DiRT Rally 2.0 DiRT Rally 2.0 | Finland Rally Now Available

Paul Jeffrey

Codemasters have released the long anticipated Rally Finland for their DiRT Rally 2.0 racing game.

One of the favourite rally events in both the real and virtual world, the beautiful and fast stages of Rally Finland are finally available in DiRT Rally 2.0.

The new event is available now on Xbox One, PS4 and PC, and retails for around the £2.99 price point on PC. According to the Codemasters release notes, the stages of Finland are "one of the fastest and most renowned rally locations in the world, featuring colossal jumps and blisteringly high average speeds. The thick gravel and the undulating nature of this course mean that car control and balance are especially significant when navigating the Finish Stages".

Sounds good?

The new DLC is available as a standalone item, or part of the various bonus versions / season pass issues of the game and comes in the following weather / time of day conditions:

Stage Conditions (General):
  • Daytime / Clear / Dry Surface
  • Daytime / Overcast / Dry Surface
  • Sunset / Cloudy / Dry Surface
  • Dusk / Cloudy / Wet Surface
  • Dusk / Overcast / Dry Surface
  • Night / Clear / Dry Surface

Stage Conditions (Time Trial):
  • Daytime / Clear / Dry Surface
  • Dusk / Cloudy / Wet Surface

Happy jumping folks!

DiRT Rally 2.0 is available now on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

If you have a question about the game, head over to the DiRT Rally 2.0 sub forum and our friendly sim racing community will be sure to help you out!

Sim Racing is awesome!
I appreciate that you feel that way, but cost per hour is not a factor, your time is free.

My time is the most valuable thing in this world. It is my life! It is a finite supply and after it is gone, nothing on this plane of existence matters.

When I became a self-employed contractor over a decade ago, I very quickly learned how valuable my time was. This isn't because I had any more of it than I did before, but because each hour was now monetized and I wasn't a cog in a company. Every dollar I earned went into my pocket. This gave me a VERY new outlook on life especially given my hourly rate. Greed is a strong motivator. I could watch the Simpsons on TV or make a chunk of money during that same half hour. I worked a LOT for the first 4 years and built up a business. Then I started to get sick of what I was doing even though it is work I enjoy and am quite good at. So I took a summer off with my wife. I re-centered myself and then went back to work with excitement, but I balanced my time. I need so much sleep to be productive. I need so much exercise to maintain a quality of life that allows me to enjoy the activities I care about. I need to work so many hours to cover the bills and anything past that depends on my priorities.

Now I very consciously decide where my time goes. Am I learning something, am I spending quality time with my wife, am I taking care of a responsibility, am I taking some downtime to play. A good life is balanced and time is life.

Do I see what I'm doing? I'm supporting software development efforts to build games for me to use with my rig. These games are a tiny fraction of the cost of my rig and even a tiny fraction of my PC and VR system which gets replaced every few years. At the end of the day these software costs are insignificant.
This is a very selfish way of looking at things, and one that software companies will be utterly delighted to hear.

What are you recommending? A boycott?

I would love it if CodeMasters stuck with Dirt Rally 2.0 for a while and made it better and continued to add content to it. Would you rather than they cut bait now and started work on Dirt Rally 3.0 that we may see 3 years from now? I'd much rather see them build on Dirt Rally 2.0 longer. We are more likely to see other improvements and new features this way as well.

BTW considering your time as free is extremely short sighted. It is the most valuable thing you have and you should treat it that way.
I would imagine they will do as most devs do, drop the team pretty much from this into Dirt 5, the arcadey type trash that dirt 4 was.

I simply think that being happy to spend close to 100 pounds on a game full of reused content sets a pretty odd precedent. And a very dangerous one for the future.
I would imagine they will do as most devs do, drop the team pretty much from this into Dirt 5, the arcadey type trash that dirt 4 was.

I simply think that being happy to spend close to 100 pounds on a game full of reused content sets a pretty odd precedent. And a very dangerous one for the future.
Just saying, but the game basically has been on sale for 6 months now. Most people probably paid £50 or even less for everything by simply not buying on day 1 and waiting a bit.

Apart from that, I'd happily take DiRT 5.

That is exactly what i did, but I know people that purchased the pre-release pack for 65 quid, and they are now spitting because they are still being asked to pay EVEN more for a game when they had DR1 and basically all you are getting is some stages from that game, liveries and perhaps a car or two.

I know it is a choice, but when you have already paid 65 quid, over and above the RRP for most games which I would suggest would be between 40 and 50 on release, I think asking for even more is borderline nasty and rude.

