Confirmed: Assetto Corsa 2 Will Be Called 'Assetto Corsa Evo'

Assetto Corsa 2 Set To Be Called 'Assetto Corsa Evo'.jpg
Images: Kunos/505 Games, plus in-game taken by OverTake
The name of the ‘second Assetto Corsa’ is believed to be ‘Evo’, following a teaser inside Competizione’s Nürburgring Nordschleife DLC.

UPDATE April 2, 2024:
A day after the ACC Nordschleife release, the new name for the highly-anticipated successor has been made official via the official Assetto Corsa X account. A post on the social media platform confirms that the new title is indeed going to be called Assetto Corsa Evo. The newsletter subscription widget now also works.

Original article April 1, 2024:

Today is the day, for April Fool’s jokes – although 505 Games and Kunos Simulazioni didn’t get the memo, as they released the 24H Nürburgring Pack for Assetto Corsa Competizione and the name for its next project.

Assetto Corsa Evo.

Assetto Corsa Evo 2024 Competizione.jpg

The mysterious banner in the new Nürburgring 24H layout within Assetto Corsa Competizione

When driving the Nürburgring 24H layout in the new DLC, on the Grand Prix Loop on the outside of the Michelin-Kurve you will see a billboard. It displayed ‘2024’ in large font, followed by a QR code.

Scan that with your phone and you are taken to a landing page for ‘Assetto Corsa Evo’ with the tagline “driving simulation evolved.”

Assetto Corsa Evo QR Code Competizione.jpg

Scan the QR code to visit the new 'Assetto Corsa Evo' website

Sign-ups for an email newsletter are available but do not work at the time of publication.

While Evo is believed to be the designated title for the much-anticipated sequel to the 2014 driving simulation, Kunos nor 505 Games was able to confirm at this time.

Not much else is known at this point, other than financial documents as recently as last month slating the next Assetto Corsa game for a PC early access release in Summer 2024, and prior statements confirming a console launch later.

Assetto Corsa Evo Newsletter.jpg

“The new Assetto Corsa is going to follow what we did with Assetto Corsa 1,” said Executive Manager at developer Kunos Simulazioni, Marco Massarutto, to OverTake in March.

“Yet, it is not just a sequel, it is much, much, more. It’s definitely not a spin-off like Competizione.”

The countdown begins...

Let us know your wildest theories in the comments below or on X, @OverTake_gg.
About author
Thomas Harrison-Lord
A freelance sim racing, motorsport and automotive journalist. Credits include Autosport Magazine,, RaceDepartment, OverTake, Traxion and TheSixthAxis.


Sure, CM and mods and all this, but AC1 is THE platform. The facts and numbers don't care about anyone's feelings or personal preferences for other titles, it's just how things are. If Kunos don't drop the ball hard on the new game, it has the potential to take that spot again, while Reiza are still working on the 50th patch that will totally transform AMS2, RaceRoom is still learning how to use a 15-year-old graphics API and iRacing is still figuring out weather conditions are a thing.
When i hear Assetto Corsa Evo then i guess its an evolution of Asseto Corsa. This would mean a heavily revised AC engine (i don't think they started writing the engine completely from scratch) and bascially just more and better of the same. Meaning sports- and racecars, actual racetracks and probably a few fictional tracks or A-to-B stuff. Call it baby Gran Turismo.
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On modding, it makes a good shop window for ACE on consoles (as it has with AC, even though consoles don't mod). Most of their revenue has come from consoles the last years, IIRC.
Becoming the new king of sim racing will not be easy.
Very true, but does ACE, or any other title, has to become king of anything?
Most comments I read seem to be trapped in a "I can only play one title" situation.
AC or AMS2 or ACC or LMU or whatever. When the reality is that we can play AC and ACC and AMS2 and PCars2 and LMU and whatever else we fancy, any time and at what ever frequency.

Some say the golden age is behind us, I disagree, we never had it better.
All the so called great SIM from the past are still available, although just a few minute in them usually reveal how obsolete they are, but to each his own.

The newer generation is more diverse than ever, with great content to enjoy in all of them.
We do not have to choose only one game, we can have them all on a hard drive and cherry pick what we enjoy from any of them.

ACE, will be amazing in many ways, as any title from Kunos before it. Every time they have brought something different and interesting too many SIM driver/racers, but even the almighty AC, my personal favorite, with the mega steroid injection from an army of modders, was never even close to be king of anything and replace the other titles, why would ACE be expected to be different?
Is any one, is this days of terabyte drive, missing any memory space?
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if, as you say, people only want closed circuits and "proper racing"?
Nowhere in my post did I say 'people' only want closed circuits and proper racing, other than me. In fact if you read my whole post, you'll notice I said many people would love the idea of AC Evo focusing on street cars and public roads.

