2012 RD Touring Car Championship (STCC 2)

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Just a quick report, cause I'm quite happy with my results.

Group 1, finally (although it took a bit ppl's absence, disqualification etc etc)..but still if you're there, you're there,... I always say.

Qualify 11th on grid, which wasn't too bad..;)

Race 1 : Due to other mistakes allready in the 1st lap, I had the greatest fun driving in 6th position behind Chris Butcher for a very long time, only to pass him on the one before last lap. While I was battling him, Aristide Romanov also showed up in my rearview mirrors quite fast, but I managed to keep position. Great battle. Finished 5th ..woohoo

Race 2 : Start was a bit worse compared to 1st race, and lost many positions from 4th initially. From then on I was driving on 9th position, but gained one more due to a mistake of Chris Butcher. Suddenly after a few laps in front of me there was a Beemer caught in a spin. It was Jack Keithley, and I gained one more position. From then on it was all about keeping the gap to the one behind me, and bringing home the Chevy and saying goodbye to it. There was a bit of love-hate relationship with the Chevy. It has some potential, but somehow I could not get quite acquainted with the car. My next Touringcar would definitely be a BMW, or any RWD for that matter. Not too good with those, but much and much more fun and challenging.

See you guys next time, and allready congrats to the season's winner. And also congrats to the winner of the raceseat, which will hopefully be me (considering I'm still in the race for it ;))

Thank you Bram and all the rest of the RD staff. I appreciate your efforts, and I wish you lots of full grids in the next racing championship :) !!
Well.... Could have gone better and slightly worse.

I am in the middle of moving and hasn't had much time to practice for this event. I got in just in time to be in D1 as Q started, created a setup from the top of my head and with a little help from the awesome fellas on TS :)

As I said, got home a few minutes before Q started and got in just in time. With 8 minutes left I did my first laps, did 2 misstakes on 2 laps and couldn't do a time, but just happy to be in the race :)

Started P23 in the end after 2 disconnecting, sorry for Nik and Yegor who had this happen to them :(

Got a good start but got held up by Marcelo spinning in front of me, just got through, then made a misstake at T3 and almost hit the car who was allready standing in the runoffarea :confused:

Binned the car into the hairpin, think my brakebias was to far back as I locked the brakes and the car went into the wall... Sorry to, I think it was Erling, who got involved as I made this misstake :(

Managed to finish second last, had an awesome battle with Igor Zvosdetsky (sorry that it's wrongspelled :redface: ) and so I was happy with how it ended I guess :cautious:

Race2: Had a mediocre start, was sleeping a little bit, Igor got pass me and I then went a little wide and I think it was Jari who was outside me who I didn't see and squeesed him onto the armco, sorry about this Jari :( I lift off the throttle out of T1 and let both him and the other driver past, then had a few laps with really battling to get pass Jari, great fun :D

Then the same thing happened I think, but I'm not sure, Into the corner before the hairpin, the car just speared off to the right and I lost the front splitter and suspension damage.

At T2 on Lap 4 or 5, I went a little too wide, and I think I did the same as Leigh....

Race over and not how I wanted to end my season :(

Oh well, time for some :coffee: to celebrate the end of a great season (it's not only coffee :p ) :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Thanks for a great season everybody! :)
I think you need to look at the replay again before you post.
Your post is wrong, only that something insvisible is correct.

Sorry but I think that's nothing wrong with my post at all, Erling. And I don't need to look at the replay, I'll not report anyone and I remember the races very well. I just wrote what I saw, I'm not blaming anyone.

race1: I got hit on turn 1 from the left, and lost control of my car, sorry that you were caught on that.

race2: I was behind you, then I don't know what happened, I just saw your car flying around, and than I was flying around. A few seconds later you disconnected, I not saying it was your or anyone's fault.

If you think I did something wrong, just say to me, here or via pm.

cheers :)
Wow what a fantastic end to this season. Qualified 18th but due to the misfortune of Nik and Yegor I started 16th. The crash in front of me in turn 3 made me lose a couple of places, I got turned around but after that I had a gr8 race and managed to get to 11th spot. Race 2 was I think 1 of the best races I ever had, so intense and challenging! I never liked this track very much but I have to adjust my opinion. Had some gr8 fights and got to 8th position. In the 1st lap Kieron gave me a little push, I watched the replay and it was only a slight touch although it almost made me turn the opposite direction. No hard feeling there Kieron it was a race incident. Glad u pushed me in the right direction again ;). After that I got my head down and fought my way up to 8th which is my best result in group 1!

