RD GP Championship 2016

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Congrats to Sun! On a good day (i.e not before the sun rises) I could maybe get to within 1 sec of your pace. Amazing. I'm blown away. Congrats to the top three!
Hats off to @Chris Stacey for organizing this and the other series (and the others who help out as stewards even though we hate you all :) ). Congrats to @Sun Levi....again. Its getting old though, isn't it time you step out of the kiddie pool? :laugh:

My race was the same old same old. Qualifying sucked and couldn't get through the first lap without being spun out from behind. Pitted immediately, and then the only thing to do was to try and finish kinda clean and hope that the server crashed so we would have to do the entire race over or something. I tried calling my Russian hacker friends to take down the server or selectively ping everyone else out, but they asked for too many rubles.
Another podium! At Imola! Woooooooot! :D

If my maths didn't fail me that should mean 3rd in both drivers' and constructors' standings. Epic :cool:.

Congrats again @Sun Levi on winning, and massive thanks @Chris Stacey and everyone else involved in organizing, you did a fanstatic job :thumbsup:

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I am done with my pc. I think I have a virus on it or something. The sound is going bonkers in games no matter what it is and every game is crashing. Not sure what to do :'(
Massively frustrated that for the third straight season at Imola I'm consigned to driving a lap down by myself yet again. Nonetheless, off the back of some heavy carrying from Tobi, it's been a good season for us as a team. I've had some real moments to be proud this season, seeing the team achieve such a big result is one of them.
Thanks to @Chris Stacey for the league, congrats to @Sun Levi and TDR Green (I think) on their titles, big thanks to @kedy89 and @Jimlaad43 for hopping on board this season and scaling the heights we did. As ever, we'll have a race recap soon enough. Probably a season recap too.
Thanks everyone!
Heh I had to laugh at this. Was looking at the qualifying replay. I was *sure* I was clean on my hotlap. Then I found yet another reason why I hate this track. I was doing fine until the fricking kerb sucked my car off of the track.

This Kerb SUCKS!
Well done @Chris Stacey as usual. Awesome job. I'm sure you know we really appreciate the enormous effort you put in on our behalf.
Thanks to @Sniper for the server access.
My first decent race in quite a while. Seem to have lost it somewhat this year. Had a great tussle with @Michael Stead throughout the race. Real tight racing, lots of overtakes and barely a touch.
Congrats to the podium winners and especially @Sun Levi for his flawless performance. Thanks for the hints too. I'm sure it was the only thing which brought me a bit of pace for this round. Still miles off the top lot but at least I was closer.
Looking forward to next season:thumbsup:
Mixed feelings about this season, mostly positive though. I've had an erratic pace, so some moments were good, others not so much. The car felt great, it was a pleasure to push it. I did enjoy some fights along the way, and I'm happy I contributed to the team championship with @SK (well, maybe Sun helped a bit too, am I right?).

Unfortunately the high ping I'm having casted a shadow over my season. Racing wheel to wheel was really hard, especially against other-than-Australia-based players. I did not have the qualy pace to stay up front and avoid problems, so I usually ended up in the pack, making things extremely tricky when cars are litteraly shaking around you. I'm fully aware that this issue goes both ways, therefore I do apologize to all other drivers that were unconfortable racing close to me and my 400 ping. :(

Anyways, to finish on a bright note, I still had a great time with you all, I can't get enough of that Aussie accent during the post race banter! ;) Hats off to @Chris Stacey for a great and sensible organisation all season long. Of course, big congratulations to @Sun Levi for the championship, mastered from start to finish, and to @Tobias Röhner @Matheus Machado for an extremely strong season! :thumbsup:

