DiRT 4 DiRT 4 Updated on all Platforms

Paul Jeffrey

DiRT 4 Update.jpg

Codemasters have released a considerable update to DiRT 4 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.. now including significant Club improvements!

The new build release has been a long time in the making for DiRT 4, thankfully Codemasters have finally deployed the new update into the wilds, with both console and PC players having access to a considerable download that no only includes a number of fixes and improvements, but at long last the much awaited improvement to 'Club' functionality, adding much of the DiRT Rally league features and a selection of new and improved online goodies...

Confirmed by the latest DiRT Roadbook release from Codemasters, the new build across both console and PC adds plenty of new functionality around the way you play the title online, details of which have been quoted directly from Codemasters below:

1/ Clubs are now multiplatform

As with our Community event leaderboards, we’ve expanded our multiplatform functionality out to our Clubs! That means that whatever you’re playing on will no longer restrict you from joining the Club of your dreams or playing a Championship against your mates on different machines. For us, this is one of the coolest new additions to the game. Now with Clubs, everyone can play one another – and that’s a beautiful thing.

2/ Clubs are compatible with Your Stage

Yup – now you can set up an entirely unique championship, with never-been-seen-before tracks to level the playing field! As well as having full access to the career stages, RX and Landrush circuits, you’ll be able to run Your Stage events too. You’ll also have the delightful ‘Randomise’ button, which will build you a completely adhoc event – just so you can keep it fresh, unpredictable and a little bit mixed up.

3/ Points are scaled depending on the amount of people participating

Now, this one is something we’re really proud of. A lot of users with DiRT Rally’s leagues found that the point distribution was unfair; that if thousands of players were in a league, only a handful would get points. So we’ve taken on board your feedback, and come up with a scaling system for more fairly allocating points. This means that every place counts – and you can have just as thrilling fight for 80th place as you can have for 1st.

Update Change Log
  • Improvements to AI in all disciplines
  • Brutal AI difficulty is no longer tied to Fearless preset
  • Tuning setups can now be used with lower skill rated teams
  • Updated driver support for Thrustmaster devices – this adds support for the T500 (PS4 only)
  • Added new support for Thrustmaster TS-XW
  • Added new support for Thrustmaster Sparco R383
  • Async improvements and updated Sponsors
  • Fixed engine audio not playing in broadcast mode from multiplayer lobby
  • Refinements and numerous bug fixes for Rallycross audio
  • Fixed crash that occurred using Party invites (PS4 only)
  • Prevented Welcome Event deadstate (PC only)
  • Pro Tour vehicles should not start with damage
  • Community Events show time of day when loading
  • Rallycross ghosting no longer gets triggered when completing a lap close to another player
  • Screen Space Reflections added (PC and PS4 Pro only)
  • Improved reflection rendering (PS4 Pro only)
  • Lobby countdown reinstated (PC only)
  • Disabling external cameras no longer forces camera back to head cam
  • Option to reset controls to default added
  • Improved stability
In addition to the above, the following changes from PC version 1.06 are now included on console:
  • Bug fixes and refinements to improve the quality across all written languages.
  • Improved anti-cheat detection for Joyride leaderboards.
  • Fearless difficulty modified so it allows all types of manual gears.
  • Improved system for storing and re-uploading Community Event times when RaceNet is unavailable.
  • Staff contracts now reduce at their expected rate in Pro Tour and Jam Session.
  • Pro Tour scoring is now more consistent.
  • ‘Up and Up’ achievement/trophy will now unlock when you get promoted to any tier in Pro Tour.
Crash Fixes
  • Improved stability across the game.
General Fixes
  • Fixed car wheels and suspension popping in the Service Area.
  • Fixed Mailbox specific issues.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some Community Events results to become invalidated.
  • Fixed an issue with Delta Daily results
DiRT 4 is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

Check out the DiRT 4 sub forum to get yourself involved with the DiRTy community and discuss this excellent new rally title from Codemasters. If DiRT 4 doesn't tickle your fancy then fear not, we also have a sub forum for the awesome DiRT Rally games for you to enjoy and interact within!

