How to Fix the “Floaty” Feeling in Automobilista 2

Tips to fix Automobilista 2 Floatiness.JPG
Automobilista 2 is a controversial title as some love it and others hate its supposedly “floaty” feeling. Here are some tips to eradicate the strange feeling so you too can enjoy the sim.

As we often mention, Automobilista 2 is a dream simulator for any budding motorsport historian. It features a wide variety of accurate Formula One season skinpacks from the past and countless historic recreations of circuits.

But for many, there is one thing that lowers the title’s stock; the feeling behind the wheel. Many claim that Automobilista 2 feels floaty at the rear end, making for vague force feedback and strange reactions to inputs. This is certainly something most players must overcome to enjoy the game. To help you out, here are some tricks that help us have fun behind the wheel of the title’s many cars.

Graphics Settings Tweaks​

There are many options and settings one can look at when struggling with the Automobilista 2 handling model. In fact, later on, we will discuss Force Feedback and Setup tips to eradicate this strange floaty feeling.

Legacy Head Movement can help your AMS2 experience.jpg

But the first tip we can offer is perhaps one of the simplest fixes imaginable. As standard, Automobilista 2 has some interesting first person camera dynamics. The game’s visual perspective moves in a strange way based on G-force and road inclination. But there is a hidden second camera mode that can make the game look, but also feel better.

By activating the Legacy Head Movement mode in the Camera settings, the camera will move in a far more natural way. This helps eradicate any sense of the car over-rotating, despite not feeling it in the wheel. After changing this, you should find that over-corrections, or even counter-steering with no slide angle will become less frequent.

AMS2 Force Feedback Fix​

Aside from the simple graphical tweak, one can also find a simple change in the Force Feedback settings in AMS2. In fact, the game has a collection of FFB profiles, each providing different feelings behind the wheel. More importantly, each profile emphasises on different elements of the driving experience.

Corvette C3R AMS 2.jpg

Throughout our testing, both before and after the most recent 1.5.3 update, we have found that the Default+ FFB profile in AMS2 provides the best feedback. It appears to be among the most responsive and gives the best detail of road texture. It also comes the closest to providing a tight feeling that gives a sense of understeer.

If one still struggles with the game’s Force Feedback despite running the Default+ profile, one might suggest reducing the wheel firmware Damping setting. This should make the wheel feel lighter, and less vague. In addition, we have an entire FFB guide for Automobilista 2 available here. It may focus on the Thrustmaster T300RS, but our testing sees good results on most wheel bases.

Fix Automobilista 2 Float With Setup​

Finally, and most prominent, are the improvements one can make to the standard Automobilista 2 setups. It seems the majority of the “floaty” feeling in AMS2 comes from the rear alignment and suspension. Make a wheel input and the rear of the car seems to carry too much momentum, causing strange direction change. The good news is that our setup tweaks seem to remedy the issue on most cars.

The first setup tweak you will want to do is add a little bit of Rear Toe-In. This keeps the rear end stable. Next, make sure the suspension helps the rear to follow what the front is doing. We have found that by reducing the Rear Rebound, the car gains a bit more rear rigidity.

Finally, some may find that the game’s front end feel impacts gameplay. With that in mind, we do tend to soften the Rear Springs to push balance away from understeer. However, this will require additional Rear Toe-In to counteract the rotation. There is no magic figure for either of these tweaks. But in general, a few clicks to each setting will make cars feel more rigid and less floaty.

What do you make of the Automobilista 2 “floaty” feeling? Let us know on Twitter @OverTake_gg or in the comments below!
About author
Angus Martin
Motorsport gets my blood pumping more than anything else. Be it physical or virtual, I'm down to bang doors.