Well done sun, thanks for the last minute set up, once i got used to no sixth gear it worked, just my concentration didnt,
Thanks Chris for all that time you put in,
Thanks Tony for server stuff, and various advice,
and jez talbot and casper for just being nice guys :)

full year on, i have definatley improved, considering i dont really do enough laps,
frustrating night , Really enjoy qualy, cant say same for races.
Was a good race for me. I got a good start and managed to get alongside Sun for the first corner and almost managed to squeeze through. We got very close at points. First half of the race, I managed to keep a decent pace and managed to match Suns laptimes who was apparently not used to getting pressure from behind :D Lost my momentum a bit after a lapse of concentration when I ran wide in Acqua Minerale (I think) and lost contact with Sun. Rest of the race, I just tried to maintain a gap to Tobi, who was closing in slowly, but managed to keep a 3-4 second gap till the end.

Thank you @Chris Stacey for the great efforts you went through with the league. It was a lot of fun to race with you guys. My personal highlight is still the Silverstone race where I got chased down by @IRobot for almost 20 laps.

See you all in the club races and maybe in another championship :)
Thanks for a great season guys! The overall competitiveness of the field was the closest it's been since we started leagues with AC which is fantastic to see. The more people improve, the closer the chasing pack becomes = more exciting racing :D

I came into Imola with a certain amount of nervousness with the bad memories of last season's round at Imola. I knew I had reasonable race pace, but making mistakes is incredibly easy around here no matter what car you're driving. On top of that my motivation for AC was at an all time low after being abused by the creator of this sim. So not a huge amount of practice was put into this final round which made me even more concerned about my consistency.

@SK pipped me for P5 at the last moment in qualifying with a great lap, relegating me to sixth. Going into the race I knew I'd have my work cut out for me trying to get past Evan as I know how strong his defensive driving skills are, however I was able to make a slightly better start off the line and got ahead after turn 1.

@Matheus Machado was next and this was the best battle I've ever had in a league race. Usually I've been by myself for most of the races, but this time I finally got to do some hunting :sneaky:. I tried to get close for lap after lap, the chicane was my biggest weakness as I kept getting the line wrong which allowed Matheus to get away at the most crucial part of the lap, only to reel him in eventually and try all over again. I think it was like L18 that I finally managed to get a good run off the final corner and made the pass into Turn 1, however a lap later into Acque Minerali I accidentally downshifted to first gear, sending me into a half spin and allowing the pesky Brazilian through again. :mad:

Thankfully tyre degradation wasn't an issue (I was surprised considering the warm track conditions), and I managed to catch back up but couldn't make any attempts to pass. But even though I came off second best, I am just happy to have finally had a great battle in a league race :D I don't think I've ever concentrated so hard for 40 minutes. LOL.

Congratulation to @Sun Levi on a terrific season, you've really performed mightily well and well and truly deserved the success! Sorry there's no prize this season :speechless:. Big thank you to @Sniper for providing fantastic server support and just being an all round top bloke :)

Finally thank you to all of you for making this season a success! There's been some testing moments for some of you, but racing can be like that sometimes you just got to take the bitter with the better.

See you next season... :whistling:
First of all, sorry I didn't hang around after the race but I was bloody buggered after 3x 12 hour shifts leading up to the race as well as another the following day so I needed to go to bed straight after I finished.:sleep:

Having said that, maybe I should be keep myself tired for future events! I had my strongest finish for the season in 7th which surprised me as I probably had the least practice for this one. I didn't qualify well though with an 11th place as I buggered up my last run and then missed the line by 2 seconds to start another one.

The race started better than normal for me. Without my normal panic in the start I held my position even with a divebombing @Jimlaad43 into the first corner. Fortunately neither of us touched and we carried on. I think it was @Bogman who spun in the last couple of corners who I very narrowly missed as I went round. That gained me a second position as @Jimlaad43 had outbraked himself in the same corner. It was Dan spinning that resulted in @Sniper's damage(?) that resulted in me finally passing him after a couple of laps of chasing along with @Chark. Fortunately for me Tony held Charles off long enough for me to get away and eventually hold a 10 second gap between us.