You can't possibly have all the cars you might fancy driving in real life, can you?
No, because all the cars I fancy driving in real life are race cars, as I alluded to in my post by saying I have no interest in driving consumer cars in a sim :)

Or you can take a 70s racing monster there instead and do some "proper racing" whenever you feel that way.
Yes please :thumbsup: I will pretty much always feel that way, even though I know not everyone else feels that way. Like I said in my post.

Flexibility is great!
Flexibility is indeed great. But as I said in my post, my worry is that AC Evo ends up being like Forza Horizon, which doesn't give you the flexibility to drive real race cars on real race tracks.

Kinda sounds like you didn't actually read my post, you just wrote a knee-jerk reaction after skimming over it :rolleyes:
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I'm just waiting for an actual tyre model REvolution. And apparently, that's not the only physical thing that needs revolutionizing.

Even Microsoft/Asobo tried to do something new with flight models, so... come on, KS, we know you can do it!
Nowhere in my post did I say 'people' only want closed circuits and proper racing, other than me. In fact if you read my whole post, you'll notice I said many people would love the idea of AC Evo focusing on street cars and public roads.

No, because all the cars I fancy driving in real life are race cars, as I alluded to in my post by saying I have no interest in driving consumer cars in a sim :)

Yes please :thumbsup: I will pretty much always feel that way, even though I know not everyone else feels that way. Like I said in my post.

Flexibility is indeed great. But as I said in my post, my worry is that AC Evo ends up being like Forza Horizon, which doesn't give you the flexibility to drive real race cars on real race tracks.

Kinda sounds like you didn't actually read my post, you just wrote a knee-jerk reaction after skimming over it :rolleyes:
Well, at least you sounded like you wanted it to be all about "pure" racing. If you understand that's not something quite many would like, I'm not even sure what's the purpose of your post... Do you consider yourself to be above everyone else?

AC was all about letting you race or drive however you want. Why it would be bad for AC2 to remain similar? We all understand this won't be another "Forza Horizon"... and even if it will, it will be THE first Forza Horizon with actual physics in it. And for the racing purists there's ACC... Although, yes, I feel you with how limited ACC is, so maybe ACC Evo next? :) Everybody wins.

Still, I can't see a reason for KS not to just go the original AC way with updated graphics... and more importantly, physics.
The writings is literally on the wall (well it's on banners in form of a QR code but u get the point):

AC Evolution is an evolution of ACC.

Why else would they announce it inside the ACC game?

Now that they can add none SRO tracks, they can add none SRO race car classes.

(Personaly I hope it's a brand new sim, but I think it won't).
The writings is literally on the wall (well it's on banners in form of a QR code but u get the point):

AC Evolution is an evolution of ACC.

Why else would they announce it inside the ACC game?

Now that they can add none SRO tracks, they can add none SRO race car classes.

(Personaly I hope it's a brand new sim, but I think it won't).

If that's the case then ACevo is a non-starter for me... Another racing title on UE? no thanks...

However Kunos have stated that ACevo is going to be an evolution of AC1 and be on their own in house engine... So there's a lot of hope that it's not just going to be another ACC just with better content...
Well, at least you sounded like you wanted it to be all about "pure" racing. If you understand that's not something quite many would like, I'm not even sure what's the purpose of your post... Do you consider yourself to be above everyone else?

AC was all about letting you race or drive however you want. Why it would be bad for AC2 to remain similar? We all understand this won't be another "Forza Horizon"... and even if it will, it will be THE first Forza Horizon with actual physics in it. And for the racing purists there's ACC... Although, yes, I feel you with how limited ACC is, so maybe ACC Evo next? :) Everybody wins.

Still, I can't see a reason for KS not to just go the original AC way with updated graphics... and more importantly, physics.
Sorry for the snark, I was barely into my morning coffee when I posted :D But how the heck did you come to the conclusion that I consider myself above everyone else by simply saying I'm worried AC Evo could become a Forza Horizon clone - while also appreciating that others may actually like that?
Feels like you're putting words in my mouth to look for an argument :coffee:

Example: nowhere did I say it would be a bad thing for AC Evo to remain like AC - in fact I'd prefer it. I said it would be a bad thing for AC Evo to be like Forza Horizon. If you can't tell the difference between the two, I have some very bad news for you :rolleyes:

People can play AC however they want due to how moddable it is, but AC is and always will be a racing simulator, it has always been promoted as "Your Racing Simulator". A few open-world-ish mods with working traffic doesn't change what AC was always intended to be.