He did it again. This article based on all versions before 1.5*. Angus (Old), (not Young - this is a shame for AC/DC) what are you talking about? Would you please check the current version. The „floating„ is in your mind stop implement this feeling to others !
Same old fallacy. "I think something is wrong therefore it's not a sim, but I can't put my finger on it".
Watching sim racers doing mental gymnastics to categorize games based on physics, of which they have no understanding, is hilarious. At least, have the decency of saying "I don't like this game, it's not for me" and move on.
You will always find someone who has the need to talk down on a game just because they don't like it, when they have no real proof of what they're saying.
Admittedly this title has a number of issues but I don't think one can so decisively say that the physics are wrong, especially considering that we're talking about FFB here which a completely different thing.
You say there is something wrong, yet you can't point it out. Says a lot the quality of these arguments
PS if you think this behaviour hurts the title in question, think again. Nowadays any new game will undergo unnecessary negativity for no reason other than "it doesn't feel like the game I like". It hurts the genre as a whole. It has been the case since the days of PC1 as far as I remember.
I don't think you need to write a scientific paper about vehicle dynamics to spot if there are things working good or bad in certain titles. Sometimes it simply helps to observe what the car is doing, what FFB signals you get and how you and the car reacts to certain conditions. PC1 and even PC2 were perfect examples for racing games where some if not the vast majority of cars didn't behave like real cars at all. And don't allways try to argue against people describing wierd physics based on their perception of FFB. Especialy in titles where the FFB is derived from the physics.
He did it again. This article based on all versions before 1.5*. Angus (Old), (not Young - this is a shame for AC/DC) what are you talking about? Would you please check the current version. The „floating„ is in your mind stop implement this feeling to others !

supposedly “floaty”

It's not like he's saying it. Other people complain about this, though, and might not have tried this yet. So if you do not encounter it (neither do I), why not be happy with that instead of borderline insulting writers?
Thrustmaster tx user, in my testing I found the ffb default+ was giving a strange buzz vibration when driving the Porsche Cup and made the feedback feel odd.

Still trying to figure out which preset I prefer.
I had that buzz, im usind a DD wheel. For some reason the TC set at hi, med or low was activating in the feedback super quick ?? Very strange. Deactivating TC stopped the buzz .. was for GT4 & GT3 also.
Just out of curiosity how much road feel are you getting? You are using a fair bit of damping both in game and in wheel setup. You're FFB must be quite soft and muted.
Not muted at all ! It gives a TON of road feel, every single detail of what the car does on the road is perfect with these settings. I have yet to find better FFB in any sim and i played all of them.
Camera and view settings have a massive effect on the way a sim feels and drives, so much so they are game changing!
For instance for a very long time (years I think)I just could'nt get on with Asseto Corsa fully, could'nt tell what the back end was doing or the exact moment when it stepped out and by the time i knew it was too late etc.
It all came down to one view setting, and that was the lateral view setting, it sort of swings your view left to right, like you are turning your head, rather than it being pushed side to side, and I just could'nt get on with it, whereas in other sims lateral movement works in a differeant way which suits me.

Its alomst embarrassing how long it took me to figure it out but once I changed that setting to 0%, it litterally changed my AC exdperience from frustrating to, "hello AC where have you been all my life!"

Whilst there are similarities between certain settings across all the sims, there are also differences in the way each sim might adjust a setting like head movement. For instance one sims head movement might effect font to back movement when set to maximum level, whilst anothers might effect up and down movement more.

I think this maybe why some folks get on with AMS2 very well and others don't, as it has a miryad of settings, more than most sims, but the way they are all configured together can be a bit confusing.
For instance there is one line in the artical that caught my attention most which is this:

"By activating the Legacy Head Movement mode in the Camera settings, the camera will move in a far more natural way"

Whilst this is true I know folks who have tried this and it still does'nt work for them because what is'nt so well known is that using this setting inverts another, such as head movement, so if you like it set to 100% with legacy off, to get movment with legacy on you need it set to 0%, and vice versa, can't remember which way around it is without firing up the sim and checking.

Anyway I made a video explainging all about these exact settings and more covering camera settings in AMS2 about two years ago (and back then I certainly did know exactly which way around everything was, but since then I've never had to touch them again). It helped alot of folks and got comments like "This is great! Now i can feel the car"!

So seeing as the artical touch'es on these exact points I'll leave it here for folks. Hope it can help improve someones experience! Cheers!
Camera and view settings have a massive effect on the way a sim feels and drives, so much so they are game changing!
For instance for a very long time (years I think)I just could'nt get on with Asseto Corsa fully, could'nt tell what the back end was doing or the exact moment when it stepped out and by the time i knew it was too late etc.
It all came down to one view setting, and that was the lateral view setting, it sort of swings your view left to right, like you are turning your head, rather than it being pushed side to side, and I just could'nt get on with it, whereas in other sims lateral movement works in a differeant way which suits me.

Its alomst embarrassing how long it took me to figure it out but once I changed that setting to 0%, it litterally changed my AC exdperience from frustrating to, "hello AC where have you been all my life!"

Whilst there are similarities between certain settings across all the sims, there are also differences in the way each sim might adjust a setting like head movement. For instance one sims head movement might effect font to back movement when set to maximum level, whilst anothers might effect up and down movement more.