I was chasing @IRobot for a few laps until said tiredness started to make me make a few mistakes from around lap 12-13. Really glad I wasn't actually fighting any battles as I would have lost quite a few positions methinks. Fortunately there were a few battles behind me which seemed to hold them up as well.

Really glad to have finished 7th (barring the inevitable penalties). I wish fortunes had passed my way in the earlier rounds but that was not to be.

A MASSIVE thank you to @Chris Stacey for organising the league. I know there were a lot of downers for you this season with people not turning up as well as other issues but kudos to you for keeping your chin up! :cool:

Congratulations again @Sun Levi, surely you must be getting bored of this?? :roflmao:

Also well done for the other top guys for keeping each other honest until the last race!

Look forward to the next league, whatever that may be
Thanks for a great season guys! The overall competitiveness of the field was the closest it's been since we started leagues with AC which is fantastic to see. The more people improve, the closer the chasing pack becomes = more exciting racing :D

I came into Imola with a certain amount of nervousness with the bad memories of last season's round at Imola. I knew I had reasonable race pace, but making mistakes is incredibly easy around here no matter what car you're driving. On top of that my motivation for AC was at an all time low after being abused by the creator of this sim. So not a huge amount of practice was put into this final round which made me even more concerned about my consistency.

@SK pipped me for P5 at the last moment in qualifying with a great lap, relegating me to sixth. Going into the race I knew I'd have my work cut out for me trying to get past Evan as I know how strong his defensive driving skills are, however I was able to make a slightly better start off the line and got ahead after turn 1.

@Matheus Machado was next and this was the best battle I've ever had in a league race. Usually I've been by myself for most of the races, but this time I finally got to do some hunting :sneaky:. I tried to get close for lap after lap, the chicane was my biggest weakness as I kept getting the line wrong which allowed Matheus to get away at the most crucial part of the lap, only to reel him in eventually and try all over again. I think it was like L18 that I finally managed to get a good run off the final corner and made the pass into Turn 1, however a lap later into Acque Minerali I accidentally downshifted to first gear, sending me into a half spin and allowing the pesky Brazilian through again. :mad:

Thankfully tyre degradation wasn't an issue (I was surprised considering the warm track conditions), and I managed to catch back up but couldn't make any attempts to pass. But even though I came off second best, I am just happy to have finally had a great battle in a league race :D I don't think I've ever concentrated so hard for 40 minutes. LOL.

Congratulation to @Sun Levi on a terrific season, you've really performed mightily well and well and
Thanks for a great season guys! The overall competitiveness of the field was the closest it's been since we started leagues with AC which is fantastic to see. The more people improve, the closer the chasing pack becomes = more exciting racing :D

I came into Imola with a certain amount of nervousness with the bad memories of last season's round at Imola. I knew I had reasonable race pace, but making mistakes is incredibly easy around here no matter what car you're driving. On top of that my motivation for AC was at an all time low after being abused by the creator of this sim. So not a huge amount of practice was put into this final round which made me even more concerned about my consistency.

@SK pipped me for P5 at the last moment in qualifying with a great lap, relegating me to sixth. Going into the race I knew I'd have my work cut out for me trying to get past Evan as I know how strong his defensive driving skills are, however I was able to make a slightly better start off the line and got ahead after turn 1.

@Matheus Machado was next and this was the best battle I've ever had in a league race. Usually I've been by myself for most of the races, but this time I finally got to do some hunting :sneaky:. I tried to get close for lap after lap, the chicane was my biggest weakness as I kept getting the line wrong which allowed Matheus to get away at the most crucial part of the lap, only to reel him in eventually and try all over again. I think it was like L18 that I finally managed to get a good run off the final corner and made the pass into Turn 1, however a lap later into Acque Minerali I accidentally downshifted to first gear, sending me into a half spin and allowing the pesky Brazilian through again. :mad:

Thankfully tyre degradation wasn't an issue (I was surprised considering the warm track conditions), and I managed to catch back up but couldn't make any attempts to pass. But even though I came off second best, I am just happy to have finally had a great battle in a league race :D I don't think I've ever concentrated so hard for 40 minutes. LOL.