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Happy to see Clubs finally arrive to the game? Pleased with the new build update? What are your first impressions of the new update? Let us know in the comments section below!
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I wonder how dirt 4 RX holds up to iracing RX because i have watched ytbigz do some races. He seems to hardly use the loud pedal in corners to slide around them. From on stream it looks like iracing RX slides to much. Can't confirm though, i am not on iracing.

Yeah there's definitely a bit too much sliding going on in that beetle.

On the flipside, they give you a beetle

A BEETLE!!!!!!!
well, it feels ok to me, but then again i have never sat in a car with so much power. you need to be very very very careful with both throttle and steering. you get it right when you feel: oh no, this is certainly too slow, and that is pretty much what rallyx drivers say in real life.
the shift from tarmac to gravel also feels good and the weight transfer has always been (at least to my feeling) the best in any game out there. i also love the heat system, which atm takes 300+ players in stride. once things ebb off a bit, the iRacing system will still make sure you get gridded with people your strength, so the racing can be very very close. Too close actually for how easily the cars break when they hit the trackside objects, this would be my main complaint: races often end in t1 as someone nudges you into the armco and your suspension is twisted. no idea how realistic damage inflicted is, though.
i did a thing! The escort setup comes from Porkhammer, you can find it at the start in one of his daily runs on youtube, i think on australia.
The problem for doing donuts is the lack of higher diff lock in setup i think. Like the bugeye wrx only goes up to 30% diff lock? The other 2 go up to 50%, but irl haven't they got more lock available?

But anyway, Dirt4 ain't perfect but it is absolutly not the disaster most people make it.
Biggest thing is standard setups hardly use any front camber, while racecars tend to have 1.5 to 2° negative camber in the front. Example see the video about setups that martin fiala posted on here somewhere about camber, toe and caster
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But anyway, Dirt4 ain't perfect but it is absolutly not the disaster most people make it.
Biggest thing is standard setups hardly use any front camber, while racecars tend to have 1.5 to 2° negative camber in the front. Example see the video about setups that martin fiala posted on here somewhere about camber, toe and caster

Which is a big problem, as there are quite a lot of people who cannot set up a car, or have no interest in it.
Myself, I change fuel load and tyres, maybe gear ratio (on games that apply - usually circuit racing) and that's it. Cannot remember last time I actually spent time with a set-up.

f*ck wrong game, i was supposed to fail at donuts in dirt 4 not in dirt rally

I think we all agree that DiRT Rally and tarmac are pretty awful though.
Which is a big problem, as there are quite a lot of people who cannot set up a car, or have no interest in it.
Myself, I change fuel load and tyres, maybe gear ratio (on games that apply - usually circuit racing) and that's it. Cannot remember last time I actually spent time with a set-up.

I learned to do setups from dirt rally... i could not get fast with stock setups. My times after learning to do stuff in setups dropped a lot. Dirt 4 is just another layout. But for the life of me, don't ask me to do circuit setups, dear god, that doesn't work at all. In DR workshop racingivysaur and porkhammer's setups guided me a lot to what setup suits what surface. Now i only need the 10 shakedowns to get 95% of my setup right.

I think we all agree that DiRT Rally and tarmac are pretty awful though.

But that is one of the things though. Martin claimed that dirt 4 is flawed because you can't do donuts like that video with the Subaru on tarmac. But in Dirt Rally you can't either... And the video from ken block in the escort mk2, i doubt he is running 38% diff lock on that escort. But i can't go higher in D4 setup. Gonna try to see if i can reach someone at codies to try to get them to open the diff locks more in a next update. Should not be to hard to open them up more?

One thing i noticed while going back to DR for some donuts is how easy DR actually feels now. Offcourse i still remember every single corner in DR, even after not touching it since RDRC.
I'll try this week or something to copy the DR setups to D4, i wonder how different they feel or similar.
Germany <> Spain , Wales <> Wales, Greece <> Australia/US
Martin claimed that dirt 4 is flawed because you can't do donuts like that video with the Subaru on tarmac. But in Dirt Rally you can't either...

This is kinda funny, really. You're the second person to say something along the lines "but you can't do that in DR either!", as if I was somehow claiming Dirt Rally is absolutely flawless. I didn't say that at all. I was saying that the car handling in other games (including DR, yes) makes sense to me, whereas the car handling in D4 does not, not by a long shot.