So unlucky Nik and Yegor for dropping out in the warmup, I can imagine the frustration.

Bram and the rest of the admins thank you very much for organising this fantastic series , it's the best I ever been in. I also organised championships for race-driver.net in the past and they were not even close to the professionalism this was done so I can imagine the work you have to put in. It's a shame there were so many people dropping out during the course of it, they shouldn't be allowed to race for racedept anymore, just don't appreciate it.

Count me in for the next season, whatever game it will be!

Oh yeah, I'm still in the race for the gaming seat rig!!!!
Didn't think that my RDTCC season would end this way.

Qually'd 12th with some errors.

Race 1, had a pretty decent start but was brake checked from infront into turn 2 (WHICH SHOULD BE FLAT OUT!!!!!) and was hit hard from behind by sebastien tasak, and spun infront of the rest of the feild being hit 6-7 times by various drivers during the incedent leaving me with loads of damage and punctures, got back to the pits and repaired then just tried my best to do some fast laps but had the same top speed as 3/4 of a snail, so couldnt do anything, then clipped an invisible wall and game over, but was classifed 13th due to the high DNF rate.

Race 2, had the best start of MY season and possibly the best of my simracing career, from 13th up into 7th BEFORE the yellow flag zone, and around the outside of marius into turn 3, thanks for the room, unfortunatly that left room for ivan to follow me through and hit my rear more times then i care to remember, including spinning me where the track gets tight, moved as far off the line as i could and fell right back, ivan waited then hit me some more before leaving me with effectivley a 5-speed car, because my acceleration got sooo bad that i was barely pulling 6th into turn 3, so couldnt defend against anybody, then hit another invisible wall and out again. :(

Double DNF wasnt how i'd visioned my first race in group 2, especially after a consistant and DNF-free season up until that point.
At least i can be proud of my race 2 start, so not entirely negative in that respect
damn, threw away my clean sheet in race01 by DNFing :( first time this season.

quali: a 2:36:5 put me in 19 of 22, very happy with the time.
race01: went into t2 carefully, I think in gear 3 or 4, huge smokescreen, still bumped into sb. and was bumped (damned be the fellow who caused this ...) ended facing wrong way round. continued but had the feeling that steering was a little off, so second tiome into t2 I steered in a bit more than usual but turned out it was a little too much, went into the inside barrier and then the outside one, engine burning - out! my one and only DNF. watched the race and saw how my ex-teammate Steven de Greveleer was taken out by a guy making a pass in t2. why were rules ever written?

race02: started from 20, this time everyone went through t2 extra carefully, collected some positions in l1 until I came out onto the long boulevard by the sea where I met Marco's car blocking the way after a crash. I rolled the Toyota over his roof, ended up right way round and went on, lol. Next I was pushed a little by Norman but recovered and brought my lil' battered blue one home all safe and cozy in 15th.

Fantastic season except for that mishap in t2 race01, great way to send off race07, thx Bram and anyone else involved, and thx all who kept coming back for more and more and more ...
Well how very fitting for Macau to throw up such an unpredictable couple of races to finish of the season. I had no pace all weekend and was in damage limitation mode, was not getting on at all with the narrow, bumpy streets. Quali was poor, only managed P9 and was beaten for the first time this season by my team mate Nik, who managed a good lap to get P8.

Both Nik and Yegor were desperately unlucky to drop connection in warm up, such a cruel way to end the championship.

This made me worry about my connection as I am in the same house as Nik, and on the grid before the start all the cars dissapeared, making me think I disconnected too, but everyone return and the lights were out so I got swamped at the start. Luckily still in the race.

No idea what happened in turn 3, but there was a big pile up when I arrived, which I couldnt avoid and picked up heavy damage, which made me very slow in the straights. Managed to hold on and get P8, dispite a few hair raising moments! No worries Kieron for the contact, not too much harm done to me.

Race 2 started pole and got a good enough start to hold the lead. Managed to hold the lead for a few laps, under heavy pressure from behind which seemed manageable until James got into P2. Around lap 4 or 5 I totally out braked myself into Turn 3 and had to make use of the escape round, dropping me from the lead down to P6. Held onto P6 until the flag, to make it 18/18 race finishes this season, I believe keeping me in the hunt for the rSeat prize!

