuel saving program and your bar immediately moves to the purple zone and stays there. Restart sessions by going back to main menu and jumping back in. Flashbacks and retrying practice programs are safe to use. Codies are aware and are working on a fix.)


Anyway, the race was actually a fun little drive. Off the start I was once again hit from behind, this time by my teammate, but I was able to avoid damage to my front wing. Not that I'd avoid it for long, as at turn 4 my favourite Canadian pay driver clipped my front wing, once again giving it moderate damage. I couldn't be bothered with his antics for another race so I dove up the inside of him at turn 8 and from there didn't see him again for the rest of the race. :p

The damage was only really causing me problems in turn 12, which now required a quick lift to get through without going off track and handing me track limit warnings, so I figured to stay out and complete the stint. A bit of drama was to come on lap 4, after I locked up severely into turn 1 while trying to overtake Hartley, who himself was making a move on Alonso. I missed the corner entirely, with the rear of my car making contact with Alonso's front wing. I got out of there in front of both of them with only a warning, and while I would have handed the places back in an online race, I just kept on going here. :p

It was a good thing I did, as despite my damage my pace was still faster than everyone behind me, allowing me to keep in the range of the guys in front, which I believe at the time were both Force India's, Gasly and Vandoorne. I made a late push before pitting knowing that I had to spend longer in there to replace the wing, and upon exiting I held my gap to Alonso while falling behind Hartley who had pitted earlier and seemingly looked headed to a three stop strategy compared with my two.

However on my outlap I didn't account for the downforce I had acquired with the new wing, touching the inside kerb in turn 12 which spun me. Thankfully there were no other cars close-by and being a Tilkedrome, I had miles of runoff before hitting a wall, so aside from losing track position to Alonso and I believe Gasly, I was able to continue unharmed.

This little incident however was enough to push me to 16th place, ahead of only the Williams cars who were having a lonely race on their own at the back 20 seconds down on me (Ricciardo and Sainz had retired around this point, with Bahrain seemingly wanting to kill as many Renault engines as possible), and Leclerc was able to jump me by a few seconds after his stop and my off-track excursion.

I started to attack trying to catch up the difference, even risking a lap on rich mix knowing that I should be safe in the very likely possibility I'd be lapped, however my tyre temps responded in turn, handing me slight overheating on the rears , which resulted in a few hairy moments and essentially losing any time I had gained on Charles. (the new tyre model actually kinda works guys, what a surprise!)

The rest of the stint went well, with the final bit of the stint the start of a trans-Tasman battle that would go on until the end of the race.

Hartley, having made his second stop for supers, had quickly caught up with me. However I knew that if I could hold him up until the end of my stint by strategically deploying my ERS to counter the DRS in the slower Honda powered car, I could claw back a foothold in the battle in the final stint where he would be on a couple of laps newer soft tyres, a much smaller tyre delta compared with what I had to deal with now.

I successfully managed to do this, having made the surprisingly bright decision to fuel save heavily in the middle stint, allowing me to run at standard mix for the rest of the race with no problems. Using a strategy where I would use ERS in high mode down the pit straight, medium down the second straight, low from turn 4 until the second DRS zone, back up to medium until turn 13 and then high for the rest of the lap, Hartley's GP2 engine was unable to get by me. I pitted, put in some moderately fast times without burning too much energy knowing I'd likely have to pass the Kiwi on track once he made his final stop, which was exactly the case.

I made the move into turn 1 one lap into Hartley's stint, and from there I was able to hold on using the same strategy that had worked earlier. There were a few interesting situations with cars lapping us with Hartley never more than 2 secs behind the entire time, so it was a tense end, but with the fuel just lasting I got the car home in P14, able to set my fastest lap on the final lap after being able to raise my fuel mix and ERS mode freely. Charles was up the road by 7 seconds after seemingly completing a whole race with a damaged wing. At one point I had managed to cut back the gap to 4 seconds before I had to start worrying about keeping my current place rather than chase the one ahead.