Plus, just like I already mentioned, I also fail to see how is it even relevant when we're talking about D4. Whether or not DR does something right or not has absolutely no relevance to whether or not D4 does it right as well. Even if DR car handling was completely broken and useless, it still wouldn't make D4 feel better.

And, BTW...

It's hard to decide whether or not you'd actually be able to duplicate what's seen in that real life video, simply because we don't have enough space to do that in DR. But I'm guessing it might be quite difficult, if not impossible, because it seems the rear wheels might be not able to break traction enough to allow for stuff like that. I mean, when doing these donuts, I always had to steer into the turn, there was no need for counter steer at all.

And, to be fair, after spending quite a lot of time today drifting the Mk2 and the Scooby in various games (due to that "show us you can do it in other games, then!" remark), I have to say I managed to do similar stuff even in D4 with the Scooby, and I even squeezed out some powerslides from that Mk2 - at least in DirtFish (in both cases). But, after taking the same cars with the same setups to stages, it still feels to me like the DirtFish handling is not the same as the rally handling (with the DirtFish one being better).
It's hard to decide whether or not you'd actually be able to duplicate what's seen in that real life video, simply because we don't have enough space to do that in DR. But I'm guessing it might be quite difficult, if not impossible, because it seems the rear wheels might be not able to break traction enough to allow for stuff like that. I mean, when doing these donuts, I always had to steer into the turn, there was no need for counter steer at all.

Think about it, the rear wheels don't break traction enough to do it. Now think about adding weight transfer in the mix. What happens then? Right, front wheels lose a bit of traction and rear wheels gain a bit. Making matters a bit worse for donuts, and gaining some more understeer tendencies. If at speed you add aero on the rear, it adds more traction to the rear, worsening the understeer. The 95 subie was the only one i could do donuts with while not steering into it after i inniciated the donut ( from the subies, didn't try anything else ).

This discussion matters because rdrc: DR or D4. Back to hotlapping the same 10 something stages, or doing random stages albeit a bit bland. But obviously it has to be fun for everyone.
Pro D4 we could do the longest rdrc in history with all stages 10+ kms :)
The discussion doesn't matter, because no matter what you can or can not do in DR, D4's overall awkward and frustrating car handling still stands. Cherry picking one small part of DR's car handling doesn't change that.
This discussion matters because rdrc: DR or D4. Back to hotlapping the same 10 something stages, or doing random stages albeit a bit bland. But obviously it has to be fun for everyone.
Pro D4 we could do the longest rdrc in history with all stages 10+ kms :)

The biggest issue with D4, is the amount of players, which keeps falling. And while I know that the "peak player count" is not the same as amount of drivers. The fact that the peak for D4 the last days have been lower than the entries for last season is not something I like to see.
The biggest issue with D4, is the amount of players, which keeps falling. And while I know that the "peak player count" is not the same as amount of drivers. The fact that the peak for D4 the last days have been lower than the entries for last season is not something I like to see.

It's christmas time...many people have other things to do than playing video games....
I think many people would reinstall D4 if there was a RDRC held with D4. And not all entries of Season 8 did really compete in all events...some people did only one event.
The discussion doesn't matter, because no matter what you can or can not do in DR, D4's overall awkward and frustrating car handling still stands. Cherry picking one small part of DR's car handling doesn't change that.

This is an answer you give when you realize, that all your arguments didn't work so far...my 12 year old daughter behaves similar. But ok Martin, everybody on this forum has realized what you think about D4...
@LuMue This is the answer you give when people focus on something else completely (e.g. a minor flaw in DR's handling) than what was actually the point. The point was not whether or not DR's handling is perfect (of course it's not). We can discuss the shortcomings of DR all day long and it would still ultimately not mean anything for D4's handling, which is what we were actually talking about.