You don't have to do it obviously, but the feedback on most places I have read about it is not good, in fact it is awful.
I only spent $10 or $15 on Dirt Rally 1.0 almost two years ago and recently you could download it FREE. For the use I got out of it, I actually felt like supporting them this go round. I got the Deluxe package on sale about the time they released VR support for it and I recently picked up pack 3&4 at full price. I feel good about it. It's my chance to give back.

If I waited for them to nearly give the game away, I'm not helping them continue development.

And Dirt Rally 2.0 is not the same as Dirt Rally 1.0. It supports VR much better by not requiring ReVive for non-oculus users. The visuals are better. The configuration has improved. The sequences before each stage are better. They have improved the overall experience and software navigation. There are a host of new features and like it or not it does cost money to bring over existing content.
I've been using DR1 for quite a while now, and yesterday I bought DR2 DeLuxe Edition, plus Finland and Greece DLCs, for under € 30, in the Steam Christmas sale.
You can tell right away that it's not a completely new game, a lot of the scenery etc has been re-used, but the visual quality and the VR performance is much improved.
I can't understand all the griping about the price, for what you get out of it over all the hours that you drive, it's a steal.
People spend literally thousands on hardware, and then complain about having to spend a handfull of Euros for the game itself. The complainers should let the credits roll when the game exits, and count the number of people who worked on it: they have to eat too, and the money for their salaries has to come from somewhere.
Merry Christmas everybody :)
I have no issue with paying for real content.

But as you say what you are often paying for in real terms is rehashed content, that is very different. It could even be said that Dirt Rally 2 is a huge update patch for DR1 to be honest. Much as ACC is for AC and PCARS 2 is for that pile.

Polyphony were doing it for a decade!

Can anyone calculate what the real price would be if you bought just the base game and paid full price for the DLC, that would give you a real figure.

And saying you spend thousands on hardware is not true, my kit cost me about 750 quid and can play most games. If you buy VR fair enough you must be loaded, that the same as saying 300 quid for a concert ticket is fair "because I wanted to go" It is rather selfish and very much "all about you" as advertising tells you to be like, well done,.

That does not make it right quite honestly, it just makes Codies realise how desperate and easily led some gamers are, sorry to be harsh but the precedent you set makes a differencet to the future, did you not see the lootbox fiasco last year and how public opinion basically stopped it?
Rob, you do realize that you are:
1. Insulting people by calling them desperate and gullible
2. Pushing your idea of morality on others.
3. Complaining about pricing that is purely time based.

To my mind everyone is being served well. If you have the money to buy up front and think it is worth it, do it. If not wait until everything is eventually heavily discounted. Dirt Rally 1.0 was available for free a short while back. You can't get any cheaper than that! No kudos to Codemasters for giving that title away?

I love iRacing which I'm sure has a business model that you also hate. I like it so much that I doubt I will purchase any other car racing software going forward except for the Dirt Rally series :)

I have copies of PC 2, AC, ACC, Kart Kraft collecting dust. They were all a waste of money to me. I'm not saying they are bad, just that they never grabbed me. Other people love them.
My point is this. And I am not being insulting, if you have taken it that way so be it, my point is not aimed specifically at you, it is aimed at individuals who purchase things without thinking about the precedent they are setting and what that means for the future.

Codies are a business, they realise there is an appetite for this game, so they created a model for it, a few new tracks and cars but hey let's see if we can foist old stuff on them aswell and ask them to pay for it? See what happens. All that we lose is some time spent rehashing, but really we can make the game twice the size for far less of a cost then designing new stuff, which really only factors for 50% of the game we asked 65 quid for with seasons anyway! They are trying it on, surely you can see that?

You see why that is far more condescending than anything I could say right? They are not short of money, they just bought out a competitor. Surely you don't buy software to keep people in a job, you buy it because it is something you want and previous games have been good?

Yet, to be asked to pay extra for something that is old content rehashed simply, surely is unacceptable.

I think you will find you are in the minority here judging by the comments I read on Steam, reddit and other places. Yes the game is good, I get that and its worth paying for, but surely not all the other stuff.

Yes, go ahead, buy what you want, no-one can stop you, but when games cost 80 quid RRP and all the DLC costs another 100 and is just tidied up versions of old stuff, you will be the only one playing them. As everyone else will have realised this is a con.

At least Polyphony release most of their stuff free that is rehashed!
Rob I completely understand what you are saying and why, but we are never going to agree about this.

I'm starting to believe that you do not think that it is possible to both understand you and completely disagree with you.

Let me assure you that this is absolutely possible.
Haha, in the spirit of the time of year let's agree to disagree!