Very happy with how the season 8 played out for me, taking the first FWD podium at Brno, taking a victory last time out at Valencia (albeit after a penalty for the winner on the road) and also taking 1st FWD in the championship. Chuffed with P3 outright and P2 before dropped scores!

Big thank you to Bram for organising the championship in such a professional way, making it the most enjoyable online league I have had the privalage of competing in. Congrats to our RDTCC champion Jack Keithley, the best driver won in the end!

See you all in Season 9, whichever game it is on!
Will write a decent report tomorrow once I watch the replay.

Short version:

Q: 3rd, I did my lap with race setup and 32L :ninja:
R1: Dumb mistake like in Brands Hatch, ended without steering, went straight in the start and hit someone.
R2: Took it really easy at the start, then picked up positions. Had some great battles.

Thanks a lot to Bram Hengeveld and all the admins who have put this league together. This has been the first time I've taken part in an online simracing competition, and with this experience, it certainly won't be the last. I had lows and highs, but I hope I have been a fair racer, and that I haven't given anyone too much of a headache (Orschersleben :mad:). Congratulations to Jack Keithley, and to all drivers who made it to the end. It's been a blast :D
Group 2

Well was not looking forward to this track following my one lap qualy to get into the championship group 3. To add to this I was pushed to group 2 for this race. Was concerned that I might add to the complexity of this track by adding a moving chicane. However qualified 9th to my surprise and during the race just kept it safe and ended 6th. For me this was as good as a win in group 2.

Race two started third got in front early and the rest is history, thanks to the yellow flag rule Mark and Petre found it difficult to pass. It must be said that both Mark and Petre were very professional and drove clean, even though I was slowing then up.
P1 Yes please!!!!!!!
I have learnt a lot in my first championship and have enjoyed every race thanks to good clean racing from all. A special thanks to Bram and all behind the scenes as many have put it without you guys none of this would have been possible. Thanks for your patients and to the guys who made our RD skins. GREAT SEASON " AND I'LL BE BACK"

Would just like to add a thankyou to Bram and everyone involved in the championship that stuck it out to the end! Bit disappointed that my disco meant I dropped to 27th in the championship, but I think if everyone had stuck around from the very beginning, I'd never have been in the top 20 coming into the last round anyway!

It'd be nice to squeeze one more RDTCC out of Race 07 before the next gen take over, but if not then I hope to see everyone filling the club races now the season is over :)
The next gen is already here for a few bucks only. Click and click. Awesome cars on tracks you have never been before :)

Would be awesome to see our RDTCC regulars in this series as well in September

I'm from Yorkshire, we don't like change :p downloaded Game Stock Car the other day for the 30 minute free trial, prefer S2000 cars but it was still quite enjoyable so I guess you can count me in!
Maybe, but I'll strat with holidays as every year... I live at Montengro coast near beach and here start crazy time this days, no time for race and for practice at new sim next two mounts. P.S. I don't want to change RACE07 :(
I don't want to change RACE07 :(
At some point you have no choice anymore as we will move on to newer sims when they are all out this year. Some of us have been playing htis game for 6 years in a row now :)

If it was still enjoyable to organize leagues for it I have no problems with it but this season a few people have really managed to get my blood boiling by being complete immature drivers and the organisation with the broadcasts was far from perfect as well, which is also something i was really looking forward too this year, but it seems a few people have showed their true faces this year.

Violating rules on the track, no show of respect on the forums and outright rude in private messages after receiving penalties. Yes, we can remove them all and continue for yet another season but then a new bunch of them will want to join and the :poop: starts all over again.

Its mostly a sign that the game is reaching end of life status and before I completely loose motivation in investing so much time in leagues for the joy of others I rather spend the limited time i have in something I do enjoy setting up.

I must say of course that the majority of the drivers this season have been absolutely wonderful. Especially in the second and third group the atmosphere was awesome between the drivers. True camaraderie if you ask me. That spirit we should port over to a next season in whatever game it is RACE 07 or something else.

Still if somebody wishes to take over the league and continue it for yet another year there is always the option to run it. Just contact us or have a look here what is possible.

I have run this league mostly by myself this entire year since December and I really can't motivate myself anymore for another year. 2006 - 2012 have been a fantastic journey but for me personally its time to move on to Game Stock Car, rFactor 2 and Assetto Corsa.
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