Raikkonen won the race in commanding fashion, ahead of Vettel, Bottas, Hamilton, Verstappen (the last of the drivers who finished on the lead lap) and Grosjean. Magnussen was the only other retiree. Interestingly P2-P4 all finished within four tenths of each other, with Vettel and Bottas having a dead heat, 45.322 secs behind Kimi. I'd have loved to see a replay of that but yeah, was not gonna fast forward through all that race just to watch that, shame the replay system is still as a crappy as it is. I think Vettel and Hamilton had both come into contact with lapped cars at the start of their final stints, which hurt their pace and allowed Bottas back into the battle after he opted for a three stopper.

The team weren't happy with the result though, as I had failed my outrageous opening contract challenge of scoring a total of two points in the opening two races. They seemingly learned their lesson, as the next one needs me to finish 16th or better at one of the next two races, much more reasonable a task.

Now onto China, where our first chassis upgrade has been installed successfully along with a gearbox and MGU-K durability upgrade. Ferrari, Red Bull, Renault, Haas and Williams have also brought upgrades to the race.
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Well, Round 1 is on the books and what a bloody disaster it was.

Out qualified Stroll and was sitting comfortably in P16 for the first 20 or so laps. A large train began to form behind Alonso (at least 5-6 cars), and I was just comfortably lapping, trying to save my tires as I had gone for a very conservative pit strategy (SS to L32, US to the end).


Stuck behind Gasly I saved my ERS deployment for the main straight and managed to make a nice move down the inside into Turn 1.


Some action kicked off and a Force India has a crash at Turn 1. This left some front wing debris on the road and I wasn't able to react in time and ran over it, giving me a puncture!



As I came through Turn 6, Ricciardo - the race leader - smashed straight into the back of me, ending my race. I looked on the replay and I have to admit it was my fault as I just say in the middle of the track and he had no where to go.


On to Bahrain. Oh joy.
Well, Round 1 is on the books and what a bloody disaster it was.

Out qualified Stroll and was sitting comfortably in P16 for the first 20 or so laps. A large train began to form behind Alonso (at least 5-6 cars), and I was just comfortably lapping, trying to save my tires as I had gone for a very conservative pit strategy (SS to L32, US to the end).

View attachment 267406

Stuck behind Gasly I saved my ERS deployment for the main straight and managed to make a nice move down the inside into Turn 1.

View attachment 267407

Some action kicked off and a Force India has a crash at Turn 1. This left some front wing debris on the road and I wasn't able to react in time and ran over it, giving me a puncture!

View attachment 267408
View attachment 267409

As I came through Turn 6, Ricciardo - the race leader - smashed straight into the back of me, ending my race. I looked on the replay and I have to admit it was my fault as I just say in the middle of the track and he had no where to go.

View attachment 267410

On to Bahrain. Oh joy.

An Aussie being taken out by the popular Aussie, likely also ruining their race, while on their way to winning their home grand prix for the first time?

The disappointment around Albert Park would have been downright phenomenal hahaha.
An Aussie being taken out by the popular Aussie, likely also ruining their race, while on their way to winning their home grand prix for the first time?

The disappointment around Albert Park would have been downright phenomenal hahaha.
I would like to think that even Ricciardo wouldn't be smiling at the reception the Aussie's would give him if it happened in real life.
do not pass fuel management test! especially after baku , any interruption like restart , retry in fuel management and the race itself will corrupt the real amount of fuel you need ,
what will happen? for example sometimes i have to try 1-2 times for better result in the fuel management test, and if i do that then i'll see it says i have used 0.0KG of fuel for that test :| also if you decide to do strategy simulation test , that test will say you have used 0KG of fuel and the result will be :
if you have to have 105KG of fuel for the race you will see before the race in the strategy page you can't even change fuel to more than 90KG (because they capped it), or if you are doing 50% race you will stuck with 38KG of fuel while you need atleast 50KG and its a 100% , and you can't even found out what is happening as your engineer and your MFD keep saying you have even more than enough fuel , untill the middle of the race that you can see your fuel is dropping like crazy .... in monaco i have set the fuel on maximum in strategy page, and i have started monaco race with lean fuel and i couldn't finish the race even on lean

any "restart session" will trigger this , if you need to restart a session , for example FP1 , instead of restarting the session , just exit from it to main menu and enter again... i didn't test the effect of saving and loading a save in middle of a session on this matter yet
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Hola muy buenas, tengo un canal de youtube y desde que salió el juego pues he estado subiendo el modo carrera. Haciendo directos en twitch y despues subiendolo a youtube.