Let me add some positives, I do start to warm to aspects of the game, some of the new stages are great, although they do seem to split into very fast and very tight and twisty, to the point of being 1st and second gear primarily, which the first game never really did.

Some of the cars feel better to me, the 4wd stuff certainly feels better than DR1, but I do feel the front engined rwd stuff has lost some feel although that might be due to the woeful FFB this game seems to have.

The RX stuff although a lot of people dislike, being a RX fan from the 80's I do like, but it does also make you realise how awful some of the IMG tracks are compared to Lyngas, Hammenlina, Croft, Tomelila etc.

A final point, it is up to you the gamers to justify this. If Codies want to develop a very niche game for a niche set of fans, and then exploit them as much as possible financially, then so be it. only you can decide to support it. I simply cannot justify it from such a large, monied company as I see it as simple gamer exploitation.

I would do, honestly if this was a RBR type enterprise, or maybe even a newer rally based version of Iracing which I believe has some merit as a business model I would back it.

Imagine being able to digitally map proper rally stages in a full sim, from each and every country that hosts or even maybe does not host WRC. (this obvously has problems linked to it re real teams and practice, but it could also be used a cost saving exercise long term, less recce time).

I am very close to the point of paying for Iracing, simply because not only is it the best sim out there in many ways, it also offers a diverse set of races, no-one really does oval racing better. And although I dislike the finance model, you cannot argue with its success and the brief month I had it I loved every second, I simply was not prepared at the time to justify that model, and that was years ago. It hasn't changed much, but the content has improved drastically.

The amount of fans that watch rallying states there is a market for a game like that if it is done properly.

But who would take the risk? Think about it, enduro, Dakar, Baja, autograss, dirt oval contact stock car, rally, single venue, Corr type events, they could all be used in a dirt, off road Iracing type game.
Codemasters have just said that the horrible fog effect in daytime is intentional and they don't intend to fix it. So daytime in Finland will remain unplayable permanently.

"Hello everyone, asked around and got some info on the "fog" effect seen in some locations (most notably Finland).

  • This visual effect in particular is by design and set as such for performance reasons.
  • We do not plan to change this in a future update.
  • We are however adding the ability to select Rain when taking part in Events at Finland. This will come in Version 1.12. "
It's not the fool who sells, it's the fool who buys. If you don't want to pay money for recycled extra content, then don't. Some people are fine with, so what's wrong? Wait for Dirt Rally 3.0 if you like. I'm in between those two, I never buy any game day one, usually about 6 months later from sales, and I wait for the sales for DLC as well. Eventually, I will have everything, but at a much reduced costs. I only got Dirt Rally 2.0 from Humble Monthly, which cost me 9$ for 9 games, and then got Season 1&2 pass for 50% off on Steam. I will probably buy a couple more DLCs at full price, like Finland.
It's not the fool who sells, it's the fool who buys. If you don't want to pay money for recycled extra content, then don't. Some people are fine with, so what's wrong?
Right. I was a real fool to buy super deluxe edition (buying the DLCs individually after release is a bit more expensive) assuming that Finland would be the same standard as 11 other locations or as least DR1 Finland. I was a real moron to not use my time machine to know that DR2.0 Finland in "clear" weather would look like this

Right. I was a real fool to buy super deluxe edition (buying the DLCs individually after release is a bit more expensive) assuming that Finland would be the same standard as 11 other locations or as least DR1 Finland. I was a real moron to not use my time machine to know that DR2.0 Finland in "clear" weather would look like this

Typical codemasters they seem to F**k up the simplest of things.
Right. I was a real fool to buy super deluxe edition (buying the DLCs individually after release is a bit more expensive) assuming that Finland would be the same standard as 11 other locations or as least DR1 Finland. I was a real moron to not use my time machine to know that DR2.0 Finland in "clear" weather would look like this

I'm not defending Codies, but in general it's always risky to buy day one. Luckily in this case, the financial loss was not immense. I am also very disappointed in the fog, Codies say it's for performance reasons, but we should be able to make that choice ourselves. One might have a PC powerful enough to run it without fog and with long draw distance.. :) I can only assume that something in the Dirt 2 engine version of Finland requires considerably more horsepower, perhaps trees. And they clearly didn't feel like spending too much time on optimizing it.

The fog is particularly disappointing in Finland, since it's very rarely foggy there at daytime. Growing up there I only ever remember it being foggy very early in the morning.
hi , could you please tell me (I am new in Dirt 2.0) , when I buy this new location , will I be able to play there in Open category , like Australia, Poland etc. ?

Or more general = in what consist in buying another locations ?

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