Also, funny you should say my answer is apparently one you give when none of your arguments work in literally the same sentence in which you compare me to a 12 year old simply because you don't agree with me. Pot, meet kettle.
The biggest issue with D4, is the amount of players, which keeps falling. And while I know that the "peak player count" is not the same as amount of drivers. The fact that the peak for D4 the last days have been lower than the entries for last season is not something I like to see.
Fart, that sucks. I noticed that the amount of drivers was not that high because i have been finishing top 10, 3 monthly's in a row now, all with H3 historics. The stratos is a gem in D4 with soft suspension setup. Actually does feel like the elise i had a couple years ago. ( but once again sucks with stock setup and is waaay to bouncy on bumps )

@LuMue @Martin Fiala I think Martin has valid points, and he even gave D4 another go. So it's not like he is not taking it seriously. Even if we disagree ;)
Still i think D4 handling is not that far off from DR handling, and that is what i am trying to show.
What app are you using to show input on screen? i couldn't find one after a quick look. I use the geforce experience thingy to record.
I still want to try DR setups in D4, if they are different. Heck i even want to try my personal setups from DR in D4 to see how it feels and drives. But it'll have to wait untill i have time. Busy weekend ahead with my sister moving.
D4 is a fine game once you can create setups, but its unfortunate that Codies waited so long to finally start patching it (5 months!). Its too bad there isn't a setup swap market on Steam like there was in the previous game, but there are useful guides on the net that tell you how to unlock the car's potential, they do make a massive difference! Also from what I've tested DR setups more or less work fine.. Hopefully people give it another go.
i did a quicky in the M3 on wales in DR and D4, and tried to copy the setup over from DR to D4. But some stuff is impossible in D4, driving lock only goes up to 30% while Porkhammers setup in DR has it at 60% ( so again my point that in D4 diff locks are waaaaay to narrow, they should open them) and other stuff has no number next to them in DR, so i just put the slider in the approximatly position in D4.
I ended up with a very slidey M3 though. In 2nd flooring the throttle in a corner always resulted in a powerslide, in 3rd only at above 5000 rpm somewhere. I have to note, my gearing was waay longer than stock, but also gears closer together to keep rpm in the HP area. It completely felt like a rwd should be. My guess is the escort mk2 is one of the let down cars in D4, like the 2001 wrx, and the old lancer.
I'd put it the other way around myself - the M3 is one of the few cars that drive decently :)

BTW, I did go back to the Evo VI to try a few things, based on a video I saw...but nope, drives as horrible as before. You won't be doing donuts with that one, no matter what you do ;)
I'd put it the other way around myself - the M3 is one of the few cars that drive decently :)

BTW, I did go back to the Evo VI to try a few things, based on a video I saw...but nope, drives as horrible as before. You won't be doing donuts with that one, no matter what you do ;)

The other day i ran into this: the trailer from the grandtour farmkhana. Where "jeremy clarckson" does a donut with a subbie. On board you can see he has to go full lock into the donut. In the video, the subbie looks like an understeering b*tch. But that might be because of all the grass shots and lack of front grip. Lot's of handbrake slides though.
(i know it's been a while but i had other things on my mind :)
ps: i have a feeling next rdrc is leaning towards DR
Which is a big problem, as there are quite a lot of people who cannot set up a car, or have no interest in it.
Myself, I change fuel load and tyres, maybe gear ratio (on games that apply - usually circuit racing) and that's it. Cannot remember last time I actually spent time with a set-up.

I think we all agree that DiRT Rally and tarmac are pretty awful though.
that is the problem (not interested in set up) you should learn makes the car your own, default sets are usually horrid they usually r safe and slow. if you cant do it start to learn, dl a set, or play a arcade game where there are no set up options...its not the games fault...D4 drives pretty good ihave DR,WRC7, and just got D4, one thing also view affect driving and ffb
I'd put it the other way around myself - the M3 is one of the few cars that drive decently :)

BTW, I did go back to the Evo VI to try a few things, based on a video I saw...but nope, drives as horrible as before. You won't be doing donuts with that one, no matter what you do ;)
hmm ill take the challenge i most certainly should be able to do it. lol ok as someone said 50%lock aint enough,but ifail to see the problem i dont see such a big difference from DR - asphalt feeling better, and im not doing donuts in a rally im enjoying d4,dr, and wrc 7 they all have + & - but d4 has best presentation and rallyx, dirt short tracks and i llove the crosskarts np doing donuts in them✌
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