ACC is amazing, but being able to race the variety of cars and tracks AC offers is even more incredible. If AC Evo becomes just a "driving simulator", especially some kind of open-world sandbox full of online teenage griefers, that would be a huge letdown.
Outside of the people who are actually party to what AC Evo will be it’s all guessing and wishful thinking depending on what your personal preferences may be.

The economics of building a game, licensing content and supporting it long term have probably changed quite alot since AC came out.

I’m guessing Kunos will be far more aware these days of the implications of allowing mods and what they may need to do to control them to avoid pissing off rights holders. They will no doubt be focusing more this time on how to make money on DLC themselves.
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To be honest I "just" need better AI, more racing rules, day + night cycle, weather, VR support for AC Evo (thought the name was an April Fool's joke at first). If modding is still supported, I'm the last person to say no. If this is not the case, I hope for numerous DLC packs that represent possible racing series (cars + tracks).

Everything else can be kept as it is, meaning both road and race cars. AC was my first thoroughbred driving simulation and it has a special place in my heart. :inlove:
To be honest I "just" need better AI, more racing rules, day + night cycle, weather, VR support for AC Evo (thought the name was an April Fool's joke at first). If modding is still supported, I'm the last person to say no. If this is not the case, I hope for numerous DLC packs that represent possible racing series (cars + tracks).

Everything else can be kept as it is, meaning both road and race cars. AC was my first thoroughbred driving simulation and it has a special place in my heart. :inlove:
better ai is a must for me, IMO that's one of the holy grails (along with physics and MP) for a sim, and most fail in some way (some dismally....Milestone I'm looking RIGHT at you!).

I'd like the Ai to be just more aware of the human player and position themselves accordingly, I'm quite fed up of being seemingly invisible to the Ai and getting shunted/punted all because I can't corner as fast as the Ai and their "special" physics. (caveat I know not all sims give Ai different physics, not a general moan/ I do)
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better ai is a must for me, IMO that's one of the holy grails (along with physics and MP) for a sim, and most fail in some way (some dismally....Milestone I'm looking RIGHT at you!).

I'd like the Ai to be just more aware of the human player and position themselves accordingly, I'm quite fed up of being seemingly invisible to the Ai and getting shunted/punted all because I can't corner as fast as the Ai and their "special" physics. (caveat I know not all sims give Ai different physics, not a general moan/ I do)
Would be lovely if you could name another sim that came after AC 2014 that has better AI...
Would be lovely if you could name another sim that came after AC 2014 that has better AI...
yup, pretty much every game has flawed Ai in some capacity. I'm under no illusion to how difficult it is to get everything right, different vehicles will have widely different racing lines, then you factor in different levels of grip over a simulated weekend....then add in weather! Just hoping all the recent advances in Ai can be made relevant in the area needed for a racing game.
yup, pretty much every game has flawed Ai in some capacity. I'm under no illusion to how difficult it is to get everything right, different vehicles will have widely different racing lines, then you factor in different levels of grip over a simulated weekend....then add in weather! Just hoping all the recent advances in Ai can be made relevant in the area needed for a racing game.
Exactly. So much talk about the AI these days, and what do we have in racing sims? Nothing! Although, things might change relatively soon and we could get forced to buy one more card for our PCs... I guess it'll be worth it? Or it will become just another PhysX...
Sorry for the snark, I was barely into my morning coffee when I posted :D But how the heck did you come to the conclusion that I consider myself above everyone else by simply saying I'm worried AC Evo could become a Forza Horizon clone - while also appreciating that others may actually like that?
Feels like you're putting words in my mouth to look for an argument :coffee:

Example: nowhere did I say it would be a bad thing for AC Evo to remain like AC - in fact I'd prefer it. I said it would be a bad thing for AC Evo to be like Forza Horizon. If you can't tell the difference between the two, I have some very bad news for you :rolleyes:

People can play AC however they want due to how moddable it is, but AC is and always will be a racing simulator, it has always been promoted as "Your Racing Simulator". A few open-world-ish mods with working traffic doesn't change what AC was always intended to be.

ACC is amazing, but being able to race the variety of cars and tracks AC offers is even more incredible. If AC Evo becomes just a "driving simulator", especially some kind of open-world sandbox full of online teenage griefers, that would be a huge letdown.
Well, even I don't see a point in making a driving sim for the sake of it being a driving sim only. Most likely everyone would be shocked if Kunos went out and made a "city driver" - even Forza Horizon is mostly a racing game (as far as I'm aware).