Congratulation to @Sun Levi on a terrific season, you've really performed mightily well and well and truly deserved the success! Sorry there's no prize this season :speechless:. Big thank you to @Sniper for providing fantastic server support and just being an all round top bloke :)

Finally thank you to all of you for making this season a success! There's been some testing moments for some of you, but racing can be like that sometimes you just got to take the bitter with the better.

See you next season... :whistling:

Abused by the creater??? wow, wouldn't care who he was, i would have given him both barrels back!
Round 5 - Imola
Final Results can be found HERE

Driver: @Aidan Keranen
Penalty: 5 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of Article 6.1 on fastest lap.
Evidence: Screenshot
Driver: @Fred Locklear
Penalty: 5 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of Article 6.1 on fastest lap.
Evidence: Screenshot
Driver: @Jeremy Talbot
Penalty: 5 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of Article 6.1 on fastest lap.
Evidence: Screenshot
Driver: @Shawn Jacobs
Penalty: 5 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of Article 6.1 on fastest lap.
Evidence: Screenshot
Driver: @IRobot (Stephen Sekhon)
Penalty: 5 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of Article 6.1 on fastest lap.
Evidence: Screenshot
Driver: @Tobias Röhner
Penalty: 5 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of Article 6.1 on fastest lap.
Evidence: Screenshot

Race Track Limits
Driver: @Alexis Clapano
Penalty: Disqualification.
Reason: Excessively breaching article 6.1 during the race.
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Matt Bailey
Penalty: Disqualification.
Reason: Excessively breaching article 6.1 during the race.
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Tobias Röhner
Penalty: 35 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Chark (Charles Baccio)
Penalty: 30 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Bogman (Dan Cosofret)
Penalty: 30 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Ashley Cowan
Penalty: 20 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Jeremy Talbot
Penalty: 20 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @IRobot (Stephen Sekhon)
Penalty: 10 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Chris Stacey
Penalty: 5 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @SK (Evan Spall)
Penalty: 5 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Jimlaad43 (Edward Rockett)
Penalty: Reprimand.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Fred Locklear
Penalty: Reprimand.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Jack (Jack Trooper)
Penalty: Reprimand.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Casper (Jamie Pyatt)
Penalty: Reprimand
Reason: Breach of article 6.1
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Nick10 (Nick Milton)
Penalty: Reprimand.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Shawn Jacobs
Penalty: Reprimand.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1
Evidence: Screenshots

Race Incidents

Driver: @Nick10 (Nick Milton)
Penalty: 6 penalty points - Causing an avoidable collision. Moderate offence.
Reason: Milton moved too far left pushing Keranen off the road.
Evidence: Video
Driver: @Casper (Jamie Pyatt)
Penalty: 6 penalty points - Moderate offence.
Reason: Unsafe rejoin of race track and causing an avoidable collision.
Evidence: Video
Driver: @Bogman (Dan Cosofret)
Penalty: 3 penalty points - Minor offense.
Reason: Tony Binelli anticipated Dan Cosofret making a move up the inside by leaving room on the inside, however Cosofret was too late under braking, causing contact resulting in substantial damage to Binelli.
Evidence: Video
Driver: @Jimlaad43 (Edward Rockett)
Penalty: 3 penalty points - Minor offense.
Reason: Baccio is ahead at the point of turn in and on the inside line which entitles him to this corner. Rockett forces the issue around the outside but leaves too little room for a corner where going side-by-side is highly risky at best.
Evidence: Video 1, Video 2
Driver: @Fred Locklear & @Alexis Clapano
Penalty: Racing Incident. No action taken.
Reason: Neither driver deemed at fault. Incidental contact.
Evidence: Video
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