I think this maybe why some folks get on with AMS2 very well and others don't, as it has a miryad of settings, more than most sims, but the way they are all configured together can be a bit confusing.
For instance there is one line in the artical that caught my attention most which is this:

"By activating the Legacy Head Movement mode in the Camera settings, the camera will move in a far more natural way"

Whilst this is true I know folks who have tried this and it still does'nt work for them because what is'nt so well known is that using this setting inverts another, such as head movement, so if you like it set to 100% with legacy off, to get movment with legacy on you need it set to 0%, and vice versa, can't remember which way around it is without firing up the sim and checking.

Anyway I made a video explainging all about these exact settings and more covering camera settings in AMS2 about two years ago (and back then I certainly did know exactly which way around everything was, but since then I've never had to touch them again). It helped alot of folks and got comments like "This is great! Now i can feel the car"!

So seeing as the artical touch'es on these exact points I'll leave it here for folks. Hope it can help improve someones experience! Cheers!
Just to follow on from this, I should mention that the above video deals with settings for monitor or "pancake" driving.
AMS2 is very popular with VR users, and whilst some settings work for both, some change because of they fundamental way things work in VR, so a year later I made an updated video for both monitor and VR users, and specifically explained why certain settings work well for one mode, but also why I have a different set of values for the other.

Between the two videos im pretty sure I've managed to cover everything about the view settings and how they work in AMS2, but please do bare in mind some of these settings are also purely subjective and down to taste, so if you see me using a setting I like but you don't, just do the opposite!

Again, I know from the comments it helped alot of folks. I only hope its useful to someone here and can improve their AMS2 experience. Cheers!

[EDIT] I should probably also note that AMS2 saves your settings for both VR and monitor mode, so you dont have to keep changing them every time you swap between VR and monitor, it does that for you!
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I respect Racedepartment will to help but that feeling in mid corner can fix only Reiza. Everything on paper is amazing but on first corner while driving you can feel the car moving like a boat in the water. No ffb or camera tweaks can fix this. I own all the content as a backer but after every major update I feel this same stuff which is not present on any other sim title on the market. It's strange that same guys from Reiza developed Ams1 which is most raw sim in my opinion.
My friend, don't forget that this simulator has a rib of Project Cars 2 with all the defects that implies. And physics is one of them. Reiza is trying to improve, but there's nothing that can be done about rotten fruit.
The need to create an article to tell us how to mitigate a bad effect in Automobilista 2 says everything to me.
I don't think you need to write a scientific paper about vehicle dynamics to spot if there are things working good or bad in certain titles. Sometimes it simply helps to observe what the car is doing, what FFB signals you get and how you and the car reacts to certain conditions. PC1 and even PC2 were perfect examples for racing games where some if not the vast majority of cars didn't behave like real cars at all. And don't allways try to argue against people describing wierd physics based on their perception of FFB. Especialy in titles where the FFB is derived from the physics.
So I am just supposed to "believe" that physics are just wrong without any proof then? Sorry but I like to think with my own brain.
Again what you say is a matter of personal preference which I have nothing against, but you insist to say things like "perfect examples for racing games where some if not the vast majority of cars didn't behave like real cars at all" as if you have the exact perfect knowledge of what is realistic and what is not. You are lying to yourself, pretending to know, when in fact, you don't.
It goes without saying that assessing physics by FFB is ridiculous. It changes from wheel to wheel, and from game to game. If a player is used to some game, then they will automatically be biased. In fact, most of the complaints about realism are referred to an entire game, and rarely they will a single car be considered "unrealistic".
I find your first point particularly interesting. Textbook Dunning-Kruger effect. Once you start reading about the topic, you begin to understand that things are not so easy like people believe, it really humbles you. I suggest you do so.
[EDIT] I should probably also note that AMS2 saves your settings for both VR and monitor mode, so you dont have to keep changing them every time you swap between VR and monitor, it does that for you!
I on the other hand HAD to change the settings between my Rift S and my monitor because it was using the exact same settings and having any of the "look to apex" or camera lean settings on causes the camera to stutter, awful.
It's not like he's saying it. Other people complain about this, though, and might not have tried this yet. So if you do not encounter it (neither do I), why not be happy with that instead of borderline insulting writers?
The guy wrote things without bringing several statements into question
I just bought the game last week and this is exactly the first word that came to my mind : floatyness. And I could not figure out how to dial this out until I tried formula cars. Let's be honest, Reiza engine seems to handle way better open wheeler than any other kind of cars. And at the of the day that's fine, other categories are usually done better elsewhere.
The camera and ffb changes are KEY! Good job mentioning that. That being said, the setup changes are WAY off what should actually be done, and you can’t make blanket setup change recommendations for every car in AMS2 I suggest an edit there being more general. As it’s incorrect.