Esta aumentando la audencia y las carreras molan cada vez mas. Si os gusta dadle like a los videos y subscribiros. Gracias
Hi, I have a Youtube channel and since the game came out because the state up the career mode. Making direct on twitch and then uploading it to youtube.
The races are getting better and better. If you like, give it to the videos and subscribe. Thank you.

the channel / el canal

the last video // el ultimo video


Another missed victory. I must be getting really good at this. Shanghai was up next, and unlike Bahrain, I was feeling MUCH more comfortable with the car. The new setup that was applied to Makoto was extraordinary, too. The only thing that let the car down... Was me. See, because I'd insisted on going softer with my tire choices, it meant that while I had absolutely ridiculous pace (Nearly 3 tenths of a second ahead of the reigning 4-time World Champion is no joke!), I'd be susceptible to if they tried the alternate strategy, and I'd have to go onto the mediums at the end of the race. Unfortunately for myself, Max Verstappen had done just that, and I lost out pretty badly.

Still, the race was a pretty close affair: Jeff suggested to me that I come into the pits on lap 4 of the race to pit on the softs (To be fair on him, it'd have been a biblical strat call if it worked!) and hoooo boy, I think I must have had one of the most perfect stints in my short career so far: From the moment I left the pits, I had utterly sliced through traffic like it was nobodies business, wasting almost no time in cutting through the traffic. I'm genuinely happy with how the soft tire stint went. Only trouble is, once everyone had done their pit stops and all, I did have to do a bit of defensive driving, fending off against Hamilton, Bottas, my team mate Vettel and Daniel Ricciardo. Even so, when I did my second stop and go onto the mediums, I was even faster. Heck, had I not ran out of laps, I'd have most likely caught up to and passed Verstappen in the Red Bull. As it stands, that was probably one of my best drives, and to be fair on Max, he nailed the one stop (He and Ricciardo were the only two to go onto the soft tires while we qualified on the ultra softs, which I have to say are rubbish) strat. But overall, that was an absolute blast, and I'm ahead of my team mate by 14 points in the Drivers championship! AND we extend the points gap at the top of the table. All in all, another good weekend.

Because I had another weekend to burn, I decided to have a go at another classic car from the 1970's. Last time around, it was driving one of my all time favorite cars (Niki Lauda's Ferrari from 1976 that you know from the movie Rush) around my short version of my favorite track Suzuka, and this time around, it's the Lotus 72D, as driven by Emerson Fittiapldi around Interlagos, as part of a time trial session involving me and a few other drivers. And in a short sentence, this car is electrifying! It's impossibly pretty to look at (Seriously, is this what art looks like on 4 wheels?), it's not a bad goer for a 36-year old timer, it sounds wonderful for a DFV V8... *sigh* It just makes you swoon. So yeah, smiles all around. I can't wait for the next classic car to drive... Should compensate for the fact that the next race is the one I despise the most: Baku.
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Hi ppl. Few questions for y to help me.
I'm in a Toro Rosso team and would like to know if there is some way to simulate FP sessions or at least some of them Even if I receive less Resource Points.
What kind of bugs that you noticed playing 25% race?

I'm using 85% AI in this first season, but considering change close to 95-100 in the next one.
I have abandoned Williams for McLaren(right now Williams is better than McLaren in overal charts)because of bad relationship with the team boss and also a technical issue that i didn't consider it at first...
so i'm driving for McLaren from spa
you can see the technical difficulty with Williams compare to McLaren:
the idiotic display in Williams :|
even in normal situation without steerting the wheel i can only see the Gear number and my position , let alone when i'm in the corners or even doing minor steering . williams is the only car that did it in this way so i have left williams for this! a team that i have developed the **** of their car to the 5th car in the grid :D:p

also lewis take a bite of my car in FP3 :confused: he wanted to race me at the last corner in the bloody Free practice :D
This guy is very entertaining , He does a running commentary on his F1 Career

One thing I've noticed in his video's, he gets no wing damage whatsoever when running into the back of cars, I however touch one and it's always damage of some sorts. (I find Jimmers full race vids a lot more entertaining ,cockpit cam, no editing/flashbacks and damage as it happens). His car setup video was very useful however.