We are probably talking about different things while mentioning the said title. What I was trying to convey is that having a sim with large open maps and realistic traffic simulation is a great change of pace - regardless of whether you want to just drive around while sightseeing, race like a madman through the traffic or rehearse the traffic rules. And even if you say that "a few open-world-ish mods with working traffic doesn't change what AC was always intended to be", you can't deny there is pretty great interest in that - and quite few really care for what it was "always intended to be", because it's exactly being everyone's game what made AC this popular. I'm just glad it didn't turn into an artistic crash fest like a certain other sim that is - sad as it is - barely known for its main attractions.

Personally, I don't see why becoming "some kind of open-world sandbox full of online teenage griefers" would make AC2 a letdown - if we could take the latter part out of the equation. But you know what? I've seen enough "proper racing simulations" hosting exactly the "online teenage griefers" you are talking about - and that is one of the reasons I'm not a huge fan of the online thing altogether.

That said, I had at least heard there are Motor Town servers with reasonable adults in them working together and helping each other. Sounds too good to be true, right? But maybe one of these days I'll try visiting those. If only the thing had a slightly bit better physics... Still, it's not too bad even as it is.

Oh, but don't get me wrong - I'm all for proper racing support in AC2. I'm about as much a fan of the "racing monsters of the old" I mentioned. It's just that these days I try to measure adrenalin out in more readily digestible portions... for a variety of reasons.

Well, even I don't see a point in making a driving sim for the sake of it being a driving sim only. Most likely everyone would be shocked if Kunos went out and made a "city driver" - even Forza Horizon is mostly a racing game (as far as I'm aware).

We are probably talking about different things while mentioning the said title. What I was trying to convey is that having a sim with large open maps and realistic traffic simulation is a great change of pace - regardless of whether you want to just drive around while sightseeing, race like a madman through the traffic or rehearse the traffic rules. And even if you say that "a few open-world-ish mods with working traffic doesn't change what AC was always intended to be", you can't deny there is pretty great interest in that - and quite few really care for what it was "always intended to be", because it's exactly being everyone's game what made AC this popular. I'm just glad it didn't turn into an artistic crash fest like a certain other sim that is - sad as it is - barely known for its main attractions.

Personally, I don't see why becoming "some kind of open-world sandbox full of online teenage griefers" would make AC2 a letdown - if we could take the latter part out of the equation. But you know what? I've seen enough "proper racing simulations" hosting exactly the "online teenage griefers" you are talking about - and that is one of the reasons I'm not a huge fan of the online thing altogether.

That said, I had at least heard there are Motor Town servers with reasonable adults in them working together and helping each other. Sounds too good to be true, right? But maybe one of these days I'll try visiting those. If only the thing had a slightly bit better physics... Still, it's not too bad even as it is.

Oh, but don't get me wrong - I'm all for proper racing support in AC2. I'm about as much a fan of the "racing monsters of the old" I mentioned. It's just that these days I try to measure adrenalin out in more readily digestible portions... for a variety of reasons.

Honestly I think we're on the same page about all this but didn't convey it that well :D AC's versatility is one of it's greatest draws, allowing everything from racing on tracks to driving on real-world roads (and off-road!). I think and hope Kunos are aware of how insanely popular a proper 'AC2' sim would be, just based on how AC1 has continued to grow in popularity. So, lots of options/cars/tracks/roads to suit everyone's likes, and hopefully moddable.

I've seen enough "proper racing simulations" hosting exactly the "online teenage griefers" you are talking about - and that is one of the reasons I'm not a huge fan of the online thing altogether.
Agreed, there will always be griefers even in the most 'serious' of racing sims. I avoid online for that and other reasons. So hopefully AC Evo has broken some new ground on AI! :D
Honestly I think we're on the same page about all this but didn't convey it that well :D AC's versatility is one of it's greatest draws, allowing everything from racing on tracks to driving on real-world roads (and off-road!). I think and hope Kunos are aware of how insanely popular a proper 'AC2' sim would be, just based on how AC1 has continued to grow in popularity. So, lots of options/cars/tracks/roads to suit everyone's likes, and hopefully moddable.

Agreed, there will always be griefers even in the most 'serious' of racing sims. I avoid online for that and other reasons. So hopefully AC Evo has broken some new ground on AI! :D
We can only dream of new grounds being broken that way, but it looks like sim and game developers alike are not too hasty with that... Still, hopefully Kunos will surprise us here :)

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Thomas Harrison-Lord
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