Exactly this ! The camera settings and FFB default+ and dampening adjustments are mandatory for a good experience (I don't understand why Reiza sets the default camera settings incorrectly). But the setups can surely not be generalized like that! The best is to keep the car setups at default. It was a great newspost until I saw the setup part.
I use these camera settings and FFB settings since day one(default+ since it became available). Reiza is nuts to not make these settings the default settings, especially the camera settings are mandatory. Probably one of the best news posts on racedepartment ever but just remove the setups part, the setups are good on default and don't create floating feelings and are especially not correct for all cars.
Same old fallacy. "I think something is wrong therefore it's not a sim, but I can't put my finger on it".
Watching sim racers doing mental gymnastics to categorize games based on physics, of which they have no understanding, is hilarious. At least, have the decency of saying "I don't like this game, it's not for me" and move on.
You will always find someone who has the need to talk down on a game just because they don't like it, when they have no real proof of what they're saying.
Admittedly this title has a number of issues but I don't think one can so decisively say that the physics are wrong, especially considering that we're talking about FFB here which a completely different thing.
You say there is something wrong, yet you can't point it out. Says a lot the quality of these arguments
PS if you think this behaviour hurts the title in question, think again. Nowadays any new game will undergo unnecessary negativity for no reason other than "it doesn't feel like the game I like". It hurts the genre as a whole. It has been the case since the days of PC1 as far as I remember.
In his post he does seem to indicate he finds RF2, AC, iRacing and AMS1 as believable and those are at least 3 very different physics engines so he isn't just comparing it to "his sim".
I still feel there are issues with the way cars handle that can be offputting and I can understand why other people dislike this game. It is a solid game though in my opinion.
i get a sense there is something completely wrong with their code at the base level, i doubt reiza will ever get this "game" to feel like a sim like rfactor2/assetto/iracing, it is like they need to start from scratch instead of updating something that doesnt work right. It is closer to Gran Turismo than the better sims. For many gamers that is still good enough, and since it is basically the "newest" pc sim racer, many will not try the better ones so will make do with AMS2

100% agree...

It's for the 10 minutes on defaults crowd... They can avoid most of the Madness engine only bugs quite easily...

There's a lot of issues that are at the core of the engine... Hence the Madness engine is a lemon...

If the term "lemon" doesn't translate... I believe it's "Friday model" in the UK... It's a car that was so rushed in production that everything needs replacing...

Reiza bought this lemon 2nd hand and were sold a good helping of crap by the 2nd hand car dealer...

There was a time where you could say "it's not their fault" but it's now their game that has these bugs so it's their responsibility to fix them...

This thread is based on one of the biggest issues the engine has always had... Different physics outputs... Some get a glued to the track slot car feel others get this floaty unconnected lack of feel... EA went through something similar with it's FPS issues online, this is just more fundamental...

Then there's just some physics features that aren't at rF1 standards, like fuel maps which are just throttle percentages and tyre wear that can be turned off on track...

At the end of the day it's just a game that those who are short on time can get a lot of enjoyment out of... But those who want to recreate full race weekends are left wanting what they were used to over a decade ago...
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I just bought the game last week and this is exactly the first word that came to my mind : floatyness. And I could not figure out how to dial this out until I tried formula cars. Let's be honest, Reiza engine seems to handle way better open wheeler than any other kind of cars. And at the of the day that's fine, other categories are usually done better elsewhere.

For me is the same. I bought the DLC with Corvette C7, Mclaren Senna and the Brabham trackday car. It is crap, cars cant run straight.
I just bought the game last week and this is exactly the first word that came to my mind : floatyness. And I could not figure out how to dial this out until I tried formula cars. Let's be honest, Reiza engine seems to handle way better open wheeler than any other kind of cars. And at the of the day that's fine, other categories are usually done better elsewhere.
Out of curiosity, have you tried Group A, Group C, and Procar? Not denying that as a whole, Reiza shines more on open wheelers, I agree on that. But it's not like it's the only good thing it has. I would agree if we were talking about modern GTs, you don't fire up this game for those.

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Angus Martin
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