Now as far as my career is going, I'm using Sauber and started at 75% ai but have since bumped it up to 85 after 3 straight 6th place finishes and a pole at Austria. The transition back to playing without VR is a lot harder than I ever imagined but the career mode is very addicting and fun and I've logged probably 100 hours in the game so far ( I looked and between F1 2015,2016 and 2017 I had about 35 hours total combined, so finally a good return on a F1 game)
Game is pretty darn good for a single player experience, the random parts failures, useful FFB and the racing in the rain is intense as all get out, but fun after you learn how to slide the car around :p
I have abandoned Williams for McLaren(right now Williams is better than McLaren in overal charts)because of bad relationship with the team boss and also a technical issue that i didn't consider it at first...
so i'm driving for McLaren from spa
you can see the technical difficulty with Williams compare to McLaren:
View attachment 271199
View attachment 271200
the idiotic display in Williams :|
View attachment 271203

Williams is my least favorite for that very reason.
Yeah the williams was terrible , now i'm in McLaren and we will have a regulation change :|
if you hit with regulation change you have to register every upgrade you have purchased so far! it means you have to buy them for the second time but at half price wtf !!! and if you are not able to buy them again you will loose them for next season. but hey ,loosing an upgrade in reg changes have a steam achievement and you will unlock that :D
this thing will affect all of your upgrades except engine department and durability department, so upgrading the engine will be the safest thing for the first season for me... it seems you get the notice about reg changes after or in italy
if i stayed at williams i have to purchase all the upgrades i did and all of them was aero and chassis(believe me i upgrade the *** of that car and made it 5th best car of the grid) so i was lucky i left them for McLaren as they have only focused on engine upgrades before i arrived there (their engine is on par with force india engine now) and they have only one upgrade on aero and chassis
I was with Williams and the engine was the part to suffer regulation changes. Maybe because that's the part I'd upgraded the most?

So engine upgrades also are not safe , i tried one of my older saves (before leaving williams) and skip the GPs to italy and they had no engine reg changes.
up to Belgium GP:
i have purchased 5 item for engine , one major and 4 minor
9 item for chassis , 7 minor and 2 major
7 item for aero , 1 major and 6 minor
and reg changes hit almost all of aero and chassis upgrades
so it hit the department that have the most upgrades
but when i joined McLaren at spa they were like this :

and they have focused on engine upgrades like crazy :D for chassis they have only one completed upgrade and one in the progress and 3 in aero department and the reg change have only affected the aero and chassis ,maybe that theory of "reg changes affect the most upgraded departments" working only if you did those upgrades yourself and not in a situation that you have joined a team with completed upgrades before you joining them:D

Also a look in durability stats of 3 teams(tl;dr at the end of the post) :

my Williams durability states before spa

PU stats:
i have the first set of all parts worn at least 90% , so they are dead, the second set of 3-count limitation were at almost 75% ,and i was starting to use the third set of them, and my 3rd sets are completely brand new for starting spa, also to be safe in future i have unlocked the 4th set of with taking penalty at Hungary as i had a bad qualy for Hungary gp and it was a good place for taking penalty.
also the second set of 2-count limitation parts were at 45% but anyway to be safe in future i have decided to unlock the third set with getting penalty at Hungary as i had a bad qualy and it was a good
place for taking penalty

my first one was 80% after doing 6 of 6 race limitation so i had changed it to second one for 7th race , the second one was 60%worn after doing its 6of6 race limit until spa so i was able to change to third Gearbox for spa and monza without penalty ,
so i had a totally brand new PU and geabox for starting spa and monza
merc and mclaren durability until spa weekend: (they were almost the same so i'll write the average of these two)
PU stats :
they were on their third set of parts that have 3 count limitation ,their previous 2 were almost 100% worn! and that third one was not brand new either and worn like 70%( so they have almost killed their 3rd set while i have my third set completely brand new at the same time) so they were so close to taking a penalty for each of them but it seems they will use them to the limit .
also they were using the 2nd set of those parts that have 2 count limitation , and those second parts were at least 85% worn and they are close to taking penalty for them

Gearbox stats:
first set was almost 100% completely dead! but they had used it for 7 out 6 limit races while they could had used second one without taking a penalty and not using a dead gearbox for 7th race!
their 2nd geabox was 90% (compare it with my williams , to the same point of season my first gerabox was %80 and second was 60)and it did 5 of 6 race limit before spa but they wanted to continue using it for the 6th race with an almost dead gearbox too in spa! if they had changed their first gearbox after 6 of 6 race limitation now they could have a brand new gearbox in spa and monza without penalty!
so their tactic was using the first gearbox for its 6 race limit and also the 7th race, so it means a +90% worn gearbox for their 7th race , and also starting spa and and probably monza with a +90% gearbox too, i know they like not to take penalty but their plan to escape from a 5 grid penalty got them a way bad outcome, not just because of using a +90% worn gearbox for at least 3 race from the first 14 races but also because of the possibility of failure in the middle of those races....

before seeing these ,i thought i had a bad rate of wear on my parts especially gearbox that i had shifting issue with my first gearbox when it was at 70% worn in my 6th race and i can't imagine how these teams had that high wear rate on their PU and gearbox (compare to myself it is too much wear, i also do all the practice sessions with lots of laps in them, at least 10 lasp per a FP to get 50 R&D point) and also using 90% worn gearbox and PUs for too many races without changing it and take a penalty , instead they were having some race DNFs
don't know if these teams are total idiot with managing their engine parts, gearbox and penalties or not

*it's a long post and maybe not a necessary post but maybe it could be a little informative for some

the AI teams are s*** with their durability strategy (they use too much worn parts just for not getting a penalty but they ended up with dnf and have to use all of their limited components just in 14 first races)and their wear rate is sky rocket
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Screenshots for those who follow my driver setups for the F1 games. Last year I posted my screenshots at the bottom of setups, but they were sadly removed. See my 2018 setups for notes on my career, thank you!

Australia 1st. Bahrain 2nd. China 1st. Azerbaijan 2nd. Spain 1st​


Edit in future when races are completed.

I told you I wasn't looking forward to Baku, and I wasn't. But holy f***, I didn't realize just how ass backwards this race ended up being.

I'll say this much: Qualifying was just... Bleh. Still have no clue on how I managed to scrape into Q2 when it looked like I was in the wrong mindset the entire time. Things went from bad to worse however when right at the start of Qualifying 2, the electronics for Makoto went up s**t creek without a paddle and even when I did get going with a fresh power unit, I was worryingly off the pace behind my team mate,. So, 15th position (which became 13th following penalties) with no real way to fix what the hell was happening to my race weekend...
Race itself: Well, I did a have a fantastic start, carefully yet relentlessly slicing through the field like nobodies business, and heck, even managing to get up into 4th (which most likely would have been my real finishing position). But shortly after the my first round of pitstops, the race hit rock bottom. During my first pitstop, I somehow managed to get a penalty for speeding (even though I entered the pits very conservatively), which could've been taken the next time I went into the pitstop. But that never came to fruition. Because racing through the castle section on lap 14 in the grand prix, I misjudged how tight the particular section really was, and then wham. Crashed it into the wall. Rather surprised Sainz didn't retire from the grand prix along with me... But in every case,all this race earnt me was yet another visit to Arrivebene's office for a telling off and the confirmation that this track despises me and I hate this track right back. To top it all off, I ended up doing poorly on my contract negotiations with the team! So there's that as well... Jesus, Catalunya better be the turning point for my season, otherwise I might just snap...!

Top 10 Drivers Standings after Round 4:

1. Hamilton 58
2. Vettel 55 (-3)
3. Chalk 51 (-7)
4. Verstappen 45 (-13)
5. Ricciardo 45 (-13)
6. Bottas 32 (-26)
7. Alonso 26 (-32)
8. Perez 25 (-33)
9. Sainz 19 (-39)
10. Magnussen 15 (-43)

Constructor Standings after Round 4:

1. Scuderia Ferrari 106
2. Mercedes-AMG Petronas 90 (-16)
3. Red Bull Racing 90 (-16)
4. Renault 33 (-73)
5. Force India 31 (-75)
6. McLaren 29 (-77)
7. Haas 23 (-83)
8. Sauber 2 (-104)
9. Williams Racing 0 (-106)
10. Toro Rosso 0 (-106)
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